Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 655 Planning Standing Committee

The second thing was even worse. Shi Lifeng was beaten badly by the county magistrate acting like a thief in the county magistrate's office.

After waking up in the hospital, Shi Lifeng insisted that the county magistrate told him to go, but both the county magistrate and Xiao Xiasu denied it, saying that they didn't call Shi Lifeng over.

Both sides held their own opinions, Shi Lifeng was the unlucky one, and it was impossible for the police to arrest the county magistrate for interrogation.

After this incident, rumors spread in the county that the county magistrate Jiang doesn't know anyone, you bureau chiefs, don't go to his office and be beaten like a thief.

After that, there was an endless stream of bureau chiefs, town mayors, and clerks coming to the door one by one to visit the county magistrate Jiang, and let the county magistrate recognize the head by the way.

Don't beat us like thieves next time.

Of course, everyone actually knows that Jiang Shen did it on purpose. Who told you that the chief financial officer should not pay homage to the new county magistrate.

Jiang Shen made an example to others, and everyone from all walks of life went to worship the new county magistrate honestly.

Of course, these two events are not as shocking as the latter two events.

On June [-], a new member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Minister of Propaganda arrived.

There was a lot of support from the front, and Shi Shengqiang, the main force of the Guo family, thought he was sure of everything, but he didn't expect a parachutist to appear suddenly.

And she is still a beauty, Ge Danni came from Dongning.

Her arrival once again shocked Lishan official circles.

The two people brought by county magistrate Xiao Jiang turned out to be beautiful women.

It's not that the boss and Xiao Jiang are not on the same side, so why let him bring a standing committee member over?

In this way, Jiang Shen has two votes in the Standing Committee, the political commissar of the Ministry of Armed Forces and the Propaganda Minister, plus his own ticket, which has formed a tripartite confrontation with Guo Jianghua and Li Zhiliang.

On June [-], Xie Huaiding's condition worsened in the provincial hospital and he woke up from a coma.

Shi Lifeng in Lishan County is still under water and recovering.

Deputy county magistrate Tao Dingsong brought shocking news from the province.

The Department of Communications set up a project for Lishan to build six secondary roads, which was more than what Jiang Shen and Lu Mingjie talked on the phone before. The total investment of the first phase reached more than 5000 million, and it took three years to complete.

When the news reached Lishan, the officialdom, the party committee and the government were shaken.

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of people who came to visit Jiang Shen, and it was overcrowded.

But Jiang Shen quietly came to Lizhou City that day.

More than eight o'clock in the evening.

Cui Wei, the mayor of Lizhou City who had been working all day, dragged his exhausted figure back home.

Just as the wife brought the slippers, the two were talking lightly when there was a knock on the door.

"---" Is there anyone here at this time?Cui Wei has a locked anti-theft door downstairs. When did this person come up?Before I came up, the anti-theft door was locked, right?

"Look who is it?" Cui Wei sat on the sofa by himself, and his wife looked through the cat's eyes.

"Old Cui, he's a young man, carrying a lot of things?"

Cui Wei couldn't help but stand up by himself, walked to the door to have a look, and asked, Jiang Shen?

It's so late, come to my house?There must be something wrong?

Jiang Shen is also very popular recently.

In the few weeks since I arrived in Lishan County, I have done several earth-shattering events.

The provincial capital for highway construction was approved, which made the city jealous. In addition, it was heard that one of the largest large groups in the province wanted to invest in Lishan. The factory site had been selected, and it was only waiting for the approval of the city and county.

Do you want to see me?

Cui Wei has also benefited from Jiang Shen recently. Jiang Shen introduced a project in Country M, which made Cui Wei shine in the province.

It's just that this guy was too restless. He beat Meng Anfu's son first, and then the police chief of Lishan County. What an assassin?

Cui Wei, a traditional official, actually doesn't like Jiang Shen's style of work.

However, Jiang Shen's advantages are too obvious, and there is an irresistible temptation.

He came to me so late, must something be wrong?

Cui Wei hesitated for about ten seconds, then nodded, sat back on the sofa by himself, and his wife went to open the door.

"Is Mayor Cui at home?" Jiang Shen grinned.

The wife also smiled: "Come in." Cui City Committee's wife is a person who doesn't care about things. After letting Jiang Shen in, she made a cup of tea and walked into the back room by herself.

"Little ginger is smelling, Mayor Cui." Jiang Shen put down the presents in his hand, they were all fruits and wine and nothing valuable.

You know the smell is good, we are not in the same camp.

Cui Wei waved his hand casually: "Tell me, this is my home, just tell me if you have anything, it's getting late."

If you have anything to say, say it early and leave early, Cui Wei's meaning is obvious.

"Yongtai Group intends to build a factory in our place." Jiang Shen was also straightforward.

"I've heard that it's a good thing. Among other things, I'm sure of your ability to work." This means that I'm not sure about your ability to destroy things outside of work.

"Does Mayor Cui know any engineering teams? Lishan will enter a stage of major development in the future, with many engineering projects, and I'm not very familiar with the local area."

"---" Ni, you are so straightforward.Cui Wei was dumbfounded.

Jiang Shen is sending benefits to his door. He wants to build a factory, he wants to build roads, and they all need an engineering team. The door of Jiang Shen's office must have been smashed recently.

Now Jiang Shen directly delivers the goods to Mayor Cui's house, a naked bribe.

