Today's county magistrate's meeting was specially organized by Jiang Shen, and he stripped Hong Haihua of all his duties in an open and aboveboard manner.

But at this time, everyone could also see that if he was against Jiang Shen, he would definitely have a hard time, because Jiang Shen didn't talk about politics, and he didn't have the reserved morality of the Hua people, and he directly attacked his opponent openly and aboveboard.

But as long as you don't go against Jiang Shen, no matter which faction you belong to, it will be beneficial.

For example, Shi Shengqiang, who is obviously the secretary of Guo Jianghua, Jiang Shen also entrusted him with important tasks.

Jiang Shen has been in Lishan for more than a month, and everyone gradually understands his character. As long as you don’t fight Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen will not trouble you. If you fight him, Jiang Shen’s character of revenge , enough for you to suffer.

From this point of view, Jiang Shen really wanted to come to Lishan to work.

Secretary Guo Jianghua saw that Jiang Shen did not show too much concern for personnel affairs, and became more and more friendly to Jiang Shen. The reason why the top leaders of the party and government are often against each other is because both sides will take advantage of it. The top leaders of the government want to transfer their own people. The head of the party committee wants to make some money, and the two sides have integrated the interests of the other side, which will naturally lead to conflicts.

Now that Jiang Shen is not interested in personnel affairs, it is already a good start.

But someone wants to say, Jiang Shen doesn't care about personnel affairs, how can the people below listen to him?

No, in mid-July, Jiang Shen went to Dongjian Town to inspect the work, and found that, regardless of personnel, it was indeed not very good.

The secretary and mayor of Dongjian Town are all from Guo Jianghua's family, the secretary is called Wan Xiaolong, and the mayor is called Lei Jingui.

Wan Xiaolong followed Yan Lifeng, secretary of the Lishan Town Party Committee, and Lei Jingui followed Li Zhiliang, deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee.

Here I want to say that Yan Lifeng used to be the deputy secretary of the county party committee, and later went down to be the secretary of the Lishan town party committee, and the deputy secretary of the county party committee was appointed by Zhu Yong, the head of the organization.

It stands to reason that the deputy secretary of the county party committee is better than the secretary of the town party committee, and there is more room for improvement.

However, Yan Lifeng was getting old, and he didn't have any self-motivation, so he wanted to do something real. Being the top leader of the town was much better than being the deputy secretary.

The deputy secretary of the county party committee and the standing committee rank high, but there is really no benefit.

On the same day, Jiang Shen asked Xiao Xiasu to say hello in advance, and went to Dongjian Town to see bamboo.

Dongjian Town is a hilly area with a population of more than 2. There are more than 5 mu of mountains and only 3000 mu of farmland.

One of the characteristics there is that there are many bamboos and tea trees.

The local area is rich in moso bamboo, winter bamboo shoots and tea.

Among them, there are more than 5000 acres of moso bamboo in the Nanshan area of ​​Dongjian. After reading the information, Jiang Shen thought of the bamboo sea in a certain province in the south of the Yangtze River, which is now a nationally famous [-]A-level tourist attraction.

If Dongjian Town has the conditions, it can be well developed and utilized, and a Lishan Bamboo Sea can also be created.

You must know that Changxing County next door is a big tourist county, and the revenue from the tourism industry accounts for the bulk of the county's finances. Lishan County can definitely take advantage of this shareholder.

At 09:30 in the morning, Jiang Shen took Xiao Xiasu to Dongjian Town.

Dongjian Town is also very serious about the reception. The secretary, the mayor, the director of the National People's Congress, and the party committee members of the town are all here to welcome the new county magistrate.

This was also the first time Jiang Shen saw them.

Wan Xiaolong was in his early forties and looked relatively young. Lei Jingui was 45 and had a little hair on his head. He might be Li Zhiliang's man. When he saw Jiang Shen, his eyes were expressionless.

"County Jiang."

"Welcome County Magistrate Jiang."

The attitude of the two top leaders in the town has improved, but it seems that they are not very enthusiastic.

Of course, they can't be blamed for this. Jiang Shen and Yan Lifeng are not of the same department, and Wan Xiaolong should keep a distance.

"I won't go to the town anymore, you two will take me to Maozhu Mountain." Jiang Shen directly pointed at the secretary and the mayor.

Wan Xiaolong and Lei Jingui looked at each other without saying anything, and after giving orders, they took Jiang Shen to see Zhushan.

Zhushan is really far away. It takes 10 to [-] minutes to drive from the town government, and half of the roads are very difficult to walk. There are potholes everywhere, and there is no better cement road.

"Have you seen the information on the bamboo sea in Jiangnan Province? I asked Director Xia to send it to you. If Dongjian Town wants to develop, it must study the development process of the bamboo sea." Jiang Shen conveyed to the two town leaders in the car instruct.

