Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 641 Members of the Lishan Standing Committee

The former county magistrate left in a hurry, and the family courtyard hadn't been sorted out yet, so Wei Dongqing didn't dare to arrange for Jiang Shen to live in the family courtyard, so he stayed in the hotel first.

"Xiao Ding's family lives near the hotel. If County Mayor Jiang has any orders, he can call Xiao Ding over with just one phone call." When Director Wei said this, he looked up at Ding Xiumei.

Ding Xiumei nodded quickly: "I'll help county magistrate Jiang clean up first." After finishing speaking, she rushed into the bedroom and started cleaning.

In fact, although the conditions in this hotel are not as good as those in the big cities outside, they have been cleaned specially. Ding Xiumei just wanted to strengthen her relationship and prove that she can do anything for the leader. will know.

"Cough cough---no hurry, no hurry." Jiang Shen coughed twice and ordered: "You prepare another family home for me, it's best to be next door to mine, and my secretary will arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Wei Dongqing's eyes when he heard that Jiang Shen had brought his secretary.

He had the right to recommend the leader's secretary, but now Jiang Shen has directly canceled it. It seems that a new person is going to be hired here.

One emperor and one courtier, it's true to say that it can be used in ancient and modern times, Wei Dongqing is a bit lonely.

Seeing that he was a little lonely, Jiang Shen smiled lightly and beckoned him to sit down: "Come on, I'm new here, tell me about the situation in the county."

Hearing this, Wei Dongqing regained her spirits. This is because the leader is looking for him to inquire about the news.

"Cough--" He also coughed a few times and began to speak briefly.

"Secretary Guo of the County Party Committee has been here for two years, and he has initially taken control of the situation. Qi Tai, Minister of Propaganda, Zhu Yong, Minister of Organization, Yan Weifeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lishan Town, and Shi Shengqiang, Director of the Office of the County Party Committee. One is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, and Shi Shengqiang almost joined last year, and now Secretary Guo is working to make Shi Shengqiang a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee."

"Others, such as Zhou Jinbiao, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and Wang Jiansheng, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, although they are not from the Iron Department, most of the time they will give him face."

"Other members of the standing committee, except for the political commissar of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces, are mostly headed by executive deputy county magistrate Li Zhiliang. There are more local people, and they supported the county magistrate before."

Speaking of which, the county magistrate came early back then, because he was a foreigner and knew how powerful the locals were, and later he formed a group with Li Shengliang from the Lishan gang, and fought against the previous secretary with all his strength.

Later, the former secretary was really forced to leave, and Guo Jianghua came.

Guo Jianghua also knew that it would be impossible without the support of the locals. Fortunately, the locals also had internal struggles. He recruited Yan Weifeng, the current party secretary of Lishan Township, Qi Tai, the head of propaganda, and others, and gradually got involved with the county magistrate.

The two sides have always been evenly matched, and occasionally the secretary is slightly better. Seeing that the two sides are fighting happily, the county magistrate suddenly left.

Now that's all right, Li Zhiliang and the others used it to rush to the front and left, so can the newcomer Jiang Shen use it?

In Wei Dongqing's words, when the former county magistrate was here, he was the leader on the surface, but secretly, he had to listen to Li Zhiliang's opinion.

When Jiang Shen heard this, he gasped?

It's messed up, the county magistrate wants to listen to the deputy county magistrate?Do you think it's the same as Lao Tzu in the China Merchants Bureau, although he is the deputy director, the director Lu Qi wants to listen to me?

"I can't help it. Lishan people are too powerful. If the former county magistrate Fang didn't have the support of Li Zhiliang and the others, he would have no right to speak at all. To get their support, of course, sometimes he has to lower his stance."

To put it mildly is to lower your posture, but to put it bluntly, does the county magistrate depend on the deputy county magistrate's eyes?

"Then Li Zhiliang, Hong Haihua, deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee, and Xie Huaiding, deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee, are all Lishan himself, and they came from the same township. One person offends three, so when County Magistrate Fang first came, he had no foundation and could only use them to fight against the secretary."

"And they also need a stronger figure at the front, and everyone uses each other."

Hearing Wei Dongqing's words, Jiang Shen was also extremely depressed: "The higher ups won't touch these people?"

Wei Dongqing clarified the secret with one sentence: "Who would come here to be a deputy county magistrate in a remote village? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

Thinking about it, it is so difficult even for the new county magistrate. Whoever wants to be the deputy county magistrate will not be tortured to death by the locals. Who wants to come.

If you don't want to come, how can you move them?

Besides, among these people, there is no one or two above them, and it is not easy to move.

After all, this place is too poor, and the leaders don't pay attention to it, so let's mess it up. Besides, there are no factions in the standing committee of that county or city?It is a normal thing to fight back and forth, which is the tradition of the Chinese people. Without factions, it is not normal.

Ding Xiumei was helping Jiang Shen clean the room, and Jiang Shen had a preliminary understanding of the situation after hearing Wei Dongqing talk about the situation in the county.

There are eleven Standing Committee members in Lishan County.

Like counties and cities across the country, there are basically two factions, the county party secretary, together with Qi Tai, director of propaganda, Zhu Yong, director of organization, and Yan Weifeng, party secretary of Lishan Township, forming a group of four.

