"Major Zhiliang, please tell me."

"I think County Magistrate Ziqiu has been in charge of civil affairs and sports before, so he is a veteran. Otherwise, let Magistrate Ziqiu catch these two first."

Tan Ziqiu is his man, of course he wants to catch him, and the two systems of civil affairs and sports are pretty good.

There are various benefits in civil affairs, and there are also charging channels for sports and sports. Of course, those who are beneficial should be grasped.

"Then no, Zhiliang county magistrate, will you divide the work?" Jiang Shen pointed to his position.

This is very serious, who is the county magistrate?Can you figure it out?You come to divide the work, okay?

Grass, what you said is too unqualified.Li Zhiliangjue's Jiang Shen really has no quality.

A deputy is, after all, a deputy.For a moment, Li Zhiliang felt a little angry.

This is not the standing committee, where different opinions can be voted on, this is the county magistrate's meeting, which is Jiang Shen's speech.

"The discussion will start now." After Jiang Shen pushed Li Zhiliang off, he didn't give them a chance to speak again: "As for the work plan for the second half of the year, that comrade will talk first."

"Let me say a few words first." Tan Ziqiu, who was ready to go, raised his hand decisively.

He watched with cold eyes for a long time, seeing that Jiang Shen refused to seize two more systems without shame, of course he was going to get angry.

"At the last work meeting, the county finance department prepared the year-end performance wages of government agencies and institutions, but the teachers did not prepare them, and they defaulted on wages. This is a very bad behavior. I hope that you can pay more attention to it, County Magistrate Jiang. this problem."

Tan Ziqiu's tone seemed to be that Jiang Shen was in arrears of wages.

Jiang Shen heard it, Ni, what do you mean?It's not that I'm in arrears?

Earlier, Tan Ziqiu told him alone that he could still practice Tai Chi, but now he said directly at the work meeting that it was not easy to deal with it.

Sure enough, as soon as Tan Ziqiu finished speaking, Hong Haihua also raised his hand.

She went on to say: "It really shouldn't be in arrears with the teachers' salaries. I think if the county continues like this, the people's hearts will be lost. The teachers are dissatisfied. How can we teach the children well? The children are the next generation of our motherland."

Wei Dongqing looked at the two of them speechlessly. When the county magistrate was here, you all strongly agreed to send the government agencies and public institutions first, and delay the teachers. How can people be so shameless?

This was a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone behind them raised their hands and took turns to speak without waiting for Jiang Shen's response.

"Education is a major national project, and I agree with the merit-based salary of first-time teachers."

"I can't owe any more, and if I owe any more, I will lose the support of the people."

"I heard that the teachers discussed it in private. If they dare to owe more money this year, they will go to the county to appeal."

Everyone, everyone is talking about it, except Zhu Xiangting and Hu Jinsheng, deputy county magistrates, and Lin Heng, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

If these people are united, they are forcing the palace.

Forced Jiang Shen to agree.

Regardless of whether Jiang Shen agreed or not, they all held back.

Jiang Shen agreed, but the county finance has no money. Although it is the middle and late June, the county finance has already budgeted the money that should be spent in December.

What money is there to pay wages.

If Jiang Shen refuses, hey, they have a trick behind them.

Now that they are forcing the palace, it depends on Jiang Shen's reaction.

But he heard, with a "bang", Jiang Shen slammed the table down heavily.

The audience was startled, bastard, are you going to play hooligan again?Everyone now knows that he is a rogue county magistrate.

"It's well said, it's very well said." Jiang Shen took the case and said, "It's really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it. It's so touching."

"---" I'm going to your grandfather, Li Zhiliang and others secretly cursed: "Are you acting? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I, Jiang Shen, also know that education is the foundation of a century-old plan. You can't delay the teacher's salary. Before I came here, I heard that there are some unqualified leaders in our county. I was very angry, it turned out to be all nonsense, so I said, how can we have such unqualified leading cadres in Lishan County, who can even be said to be indignant? Okay, Zhiliang County Mayor, you are in charge of finance and taxation, and you must make a decision with the Finance Bureau as soon as possible. Instruct them to issue a written report and prepare the year-end performance salary."

I care about you, Li Zhiliang and the others are furious, Jiang Shen has no quality on the left, and the one on the right is angry with both people and gods, which means that they have owed the teacher's salary for the past three years.

Jiang Shen was absent for the past three years, and these people all voted yes.

Now he wanted to use this to force Jiang Shen into the palace, but was insulted by Jiang Shen instead.

Especially Jiang Shen finally pushed the matter to Li Zhiliang.

"Magistrate Jiang---" Li Zhiliang hurriedly got away.

But Jiang Shen didn't give him a chance, and patted the switch: "Major Zhiliang, I'll leave this matter to you. You should communicate with the chief of the Finance Bureau to come up with measures and methods as soon as possible. If you can't complete the task at the end of the year, I'm the only one ask."

"Major Jinsheng, don't you have anything to say?" Jiang Shen's bureaucratic style, one level over another, directly put the task on Li Zhiliang, so that he didn't spit blood out of anger, and then Jiang Shen's voice uttered Turn around and take the initiative to ask Hu Jinsheng.

