Tao Jiasong was relatively meticulous in his work, and after a while he took a pen and wrote down what he wanted to bring in front of Jiang Shen.

When Jiang Shen saw it, he almost fainted.

What chestnut, dried bamboo shoots, chicken, the best is tea.

"This is the only thing in our county?" Jiang Shen wanted to cry: "Why don't you go to Dongning and buy it again. Cigarette cards, supermarket cards, and officials in the province only recognize this. I really thought it was a TV novel. Do you like souvenirs?"

"That's an excuse, what kind of souvenirs are there?"

"I want to buy a card too." Tao Jiasong told the whole story depressedly.

Lishan is a poverty-stricken county in Dongning, with limited finances and limited space for the leaders. Changxing County, a big tourist county next door, is said to be able to spend less than 200 million yuan a year on entertainment for a deputy county magistrate, let alone money for running projects. Having said that, this is after the central government recently reduced funding.

Lishan is the worst. Tao Jiasong’s annual entertainment expenses are less than 20 yuan. If he runs a project, he has to come down.

In other wealthy counties, Tao Jiasong could take the traffic bureau to pay for it, but the Lishan traffic bureau is also poor.

The traffic is not well developed, do you think the traffic bureau will have money?

"When the county magistrate Fang, he had to pay the money for the project first---" Tao Jiasong was in a dilemma. County magistrate Jiang, you have negotiated the project, but let me pay it first. After the project is completed, it may be a few months or even It's been a year or two.

It's not that he can't afford the money, but he wants Jiang Shen to change the order.

In the future, if you come to the capital to run the club, the cost will be even more scary. Who can afford it?A round-trip air ticket is enough for you.

"Well, what you said makes sense. There are office and housework. I paid for it myself, changed it, and reimbursed it with the invoice. After I sign it, the finance will not pay it. You tell me." Jiang Shen immediately made a decision.

Of course, County Magistrate Fang also has his reasons for doing this. Many people use business reasons to do some private affairs, so they let others get reimbursed if they succeed.

Poor counties have poor solutions, or what if everyone uses the excuse of running the project to travel to the capital?When I came back, I reported the air ticket, and then said that the project did not run.

This kind of thing is very common in the government.

Magistrate Fang is right.

Jiang Shen was also right, and he added another sentence: "Don't tell others, you will be reimbursed by ticket."

Jiang Shen is also smart. The former county magistrate Fang was right. My buddies only reimbursed their own people. For others, if you don’t rely on me, then you will be reimbursed after you succeed.

"I understand." Tao Jiasong was also overjoyed, County Magistrate Jiang's trick was amazing.

County Magistrate Tao came the first and sat for the longest time. It took about an hour before he left Jiang Shen's office excitedly.

When he walked out, his face was flushed, as if he had received a lot of benefits, upstairs and downstairs, roadside corridors, there were people paying attention to the situation here.

In less than 5 minutes, two people came up the east and west stairs at the same time.

The two sides looked at each other outside Jiang Shen's office and smiled awkwardly.

"County Tan, please go first."

"County Hu, please go first."

It was the other two county magistrates in Lishan County who were not members of the Standing Committee.

The two pretended to apologize, and the surnamed Tan on the right said "Hu" please, and with a whoosh, they rushed to the front and knocked on Jiang Shen's door first.

Hu county magistrate secretly despised you, so he shook his head and went downstairs, and came back later.

Tan Ziqiu, 51 years old, is a native of Lishan County. He has been rooted in the local area for more than 30 years. He is a real old Jianghu, an old fox. He also has good connections in the villages and towns below. He has a good relationship with Li Zhiliang.

Jiang Shen looked at Tan Ziqiu in front of him, and his information flashed in his mind.

Is it Li Zhiliang's person?Then you are not your own?

"Magistrate Ziqiu, what do you want to report?" This guy seems to be in charge of science, education, culture and health.

"County Jiang, it's like this. The performance salary of teachers in the county last year was not fully paid until May this year before you came. It will be July soon. The Education Bureau asked, should there be some guarantees for this year's performance?"

"Uh" The money issued at the end of the year should be guaranteed now?Jiang Shen really didn't understand.

Tan Ziqiu looked at Jiang Shen's blank face and couldn't help but be extremely contemptuous. Are you still down to be the county magistrate?I'm going to your grandpa's.

No way, I had to let him explain.

The county's finances are limited, coupled with the habit of the Huaguo government, the more money will be spent suddenly at the end of the year, so the performance wages of the county's government agencies and institutions are prepared in advance and put aside, so as to ensure that when the government spends money, it will not be used. Until their performance salary can be issued at the end of the year.

However, government agencies and public institutions have guaranteed, but teachers have not, so for three consecutive years, when Lishan County issued performance at the end of the year, teachers were always in arrears.

As a result, the teachers have great opinions. No, the new county magistrate is here, so everyone invites me to ask the new county magistrate for instructions on behalf of the teachers in the county. Do you want to protect the teachers first?No matter how tired you are, you can't tire your children, no matter how hard you are, you can't educate them hard.

"No matter how tired you are, you can't tire your children, no matter how hard you are, you can't educate them hard." Jiang Shen read it carefully twice. Is there such a saying?I remember, it doesn't seem to say that?

