Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 639 The Big Background

Then the lieutenant rushed in and handed over all the policemen surrounding Jiang Shen. When he finally saw Jiang Shen, the lieutenant's eyes lit up, and he quickly saluted: "May I ask if this is Secretary Jiang."

At this time, Jiang Shen was the deputy secretary of Lishan County, the acting county magistrate, and it was correct that the lieutenant was called Secretary Jiang.

"I am Jiang Shen, you are Company Commander Zhong, thank you."

"You're welcome, I surprised you. What should these people do? What instructions does Secretary Jiang have?" Company Commander Zhong completely ignored Meng Anfu and the others.

"That, that--that--" Jiang Shen ordered a few people, one was Bian Suo who rushed in first and beat him with a baton without saying a word, and the little policeman who beat Jia Xiaotu, and the last one was Meng Yougui ordered three people in one breath: "These three people, we'll talk about it after taking them home."

"Company Commander Zhong, we met before. I'm Meng Anfu." Meng Anfu recognized the company commander, and he couldn't help being surprised and angry: "Is there some misunderstanding?"

This company commander is a special agent company commander stationed in a mountainous area of ​​Lishan County. He usually has a good relationship with the Lishan County Party Committee. Officials from the county Party committee and the government often go to the mountains to shoot targets and wild animals. money down.

Meng Anfu had had drinks with him several times.

Unexpectedly, people don't even look at him now, and look at Meng Anfu with a gloomy expression.

"Director Meng, we have received a report that there are people with malicious intentions who intend to attack our parents and officials in Lishan County. As a member of the Lishan County Garrison, we must strike hard and investigate and deal with them severely. These people, I'm afraid Take it back to the barracks for a thorough investigation."

Nima, you are messing around, arresting the police in the army is going to turn the world upside down.

Meng Anfu now knows that the so-called Secretary Jiang may have a background in the army, but Company Commander Zhong also said that he is a parent officer?

Who can be called a parent official is either the county magistrate or the secretary?

My name is Jiang Shen?Surnamed Jiang?Could it be the new county magistrate?

Meng Anfu finally thought of someone.

Legend has it that there is a young man named Jiang who is going to come down to become the county magistrate.

It must be this Si, I hate you, and you even have a military background.

Meng Anfu immediately heard something from Company Commander Zhong's words, and turned his head quickly: "You are, you are the new county magistrate Jiang?" Director Meng was frightened and angry, you are the county magistrate, you can bully my son ?I have never seen such a rogue county magistrate.

At his level, the deputy mayor and police chief is half a level higher than the county magistrate, but he is still not qualified to arrest the county magistrate.

But this Jiang Shen dared to put a gun to his head.

It's lawless.

"County magistrate?" Not only Meng Yougui was dumbfounded, but also Jia Xiaotu who was beside him was dumbfounded.

This young man, who looks ten years younger than me, is actually the magistrate of our county?No way?

Even the deputy county magistrate is too young?

Jia Xiaotu originally thought that this was the end of his life, but he didn't expect to hear that Jiang Shen was the county magistrate and had connections with the army.

"Director Meng, your son is so loud, he wants to kill me, hehe, even the county magistrate can do it casually, I want to see, what is he relying on?" Jiang Shen waved his hand with a sinister smile: "What are you waiting for?" , take these three people back."

He commands the army as he commands his own people.

Of course, now his father-in-law, Lieutenant General He Changlong, is the deputy commander of the military region here, and Company Commander Zhong sent someone over directly after receiving a call from the division commander.

Company Commander Zhong didn't know Jiang Shen's background, he only knew what the teacher said, he listened to Jiang Shen in everything, and treated Jiang Shen as a grandfather.

As soon as Master Zhong said that, Company Commander Zhong knew that he had a background.

It's not easy for the company commander to see the master on weekdays, let alone the master called himself, if he doesn't show up at such a good opportunity, when will he wait.

"Come here, take the three of them back."


A group of soldiers came to arrest people.

"Secretary Jiang, County Magistrate Jiang, if you have something to say, speak up." Director Meng was frightened to death.

If my son is going to be caught in the army, that's fine.

Moreover, he knew that if Company Commander Zhong dared to arrest people so recklessly, the people behind Jiang Shen must be very powerful.

"Get out of the way, or you'll be taken away too." Jiang Shen signaled Jia Xiaotu to follow him, then glared at Meng Anfu, and left the store in a big way.

"Secretary Jiang, please." Company Commander Zhong hurriedly asked Jiang Shen to get into the military vehicle.

"Dad, save me, save me--" Meng Yougui knew that the disaster was imminent, screamed desperately, and wanted to struggle, Jiang Shen went up and slapped, and then several sergeants went up and slapped a few times in turn, suddenly he was much more honest up.

"Yougui--" Meng Anfu was tearful, heartbroken and nervous.

It's too humiliating. Meng Anfu has been in Lizhou for many years, and this is the first time he has suffered such a loss today.

But the opponent is from the army, so he has nothing to do.

He watched helplessly as the military vehicle took Jiang Shen, his son and others away.

Meng Anfu hurriedly asked people around, looking for familiar people in the army.

He even went to the commander of the provincial military region.

When the commander of the provincial military region heard this, he was furious.

Is this still the People's Army?In peacetime, one of the important tasks of the army is to build harmony between the local government and the army. How dare they go to urban areas to beat people up and hand in their guns, and even arrest them and send them to the army?

