"Did the rogue county magistrate owe you money?" Jiang Shen stood alone in front of more than 100 people, calmly, and the security guards and others behind him also admired him.

"The county government owes us money. He is the leader of the government, so of course he should be blamed." The young man also understood, and immediately followed Jiang Shen's words.

"He just came here." Jiang Shen said again: "How long have you owed, why didn't you ask your ex for it?"

"The predecessor is gone. Of course we want it from the government. He is the top leader of the government. What is he doing in it?"

"Speaking of which, are you looking for County Magistrate Jiang?"

"Just looking for him."

"I am the county magistrate Jiang." Jiang Shen stood in front and said loudly, "Do you know what you are doing? Obstructing public order, besieging government departments, and insulting government officials. I support your demands for salary. Reasonable means, call your heads out, say that Lishan people are kind, if you really have kindness, come to my office to talk."

When he was talking in the office, the security guards and staff behind him suddenly thought of Shi Lifeng, the director of the Finance Bureau not long ago, and they all shuddered.

"Who said we Lishan people have no seeds?" At this moment, two people rushed out of the crowd.

"It's a matter of course to pay back the money owed. If you are surnamed Jiang, why don't you pay it back?" Two big men approached Jiang Shen.

The people of Lishan are tough, and it is not fake at all. They are not afraid of the county magistrate at all, as if they are planning to give Jiang Shen a fist.

"You show evidence, and the government will definitely pay it back." Jiang Shen stood like a mountain, motionless, and his momentum was not lost at all.

"Pay back to you." The man on the left suddenly yelled, swiped, and with a flash of the knife, he even pulled out a knife from his pocket, and stabbed at Jiang Shen with the knife.

Mine, everyone around me was stunned.

It is the person asking for salary, who did not expect someone to stab Jiang Shen with a knife suddenly,

Puchi, the knife was stabbed so suddenly, Jiang Shen didn't guard against it, he turned sideways, but was still stabbed into his right shoulder.

Blood immediately flowed out in front of everyone.

I handcuffed, and even the person who pulled the knife was frightened.

He was trying to scare Jiang Shen, but he didn't even think about stabbing him. He didn't expect Jiang Shen to run away without turning around. He gave way lightly, but he was still stabbed. Besides, I didn't seem to want to stab him. Why? Just stab it?

The man waved his hand in fright, stepped back several steps, and looked at Jiang Shen in disbelief.

"Come on, Lishan people are kind, give me another knife here." Jiang Shen took another step forward, pointing to the other shoulder: "Is this how you ask for money?"

"What?" Someone in the crowd suddenly screamed, and then fled in all directions.

The county magistrate was stabbed, and some people came here purely for a soy sauce stand, so of course they had to run away.

"Catch them, don't let them run away." Jia Xingtu came up from behind, and without his order, the security guards in the government ran after him.

It's okay, the county magistrate was stabbed, and the lawlessness of these troublemakers.

The big man who just rushed out to scare Jiang Shen turned around and ran away.

But Jiang Shen was here, and they ran away there, and accidentally fell to the ground after a few steps, and was pushed to the ground by the security guard behind him, and was arrested.

A search found that both of them had several sharp knives on their bodies.

"Run away from your sister." At this time, Jiang Shen also chased after the crowd, and kicked the man who stabbed him with a knife in the face.

Puchi, the man's face was covered with blood and flesh, but at this moment, who would have thought that the county magistrate was kicking him.

What everyone thinks is, the county magistrate is so fierce after being stabbed by someone?He is more fierce than us Lishan people.

"The people in Lishan are kind, I'm sorry, don't run away if you have the kindness, and stab me again." Jiang Shen spat on the man's face, and the security guards around looked at each other.

County magistrate, we are also from Lishan, please save face.

"Quick, call an ambulance, no, no, county magistrate, get in the car, we'll take you to the hospital." Wei Dongqing and Jia Xiaotu ran over anxiously at this moment, looking at the wound on Jiang Shen's shoulder.

"Such a small injury, why go to the hospital? Buy me a roll of gauze." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand in front of everyone again, and the dagger was thrown on the ground.

With a squeak of blood, it made a few small marks in front of everyone, and then was held down by Jiang Shen with his hand.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Shen didn't frown.


The security guards at the scene, as well as the people from Lishan who had not left the venue, all gave their thumbs up secretly.

Lishan people are also heroes, so they worship heroes.

"Be careful, be careful not to leave fingerprints, take the knife and send it to the police station." Jiang Shen pretended to be aggressive, and began to command in a grandiose manner.

In less than 5 minutes, several police cars roared over, driving at a speed of more than 100.

Before the car came to a complete stop, a middle-aged man with a small crew cut jumped out of it and rushed to Jiang Shen.

"County Jiang, I'm late, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." This person is not Jiang Jinhua.

"Who are you? Where's Jiang Jinhua?" Jiang Shen glared at him, kind, the police didn't come until I was stabbed.

"I'm Zeng Feng, the deputy chief of the police station. Director Jiang went to the township to inspect the work of the police station. I just got the news, so I flew over immediately."

"Hum..." Jiang Shen snorted coldly: "Man, we caught it for you. Tell me, how long will it take to solve this intentional murder case?"

"---" Intentional homicide?County magistrate Jiang, don't you take such a trick?Zeng Feng's eyelids twitched, so he could only smile wryly: "Right away, right away."