The old county magistrate, Li Zhiliang, the executive deputy magistrate, Hong Haihua, the deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee, and Xie Huaiding, the deputy magistrate of the Standing Committee, also formed a group of four.

The political commissar of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, Mr. Xie, like most cadres of the Ministry of Human Armed Forces, basically does not care about world affairs and does not participate in local affairs, which can be ignored.

There are also two neutral factions, Zhou Jinbiao, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and Wang Jiansheng, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

The disagreement between the secretary and the county magistrate is a national phenomenon. When it comes to the top, it is the same at the prefectural, provincial, and ministry levels. It is rare for the secretary and the county magistrate to cooperate tacitly and harmoniously.

The same is true of Lishan County, but there is one thing they are very distinctive, that is, the local influence is obvious.

Secretary Guo's generals, except for the head of the organization, Qi Tai, are all locals from Lishan, and the former county magistrate Fang is even all locals.

Regardless of whether it is the secretary or the county magistrate, when you arrive in Lishan, you must rely on the locals.

Without the support of local people, the order could not go out of the Lishan County Party Committee and County Government.

According to Wei Dongqing, the predecessor had a secretary, a very powerful person, and when he came, he brought a secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and then added the head of the organization, planning to open up a situation in Lishan. He didn't like the local faction and tried his best to suppress the local faction. As an official, the local Standing Committee members were forced to join forces to fight against him. In the end, the Standing Committee repeatedly hit a wall. As long as one of his proposals was rejected, the order could not get out of the county party committee and the county government. What he said was completely useless, so he had to leave in despair. up.

"The county is not like the province. The governor and secretaries don't like a mayor, so they can transfer him away. The county doesn't like a mayor. If you transfer him away, a local will still be the mayor. So, this is the grassroots The difficulty of the work." Wei Dongqing seemed to have something to say at the end.

It means to remind Jiang Shen that he must improve the relationship between the local people and horses.

When you become the governor, you can replace the mayor you don’t like with yours. People from all over the province can be transferred to be mayors, but county heads are different. They come and go, and the mayor is still a local. Dang, it's impossible for you to bring someone from Dongning to be the mayor, right?

Especially in the townships, local protectionism is more serious than in the county, and the cliques are stronger. In the county, there are factions divided into towns, that is, a certain official and a certain official come from the same town, and they will definitely be in the county. Huddle together.

This is the situation in Lishan County now. Officials from Lishan Town, the first town under the county seat, are of one faction. Officials from the second major town 'Tianmu Town'.

This was Jiang Shen's first official appointment as a chief official at the grassroots level, and after listening for a while, he nodded his head.

It's really messy, people without a little ability, suddenly airborne, can only do things with their tails between their legs for the first two years.

If you want to have a say in the county, you have to form cliques and have the right to speak on the Standing Committee.

If you think about it, it doesn't matter what the county magistrate's standing committee says, and whoever is below is willing to talk to you.

For example, Jiang Shen said that he wanted to transfer Jia Xiaotu, but others said it was difficult to transfer, and then Jiang Shen was not transferred, that is, he had no prestige, and the people below could not see any hope of progress, so who would rely on Jiang Shen.

Conversely, if Jiang Shen has the final say on the Standing Committee and can mention whoever he wants, naturally many people will join him.

After all, regardless of whether you are at the grassroots level or at the top level, when you are in charge of a party, if you want to have a say, you must have a say in the Standing Committee.

Jiang Shen has brought Ge Danni over now. Ge Danni is the propaganda minister, probably two days later than Xia Su. With Ge Danni, my buddy only has two votes. It's not as good as Li Zhiliang, the executive deputy county magistrate. It can't be true. to find him to cooperate?

After Jiang Shen listened, he fell into silence.

Wei Dongqing didn't dare to say more, and sat on the side cautiously, he said everything that should be said, and the following is County Magistrate Jiang's own choice.

It all depends on Jiang Shen's own choice whether to put down his dignity to find Li Zhiliang, or stand on his own and form a clique.

However, he could see that Jiang Shen was young and energetic, and he heard that he had beaten people in the city before he took office. I am afraid that such a person will not let go of his dignity easily.

Just when the two were silent, bang, bang, someone knocked on the door outside.

"---" Jiang Shen looked at Wei Dongqing inexplicably.

Wei Dongqing hurriedly got up and went out to open the door.

"Haha, Xiao Wei, is County Magistrate Jiang here?"

"Political Commissar Xie, Minister Xiang, please come in." Wei Dongqing was taken aback. It was Lishan County People's Armed Forces Minister Xiang Jian and political commissar Mrs. Xie who came outside the door.

Of these two people, one never comes to the county at ordinary times, and the other goes to sleep when he drives to the Standing Committee. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared in front of the new county magistrate's door. My room has only been open for less than an hour. This is too fast. .

"County Jiang, I am Xiao Xie from the People's Armed Forces Department."

"Major Jiang, I am Xiaoxiang from the People's Armed Forces Department."

As soon as the minister and political commissar came in, Wei Dongqing was about to faint.

Nima, you all look old enough to be the father of County Mayor Jiang, so you can exaggerate a little more.

"Minister Xiang, Commissar Xie, hello, hello--" Jiang Shen was overjoyed, thinking who was missing from the Standing Committee, it wasn't that Commissar Xie came.

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