After Jiang Shen listened, he was not in a hurry, and nodded lightly: "I have just arrived, and I am not very familiar with the situation. It is also the first time for me to participate in grassroots work. You can figure it out."

"---" Saying this is tantamount to not saying it.Tan Ziqiu was in a hurry.

"July is coming soon, once July is over, it will be August, and after that is Teacher's Day in September. The teacher's heart is not stable, and it will affect the children." Tan Ziqiu said more and more exaggerated.

He came this time, firstly to test, and secondly, it seemed that Tao Jiasong was rumored to have benefited greatly and left with a smile on his face. Why did the county magistrate have a different attitude when he came?I'm from the local area. If you want to be elected, you want me to help?

There are rumors outside that there is a bet that Jiang Shen cannot be selected. It is reasonable to be under pressure to win over the locals.

How do you think Jiang Shen still looks meaningless?

"You said it's been three years, and you don't care about this year?" Jiang Shen said lightly.

I have a go, how do you talk?Tan Ziqiu almost fainted.

"Well, it's not the county magistrate's work meeting tomorrow, so you can mention it. I must have just arrived, so I need county magistrate Li to give some advice first." Jiang Shen also practiced Tai Chi.

"But you are the county magistrate?" Tan Ziqiu didn't say this in his heart, but his eyes made it clear.

There is no responsibility for this, you are the magistrate of the fart?

"The county magistrate is not omnipotent." Jiang Shen smiled.

"---" Can you be more reliable?Tan Ziqiu was speechless.

"That's it." Jiang Shen handed out cigarettes to see off the guests.

He stood up and smoked, which meant seeing off the guests.

Tan Ziqiu came in and sat for less than 5 minutes, his eyelids twitched, he didn't even pick up the cigarette, turned around and left.

Seeing him go, Jiang Shen sneered, I have been here for two or three days, and you have not responded, it seems that the county magistrate Tao has benefited, and started to come to the door one by one, I will go to your grandfather.

But Jiang Shen was upset, so he immediately called Wei Dongqing up.

"Teachers' performance has to be delayed until the next year?"

"There is no money in the finances. The county's civil servants and other public institutions must be guaranteed first. This has been the case for three consecutive years, and the second year will be supplemented."

"Now only in Lixian County in the province can pay performance wages, and it is also the only priority guaranteed among all schools."

In Lixian County in the province, people are admitted to Beihua University and Tsinghua University every year. It is the place where Lishan produces the most talents, and of course they must be guaranteed first.

"Go to the Finance Bureau Chief and ask him to come see me at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Jiang Shen made the first instruction after work, but this second point, he said, was a bit wicked.

Tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, there will be the county magistrate's work meeting, and it is obvious that he intends to show the director of the finance bureau.

Generally speaking, the county magistrate is in charge of the money bag, and the chief of the finance bureau has long been coming to visit Jiang Shen. Now Jiang Shen is forced to look for him, which is considered a person.

The two were communicating when there was another knock on the door.

"I'm going out first." Wei Dongqing left, and the county magistrate Hu Jinsheng came in.

In charge of Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Administrative Service Center, etc.

Jiang Shen remembered this person, and went to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to transfer him, but was blocked by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

The local forces are from Lishan Town, and they are classmates with Yan Weifeng, the current Secretary of Lishan Town.

It should be from Guo Jianghua's family.

"County Jiang, I'm here to apologize to you." As soon as Hu Jinsheng came in, he first apologized, his face full of apology.

"Oh, what the county magistrate Jinsheng said, did he make a mistake?" Jiang Shen remained calm.

"I'm here to apologize on behalf of Director Wu of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Xiang Yagen can't do things. Director Wu has seriously criticized and educated him and adjusted his position. County Chief Jiang, do you think this is a good way to deal with it?" County Hu Chang asked tentatively.

"The son didn't teach, it's the father's fault. Xiang Yagen can't do things, which proves that Wu Weilin can't do it. I read his information. He is 55 years old and still in a leadership position. He doesn't meet the national standards for leading cadres to be younger. I suggest that he retreat to the second line." Jiang Shen stepped forward directly, didn't you say that he came to apologize?Now that you are wrong, come down.

"---" You, Hu Jinsheng heard it, the son didn't teach, the father's fault, Xiang Yagen can't do things, it proves that Wu Weilin can't do it, Wu Weilin can't do it, it means that I am in charge of the county magistrate, you are pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

He also said that leading cadres should be younger, which means that I should also retreat to the second line?

Grass you.

Grass you.

Grass your whole family.

Hu Jinsheng made a fool of Jiang Shen's family in his heart.

Now that he was angry, he was naturally not polite: "Mayor Jiang is right, but the party committee has always been in charge of personnel affairs. Otherwise, you can ask Secretary Guo."

Go to Guo Jianghua if you have the guts, go if you have the guts, go if you have the guts.

"I am also the deputy secretary of the party committee. I will definitely mention it at the next standing committee meeting." Jiang Shen sneered.

Who are you scaring? Is it useful for you to mention it?County Magistrate Hu came here today, firstly to meet with the leader, and secondly to test things out, he didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so shameless, of course he didn't intend to sit down.

"County Jiang, if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Yeah." Jiang Shen didn't raise his head, and didn't smoke to see off the guests.

If you dare to let the Social Bureau slap me in the face, you are ready to slap me in the face. Jiang Shen ignored him, and Hu Jinsheng left angrily.

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