"Magistrate Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hong Zhuhua walked into Jiang Shen's office with a smile, sat down in front of Jiang Shen without waiting for Jiang Shen to speak, then took out a card from his pocket and gave it to Jiang Shen Put it on the table.

"I promise that similar things will not happen in the future. I promise that there will be no more migrant workers who owe wages to besiege the county government. County magistrate Jiang, give me a chance."

Jiang Shen didn't even look at the card on the table, and said with a smile: "Be direct, I am more direct."

"--uh" Hong Zhuhua was surprised for a moment, and then nodded: "County Jiang is really young and promising, but you are still a foreigner, and Lishan County is still dominated by Lishan people. If you make friends, you can help each other in the future. Especially for the year-end election, my sister and I can both help."

What does this mean?I thought you came to beg for mercy, but it turned out that you came to threaten.

"Cut..." Jiang Shen laughed back angrily, "You're a bastard, how dare you talk about politics with me?"

What he said was very embarrassing, and the smiling Hong Zhuhua's expression changed drastically.

He pondered for a while, then said lightly: "Didn't Magistrate Jiang think that if you catch a few gangsters, you can testify against me and go to prison for the rest of your life?"

"If I don't have a good life, many people in Lishan County will have a bad life." Hong Zhuhua's face turned grim.

You are the county leader, that's right, it made me anxious, and I dare to do it with the county leader.That's what Hong Zhuhua meant.

He was still a bit powerful in Lishan. For example, after Hong Zhuhua was arrested for stabbing Jiang Shen this time, he was afraid that he would recruit his own envoy, so he arranged for someone to go to this person's house overnight.

Send 100 million and a knife to this man's wife.

When the news reached the detention center, the person who stabbed Jiang Shen understood.

Is it money or a knife?

It is true that Lishan people are tough, Nasi committed suicide decisively in the detention center.

Once he died, there was no proof of his death, and the police couldn't do anything about Hong Zhuhua.

Hong Zhuhua came to the door today, half to show off that the police can't do anything about me, and half to try Jiang Shen.

Not all government officials in Huaguo are good men, and some officials are afraid of those who don't want to die.

If you want to talk about how tough the Lishan people are, he dared to threaten the county magistrate.

Of course, he also has confidence, I am not having a good life, and many people in Lishan County are not having a good life.

A boss like him often engages in collusion between officials and businessmen. Many officials in Lishan County have inextricable connections with him, so there must be many people who don't want him to be unlucky.

As soon as he goes to jail, too many officials will have to worry about it.

Jiang County, if you want to kill me, many people in the county will be unhappy.

"Get out." Jiang Shen had a smile on his face, and he couldn't tell that he was cursing: "What is your identity? Are you worthy of negotiating terms with me?"

"Go back and tell your sister, surrender to me unconditionally, and you donate the money for another road, I will forget about it, otherwise, I will want your siblings, one family will be ruined, and the other will be fired from public office."

Jiang Shen became even more arrogant when he threatened others.

When Hong Zhuhua heard this, he almost jumped up, I'm sorry, are you the county magistrate, or am I the county magistrate?Why do I sound like you're a gangster than me?

"That's fine, let's wait and see." Hong Zhuhua stood up viciously, uttered a harsh word, and turned around to leave.

I have never seen such an arrogant county magistrate. I want to show you how we Lishan people mess with outsiders.

Hong Zhuhua walked out of the county government and made a phone call directly.

"Sister, we can't talk, that kid is more arrogant than me."

On the other end of the phone, it was naturally his sister Hong Haihua: "What did you tell him? Did you talk nonsense?"

"No, as you said, I apologized to him as soon as I went up. It doesn't matter if I don't appreciate it. Do you know what he said in the end?"

"How to say?"

"He wants you to surrender to him unconditionally, and wants me to donate the money for another road? Otherwise, my family will be ruined. Sister, you will be fired from public office."

"Grass." Hong Haihua on the other end of the phone was also furious.

After the matter at the Standing Committee meeting the day before yesterday, Hong Haihua and Li Zhiliang decided after researching whether they could ease the relationship by trying to show their favor to Jiang Shen.

Now that the two are weak in the Standing Committee, they must form an alliance with one side, and Guo Jianghua and Jiang Shen will greatly increase their power no matter which side takes over.

So the two felt that they were worth some money, and if they had to choose between Jiang Shen and Guo Jianghua, it would be better to choose the newcomer Jiang Shen, Guo Jianghua, who had been a deadly enemy for many years.

Hong Haihua, who felt that he was worth something, asked his younger brother to explore the way, but if she did it herself, it would be embarrassing if she was rejected by Jiang Shen.

Unexpectedly, Hong Zhuhua couldn't speak, so he offended Jiang Shen when he went up.

Of course, Hong Haihua and Li Zhiliang only wanted to form an alliance, not seek refuge.

Forming an alliance is an equal relationship, just like the previous county magistrate, if he joins in, he will be Jiang Shen's man.

"Jiang Shen is too deceitful, you go out to avoid the limelight, this guy is very unreasonable." Hong Haihua reminded his brother.

"I'm from Lishan? Avoid him?" Hong Zhuhua refused to accept: "I don't believe that if I give him something to eat from the underworld, there will be officials who are not afraid of the underworld?"

"Don't mess around, he is in Dongning, and it is said that he is the biggest underworld boss."

"----" No way, the county magistrate is a gangster? "This is Lishan, sister, don't worry, I'll help you deal with him, our Hong family, there is nothing we can't deal with."