"--" Me, what work do I have to say?Hu Jinsheng is still baffled, why is it my turn?

"County Jiang, I have something to say." Li Zhiliang was anxious, and stood up with his hands raised.

"I can't complete this task." He directly refused, you want to put this hat on me, there is no way, don't use this rogue trick, I will not accept it.

"The county's government funds are limited, and all that can be used has been used up. I can't guarantee that the useless ones will be used elsewhere." Li Zhiliang sternly refused.

This is the capital of his executive deputy county magistrate, only a little worse than the county magistrate, what are you proud of?My executive deputy is strong, and you haven't removed the name of the county magistrate yet.

"Oh, you also said that the finances are limited?" Jiang Shen smiled.

"---" Now Li Zhiliang found himself speaking, his face turned into anger from embarrassment.

"Finance is limited, and you are still forcing the palace on me?" Jiang Shen's face suddenly sank, and his eyes swept over the few people who were dancing just now.

Everyone lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look directly into Jiang Shen's eyes.

It's too sharp, Jiang Shen's eyes are as exciting as a sword.

"You stand up yourself, who can finish it by the end of the year? Who can finish it, I will be the county magistrate, and I will be the deputy county magistrate. I, Jiang Shen, mean what I say. Stand up? Stand up for me?"

Jiang Shen looked over one by one.

Li Zhiliang wanted to look at him directly, but after all, he was not as imposing as Jiang Shen, and lowered his head.

"You can't do it, right? Well, I, Jiang Shen, am only interested in doing what you can't do." Jiang Shen glanced at Wei Dongqing: "Record it in the meeting minutes for me, and teachers will be paid performance-based salaries at the end of the year. Never in arrears, if you can't pay the money, let the teachers come to me, Jiang Shen."

Jiang Shen was ambitious and made a big oath, which shocked the audience severely.

In terms of aura, Jiang Shen completely exploded with so many people present today by himself.

Hu Jinsheng is a member of the party committee Guo Jianghua, and he is naturally very happy to see the internal struggle in the government, but he couldn't help but interject a few words at this time.

"County Jiang, the teacher's performance in the county needs a budget of about 6000 million."

In Lishan County, the Standing Committee has to discuss for a long time the expenditure of more than 1000 million yuan. 6000 million yuan is to cut off the government's flesh.

Hu Jinsheng was really watching this, and reminded Jiang Shen.

"You can't, you have to leave it to me. I can say it, and I can do it." Jiang Shen sneered. At this moment, although he looked so childish with a beard, the majesty of the county chief official had already penetrated people's hearts.

Let's talk about it after you pass the Standing Committee. Li Zhiliang sneered, young and energetic, and very happy. I think you are dead. Whether you can pass this election is really a question.

"Who else wants to talk?" Jiang Shen sort of settled the topic.

First, I slapped Li Zhiliang across the face, you guys can't do it, you can't solve it, then, I will solve it.

Li Zhiliang and the others failed to force the palace, but were humiliated instead.

"I have something to say." Hong Haihua raised his hand: "The construction of the new Lizhong campus has entered the completion acceptance stage, and the government still owes the construction team more than 1000 million."

"The construction fund for the inpatient department of Lishan Town Central Hospital has been delayed for half a year, and the other party is going to sue our county government."

"These two sums add up to nearly 3000 million. Mayor Jiang, should we deal with it first?"

Hong Haihua also started to make trouble, you, Jiang Shen, have the ability to take care of these too.

"Is this all about the ex?" Jiang Shen frowned: "Why did I tell you yesterday?"

"It's shameful to default on migrant workers' hard-earned money." Hong Haihua said calmly: "Contractors can't receive money and don't send money to workers. Now workers are going to the county government for a walk to ask for wages. Human Resources and Social Security Bureau The labor department has received wage petitions from migrant workers."

When she said that she was going for a walk, she came to petition.

Oh, are you threatening me?When Jiang Shen heard it, he understood what she meant.

The county magistrate Fang didn't come to petition when he was here, but I petitioned when I came?Hong Haihua, what do you want to do?

Just when Jiang Shen was furious, someone stretched out his hand weakly.

Grass, everyone looked over, except for Jiang Shen, who was cursing angrily.

Another character who is not as good as soy sauce, Wei Dongqing raised his hand.

You are responsible for recording, part-time pouring water, you dare to speak.

Jiang Shen smiled: "Come on, if Director Wei has anything to say, let's talk about it, one person counts the short."

"Major Jiang, according to what I said, the contractor Hong is the big boss of Lishan County. When he signed the contract, he agreed to advance the payment first. Now he owes the workers nearly a year's wages outside, and signed the contract with him." Serious discrepancy, and this person is very rich in Lishan, and he is not someone who cannot pay wages."

Wei Dongqing was eager to vote for the new owner. When he said these words, Hong Haihua gave him a hard look.

"Have money? If you have money, let him take it out. If you agree to advance the payment first, then let him advance the payment. Our government owes him, and we won't let it go. Right, such a big government is here." Jiang Shen Smiled, very satisfied: "Director Wei, if you give me the information of Boss Hong later, I must have a way to get him to pay, hehe." Jiang Shen gave a sinister smile at the end, which made Hong Haihua feel hairy.

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