Then he turned around and said, "Quickly, take the suspect and the murder weapon back."

They deal with things here, and the government office building is far away.

Li Zhiliang's office is facing this door, and his eyes are focused on it.

"What are you doing? It's enough to scare him, but you stabbed him?" Li Zhiliang was talking to someone on the phone.

"No, my brother said he found someone to frighten him, instead of actually stabbing him, who knew it would happen like this?"

"Tell your brother to run away quickly, he was arrested by the police."

"It's okay, I won't say it, and besides, Jiang Jinhua is there."

"Jiang Jinhua, I'm afraid he's going to be in trouble too." Li Zhiliang sighed, as if he had expected it.

Jiang Shen outside, after the police came, finally went to the hospital for a pack after repeated persuasion from his subordinates.

The person was still in the hospital, and two people rushed outside.

"Magistrate Jiang, are you okay?" A worried face appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

"Squad leader, why are you here?" Jiang Shen quickly stood up, and Secretary Guo Jianghua of the county party committee came to the hospital to see Jiang Shen in person.

It's just that, in the government department just now, it was so chaotic, how could you sit still?Jiang Shen secretly despised him.

Behind Guo Jianghua was Shi Shengqiang, the director of the office. This was the first time Jiang Shen saw Shi Shengqiang. He was not tall, but his face was very gloomy and cold, not at all as honest as Wei Dongqing.

"Well..." Guo Jianghua looked back at Shi Shengqiang, and Shi Shengqiang turned around and went out.

There are also Xia Su and Jia Xiaotu in the room.Jiang Shen immediately understood and looked at them.

The two also hurried out.

As soon as the door of the ward was closed, there were only Jiang Shen and Shi Shengqiang inside.

"It's too bad, the nature is too bad, County Magistrate Jiang, I suggest to investigate thoroughly to find out who is behind these people, who openly assassinated national cadres and county government leaders. It's lawless." Guo Jianghua said The tone, as if stabbing himself.

I said monitor, can you be more shameless?Pretend like this?Of course Jiang Shen had to cooperate and nodded repeatedly.

"And the squad leader, after the government called the police, the police station didn't respond for a long time. I think it's very suspicious."

"I support County Magistrate Jiang's opinion. This Jiang Jinhua has seriously dereliction of duty. In my opinion, Zeng Feng can replace him."

"---" I crossed you, when did I raise this opinion?Jiang Shen finally understood that Guo Jianghua wanted to take down Jiang Jinhua, and then let his own man Zeng Feng go up.

No wonder Zeng Feng called the police later.

But, Secretary Guo, have you ever heard the wind and talked to me so directly?

Then I will not be polite, Jiang Shen said: "I came to Lishan to do some practical things, but I found that many cadres, with their corpses and vegetarian meals, are just dawdling. At the hospital, I suggested taking him down as well."

"---" Guo Jianghua raised his head, boy, are you trying to grab the position of Finance Director?

Squad leader, the police belong to you, and the finances belong to me?Is the government supposed to manage money?

The two said something each, and looked at each other, sparks flew in the air.

"Shi Lifeng still has the ability, and there are not many people who can replace him?" Guo Jianghua still has some ability. Shi Lifeng is not his person, but he recognizes his work ability.

"I can check. There must be no financial problems. I think that Comrade Wei Dongqing has been in the office for many years. It's time to go down and exercise."

This means that Wei Dongqing is going to be the head of the finance bureau?Is this too much progress?Generally, when the director of the office goes down, he will first become the mayor or deputy director of the bureau, and then become the secretary or director of the bureau.

The two stared silently for a while.

Guo Jianghua suddenly said: "I heard that Jiasong county magistrate wants to join the standing committee."

"The qualifications and ability of the magistrate of Jiasong County are sufficient."

"Shi Shengqiang's qualifications and ability are not inferior to his."

"The higher-ups have the final say on this, and it's useless for the two of us." Jiang Shen smiled, meaning, don't ask me about this, it's better to wrestle with our higher-ups, let's see who Mayor Cui and Secretary Han are willing to say. force.

"Let Comrade Shengqiang become the deputy county magistrate." Guo Jianghua finally said: "It can be regarded as taking over the class of Jiasong county magistrate."

Oh, Jiang Shen understood a little now.

Guo Jianghua probably knew that Shi Shengqiang couldn't handle Tao Jiasong, so he took the next best thing and advanced the deputy county magistrate.

So, Xie Huai must die?Even the deputy county magistrate is coming down?Jiang Shen secretly laughed.

"I support the monitor's opinion."

The two were in the ward, and with a few words of effort, the two directors, one standing committee member, and one deputy county chief were divided equally.

This is Guo Jianghua taking the initiative to come to the door and chat with Jiang Shen, which also proves that he recognizes Jiang Shen, and finally has the strength to stand up to him.

Guo Jianghua would never have come to chat with Jiang Shen if there hadn't been the political commissar of the Ministry of Armed Forces to take refuge in front of him, and the propaganda minister hadn't been airborne.

Their strength firmly holds the upper hand in the Standing Committee.

But now, with Jiang Shen plus Tao Jiasong, there are four votes in hand, and Guo Jianghua has to face Jiang Shen squarely.

Can't let him develop anymore?When Guo Jianghua walked out of the ward, he was thinking, Jiang Shen will be able to fight against him in less than a month, and after another half a year, Lishan will still have my say?

Shouldn't we unite with Li Zhiliang?

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