Beep, the phone hung up, Hong Haihua frowned, why does it feel like this matter is getting bigger and bigger?

Of course, Hong Haihua had also inquired about Jiang Shen's legend, but he inquired about it relatively late.

It would have been better to inquire before, but Jiang Shen stayed in England for a year. During this year, he didn’t make any earth-shattering events in Dongning. People in Dongning have forgotten about Jiang Shen, unless he is like Tao Jiasong. Only by finding the right person can he ask Jiang Shen about some important events in the past.

The so-called legends will naturally be exaggerated and fictional. Hong Haihua heard it and felt a little exaggerated.

If this is really the legendary boss on the road, how could he still be the county magistrate?

From the bottom of his heart, Hong Haihua really hoped that his younger brother could take care of Jiang Shen.

That's right, Hong Haihua was also angry when she heard that Jiang Shen wanted her to be fired from office, you little brat, when my old lady came out to be an official, your hair didn't even grow.

So in the end, after Hong Haihua listened to his brother's words, he didn't call to persuade him again.

That night, Hong Zhuhua arrived in western Liaoning Province.

As mentioned earlier, Lishan is adjacent to the west of Liaoning, and you can reach the west of Liaoning after climbing a few mountains.

The sturdy folk customs in western Liaoning probably affect the folk customs of Lishan.

Adjacent to Lishan is "Pingsha County" in western Liaoning, and further west of Pingsha County is the famous "Jinsha County".

Jinsha County was rich in sand during the Republic of China. At that time, it was a chaotic place, with bandits rampant and shooting cases every day. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the People's Army suppressed the bandits vigorously, and finally put down here.

However, Jinsha County is also a mountainous area, with many mountains and forests, inconvenient transportation, and easy to hide people, so private gold sand mining came out secretly. These days, for the sake of money, there are always people who are willing to take risks.

Anyway, if something happened, I would hide in the mountains for a while, and it would be really difficult to catch people.

There is a big brother in Jinsha County who is called "Brother Iron Scar". He practiced Jinsha in his early years and left a scar on his face when the metal juice was fried.

Now the casinos are mainly operated in the mountains, they are all in the deep mountains and old forests, without local people to lead them, if a hundred policemen go in, they will get lost, so they have never been caught.

Hong Zhuhua found Brother Tie Scar.

"1000 million can fix a person?" Brother Tie Scar touched the scar on his face, feeling a little moved.

But he was not stupefied, he hesitated for a while, and said slowly: "Brother Hong is also a big shot in Weizhen Bafang in Lishan, and we still need us from Liaoxi to come forward?"

He meant, who are you going to mess with?Domestic value of 1000 million?Don't tell me I'm a senior official?

The domestic market is like this. If you kill someone in Liaoxi, there are hundreds of thousands of people who will do it. If you ask for 1000 million, of course Brother Tie Scar has to think about it.

What's more, Hong Zhuhua's tone was not about slashing a few knives, it was about killing people.

"Our county magistrate, the newcomer, doesn't open his eyes, he is even more arrogant than me." Hong Zhuhua sneered: "He said he wanted my family to be ruined, Brother Tie Scar, if I don't mess with him, am I still Hong Zhuhua?"

Ni, are officials so arrogant now?Brother Tie Scar was a little stressed when he heard that he was the county magistrate.

In China, it is different from Xiangmen. Businessmen and common people are easy to bully, and officials are not easy to deal with. The police are very powerful in solving these cases.

Of course, this is pressure for him, not impossible.

That being the case, of course it's worth a fortune.

"The county magistrate's words are not easy to deal with. The police will try their best to solve the case. Settlement expenses, travel expenses, and expenses are huge. Not everyone dares to mess with the county magistrate?"

"Tie Scar, be quicker, let's talk about it."

"At least this number?" Iron Scar grinned and stretched out two fingers.

"2000 million?" Hong Zhuhua exclaimed with heartache, "Nah, it's going to be abroad, even a super killer can be invited."

"This is the price of friendship. Just in case, we need to find dead men. After the work is done, they will die too, so that we can't find out about you and me. Do you know how much a dead man needs to settle down?" Tie Scar smiled.

"Deal." Hong Zhuhua gritted his teeth for the last time, and stomped his feet to admit it.

That night, Hong Zhuhua stayed in the mountains for one night, and made a small gamble, and won more than 100 million. He was also very proud when he left the next morning. My brother was so lucky. Adams was going to die terribly.

Your sister, the county magistrate is amazing?

The county magistrate does the same.

Hong Zhuhua cursed and set off on the road with two bodyguards.

They came out of the mountains, and then they had to drive for five or six hours on the mountain roads and climbed over several mountains before returning to Lishan.

Most people don't go this way. More people take the train to Jinsha County from the outskirts, and then take the mountain road to go. It only takes one or two hours.

Hong Zhuhua walked like this to prevent anyone from knowing that he had been to Jinsha County in the future.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the three of Hong Zhuhua entered Lishan territory.

I just changed from the mountain road to the road, and suddenly an off-road vehicle rushed out of a small road beside the road.

Booming, the off-road vehicle slammed into Hong Zhuhua's three people's car heavily, knocking their car to the ground and rolling over several times.

"I'm stupid." Before Hong Zhuhua died, he saw four or five people running out of the off-road vehicle, holding various long knives.

Chi Chi Chi, he stabbed fiercely at the car that was rolling on the ground.

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