Xiao Jiang, is this prepared?Cui Shi also understood Jiang Shen's meaning, pondered for a while, and finally said: "What do you think?" This is asking Jiang Shen, what do you want me to do?If it's too difficult, then I can't help it.

There is no such thing as a wasted lunch, and Jiang Shen sent money to the door. Of course, Mayor Cui knew what Jiang Shen would plan, so he had to listen to what Jiang Shen said later.

He found that with Jiang Shen, he spoke very directly, saving a lot of ambiguity in the middle.

He wanted to talk to other county-level leaders, but everyone beat around the bush and had to figure it out for a long time.

"Deputy county magistrate Xie Huaiding is in a bad situation. He has been in a coma for many days. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee. If this continues, it will be very detrimental to our county government and the work of the county party committee. I suggest that we need to change the Standing Committee?"

Duo, you are the secretary of the municipal party committee, you can change it if you want?Now Cui Wei knew what Jiang Shen meant.

Jiang Shen wanted the standing committee position.

He hesitated again.

Although the new secretary of the municipal party committee has a bigger backer than him, he came later than him. At present, he can still speak a little bit in the city. important position.

However, is it necessary to help Jiang Shen?

Lishan used to be very poor, and everyone didn't pay attention to it. Now that Jiang Shen came, it has improved in just two weeks. It seems that Lishan County is about to enter a period of rapid development.

Of course, no one can predict what will happen in the next two or two weeks.

Just looking at Jiang Shen's current momentum, it seems worthwhile to help?

Jiang Shen succeeded, so he must be in the spotlight?

Jiang Shen failed?It has nothing to do with me?

Cui Wei made a decision within a few seconds. '

"Although the deputy standing member of the county party committee is not very important in the city, it is also the focus of attention of all parties. Fortunately, no one in Lishan County usually pays too much attention."

"I'll do my best, who do you want on?"

"County Tao Jiasong has worked in Lishan for many years, and he is qualified enough in terms of qualifications and abilities."

"Well." Cui Wei nodded, and then seemed to think of something: "You have an opponent, Shi Shengqiang, the director of the county party committee office. You know, in many county-level cities, the director of the county party committee office is a member of the county party committee standing committee. Last time, Guo Jianghua wanted to operate Shi Shengqiang Into the Standing Committee."

"Secretary Han Zaizhong of the municipal party committee supports Guo Jianghua."

"I'll take care of it." Jiang Shen said directly.

Cui Wei's eyelids twitched, why do I feel that talking to you is like sitting in a restaurant in the underworld in the movie.

Don't just say things like it's done, okay, you are the county magistrate, not sitting in the hall.

"Mayor Cui's engineering team?" Jiang Shen really learned his teleportation skills from the provincial leaders.

Just now he talked about the officialdom, but suddenly he jumped to the engineering team.

"Wait a minute." Cui Wei searched in his bag and found a business card: "You will contact him when the time comes. He has been engaged in engineering for decades and has more than a dozen engineering teams under him."

Jiang Shen glanced slightly, "Lizhou Anjian Group, general manager Zhang Shufen. Quickly put it in the pocket: "Then trouble Mayor Cui, don't disturb your rest, I'll go first."

"Yeah." Cui Wei stood up, expressing his intention to send Jiang Shen off.

That night Jiang Shen found out who Zhang Shufen was.

Cui Wei's wife's younger sister.

That is Mayor Cui's sister-in-law.

Mayor Cui's wife has a younger brother and two younger sisters. This is the youngest, who specializes in external contact projects. Jiang Shen, this is what he likes, and sends the project to his door.

When walking out of Mayor Cui, Jiang Shen sighed, and his buddies also fell.

What Tao Jiasong said is correct. In this business, two principles must be kept in mind at all times. The second principle is whether leadership is beneficial or not is very important.

If we want to do a regular project, of course, we must go through bidding, inspection, and systematically select the best construction company. Now buddies, just send it to the leader like this.

There is no way, if you do this business, you have to follow the rules of this business.

Jiang Shen left Mayor Cui's house depressed, and looked at Lizhou in the night, suddenly a little disheartened, thinking that it seemed a little different from his original intention of becoming an official.

What is the difference between me like this and a corrupt official?

No, the quality of the project is the key.

Jiang Shen took out his business card, and after waiting for about 5 minutes, it was estimated that Mayor Cui had already talked to his sister-in-law about it, so he made a phone call.

A few seconds later, a lazy voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Hello, who?"

"Is it Manager Zhang? I'm Jiang Shen from Lishan County." Jiang Shen listened to the other party's voice, Nimei, the mayor is over 40 years old, this girl's voice is so tender?

"Mayor Jiang?" Sure enough, Mayor Cui had already contacted his sister-in-law. When he heard Jiang Shen's name, his voice became much more normal: "Mayor Jiang is still in the city?"

"I think it's still early, so I'd like to treat Mr. Zhang to a cup of coffee." Jiang Shen giggled.

"It's still early?" The opposite party smiled wryly, and then said: "Magistrate Jiang is a guest, of course I invite you, but I'm still in bed, how about waiting for me for 10 minutes?"

Are you still in bed?Jiang Shen was distracted: "Mr. Zhang is going to sleep, shall I come again next time?"

"It's okay, I can't sleep anyway." Zhang Shufen knew that she had money to make, and the other county magistrate came to her, so of course she had to work harder.

Ten minutes later, she called and made an appointment to sit in a certain coffee shop.

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