Don't worry, I am very familiar with their army commanders, I don't believe it anymore, there is no king's law?Lawless.

The commander made a phone call to the commander of the group army.

Well, I gave the order to Commander Gao, but well, there are higher-level leaders who gave instructions first, or you can ask the leaders of the military region?Or, higher level?

I forked, there are also those from the large military area and more advanced ones, don't scare me, pretend I haven't made this call.

The commander hung up the phone in fright, and then talked to Meng Anfu again.

Well, how about, Director Meng, you can communicate with County Magistrate Jiang again. I have heard of County Magistrate Jiang, and it makes sense.

"---" Don't bring such a thing, we still have a few police officers who haven't come out of the hospital yet.

Director Meng could see now that even the attitude of the commander of the provincial military division had changed so much. The people behind Jiang Shen were very scary.

But the problem is, Jiang Shen was the one who beat him, so why should we pay compensation?

But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do. With his rank, being able to find the commander of the provincial military region was considered a top-notch relationship. If he was lucky enough to go up, he was simply beyond his reach.

And the only ones who are bigger than the commander of the provincial military region are the leaders of the large military region, who are figures that even the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor can hold a candle to.

Sorry, Meng Anfu knocked out his teeth and swallowed, so he had to find someone to contact Company Commander Zhong.

Company Commander Zhong quickly called back. Secretary Jiang said, Chief Jia suffered a concussion and was beaten in the head by your police.

"I'll fork." Meng Anfu was furious when he heard that.

Robbery isn't like that.

A stick for 100 million?

Director Meng, there are a lot of wild boars and wild dogs in the mountains. We are planning to release Mr. Ling. If he accidentally encounters wild boars and wolves, you can't blame us. Are you sure there is no compensation?

Are there any blackmailers like you?Meng Anfu wanted to kill someone.

But of course he had to haggle over the price. The two parties talked back and forth for half an hour, and finally decided that the police station should compensate Jia Xiaotu with 50 Chinese dollars, and Meng Yougui would pay another 50, making it 100 million.

But there is a condition, Meng Yougui is not allowed to appear in Lizhou City in the future, Jiang Shu said, every time we see each other, we will hit him once.

The director surnamed Bian should be fired. It’s useless not to be fired. He accidentally fell in our barracks and broke his leg.

The other policeman who beat Jia Xiaotu paid Jia Xiaotu 20 yuan in private compensation and kept his police position.

Reporting these few conditions is really bullying, it makes those who hear it cry, and the listener is sad.

Meng Anfu has committed suicide now.

The Qing Dynasty's land cession compensation was not so humiliating.

Especially the director surnamed Bian, who broke his leg in the barracks just fine, you surnamed Jiang really did it, it was too ruthless.

If Meng Anfu knew Jiang Shen's achievements in Dongning City, he would definitely ask Amitabha to thank Jiang Shen for his mercy.

The man surnamed Bian rushed in and smashed Jiang Shen's head with a baton without saying a word, and put him in Dongning City. It's no wonder Jiang Shen didn't kill him.

What are you police?Just this quality?Don't ask anything, just help the director's son to come forward?

It was really Jiang Shen's kindness to mutilate him.

The matter didn't end until the evening, and Jiang Shen got 120 million releases.

20 was given to Lianchang Zhong's company headquarters, which made Lianchang Zhong's smile crooked.

100 million was given to Jia Xiaotu.

Jiang Shen didn't take any money himself, and finally asked someone to buy a car worth hundreds of thousands, and drove it to Lishan the next day to report.

Others haven't reported it yet, and it has become famous throughout Lizhou City.

One was disabled, one was fired, and Director Meng's son was arrested and a large sum of money was paid.

Before the rogue county magistrate arrived, his reputation had already spread to Lishan County.

On June [-]th, on a rugged mountain road.

Jiang Shen drove the newly bought car with Jia Xiaotu.

Or the white Palato.

The only one was bought by Jiang Shen, Jia Xiaotu didn't dare to compete with Jiang Shen now, he had to wait for the next one.

Which unit does Jia Xiaotu belong to?

A junior section chief of the Political and Legal Committee of Lishan County.

He's almost in his thirties, doesn't even have a wife, and is a marginal figure in the county political and legal committee.

Ever since he found out that Jiang Shen was the deputy secretary of the county party committee of their county and the new acting county magistrate, he was frightened to death.

What scared him was nothing but Jiang Shen's age.

He asked Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen was embarrassed to say that he only said that he was in his 20s.

How many people are in their 20s in the whole country?

No matter how he looked at it, Jiang Shen didn't look like he was 27 years old. He was probably only in his early twenties. That background was really scary.

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no one with the surname Jiang among the heads of the central government.

Anyway, this time it was a blessing in disguise, and I got in touch with magistrate Jiang.

Especially when Jiang Shen helped him get another 100 million all of a sudden, Jia Xiaotu was really touched to death.

"Major Jiang, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Sitting in Jiang Shen's car, Jia Xiaotu was a little panicked, not knowing what to say.

"Look at you, that's all you have to offer?" Jiang Shen smiled: "It's fate to know you."

"My secretary will come from Dongning the day after tomorrow, and you will help me drive to Lizhou to pick her up."

"Okay, of course there's no problem." Jia Xiaotu nodded again and again. So the county magistrate Jiang brought his secretary?

Airborne county magistrate with secretary, this is really rare.

With a background, a huge background, Jia Xiaotu felt that he guessed it right.

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