"The places are different, so we can't compare them. Mayor Jiang, look at our roads. How can we develop tourist areas? The roads haven't been repaired yet." Mayor Lei Jingui refused.

"Even if the road is repaired, it will be a year or two later. After a year or two, I will retire to the second line." Lei Jingui laughed.

Hey, are you brave? Secretary Wan Xiaolong kept his expression on his face and smiled in his eyes.

Don't you know that the new county magistrate is famous for vengeance?Dare to beat him?Wan Xiaolong remained silent.

"Secretary Wan, what do you think?" Seeing that the old fox was silent, Jiang Shen called his name again.

"County Jiang's idea is right. Opening it up will be a life-long event for the people of Dongjian Town. However, the development of a tourist area is not something that happens overnight. It needs a long-term plan." Wan Wan What Xiaolong said was like saying nothing.

Jiang Shen just tried to test the attitude of the two of them, and when he heard what they said, he sighed a little in his heart, he was not his own, and he did things that were not as good as his own.

If both the secretary and the mayor are Jiang Shen's people, in a word, both of them should try their best to do a good job in this project.

Now Jiang Shen understands a little bit, why in the officialdom of Huaguo, everyone must grasp the power of personnel, train their own people, and when they really do things, it is better to use their own talents.

Jiang Shen really wanted to do something practical for the common people, and he didn't want to strengthen the power of personnel with Guo Jianghua, but looking at it this way today, there is no one of his own below, so he really can't do anything.

Even if these two people agreed today, as long as they followed suit, a road could be repaired for several years, not to mention the development of tourist areas.

This is true when you are a county magistrate, and it is also the same when you become a mayor. Even if you become a governor or chairman, if you want to do a good job, cultivating your own talents is the kingly way.

That morning, Jiang Shen walked around the mountain. He and Xiao Xiasu were both young, and there was no reaction after climbing a few mountains. Wan Xiaolong and Lei Jingui were even more tired from climbing, and they scolded Jiang Shen countless times in their hearts.

And Jiang Shen took a preliminary look, and found that there are abundant natural resources, and it is absolutely possible to build a Lishan Bamboo Sea tourist area. As long as the roads are repaired and the project is well designed, it will take three to five years or ten years to develop, and the local villagers will be able to make a fortune. rich, Dongjian Town's economy can also develop.

It was after twelve o'clock at noon that Jiang Shen decided to go down the mountain. At this time, the mayor and the secretary were too tired to walk, especially the secretary Wan Xiaolong, who was fat and had a big belly, panting all the way. The hair looks like it will faint at any time.

"Major Jiang, let's go to the farm to eat. It's arranged. It's all game from the mountains, wild boars, hares, and pangolins---" Secretary Wan still has a heart to entertain, after all, Jiang Shen is the county magistrate.

"No need, go back to the town and eat a little, and then you call all the leaders of the town." Jiang Shen shook his head and refused.

Grass, what are you pretending to be?Lei Jingui and Wan Xiaolong despised Jiang Shen at the same time.

Today's young people pretend to be officials when they come down, they really think they are Bao Qingtian.

The two were dissatisfied in every possible way and there was nothing they could do, who made Jiang Shen the county magistrate.

I had no choice but to continue on my way, and it was past 12:30 when I returned to the town. Jiang Shen and Xiao Xiasu were better. Secretary Wan and Mayor Lei were both hungry and tired, so they greeted Jiang Shen's family members in their stomachs.

After eating casually in the canteen in the town, Jiang Shen called the town party committee and held a small meeting with all the deputy mayors and department heads.

"I took a look in the mountains this morning. Dongjian Town is rich in wild resources and has unique geographical conditions. You have been sitting in the office all day, but you have never thought about how to develop the economy and future of Dongjian Town? Come on, here today. Let me know what you think, how to develop Dongjian Town --- you, treat yourself as the secretary and mayor, and talk about your own ideas--" Jiang Shen wanted to see how many people really thought about Dongjian Town The development of Jian Town.

His work style, to be honest, is the work style of national leaders, and only national leaders will ask such questions when they go down to the grassroots.

Sure enough, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and then looked at the secretary and the mayor, what's going on, the town didn't notify that there would be a symposium?What do we say?

Jiang Shen became angry when he saw their expressions, how about a discussion meeting?You have to inform and prepare in advance before you say yes?

This is the work style at the grassroots level. If the superior has something to do, it is best to let the superiors know in advance, and let the subordinates prepare the materials before discussing.

"What do you do?" Jiang Shen called the roll call on the spot, and named a young man with glasses who looked to be in his 30s.

"I'm Shu Tieshi, the deputy mayor of Dongjian Town." Shu Tieshi is very fat, and he can tell by looking at that he usually eats well. It's only the middle of July, and he's sitting in the conference room with a lot of sweat on his head. I don't know why. Scared or nervous.

"Mayor Shu, please tell me, assuming you are the secretary of Dongjian Town, the mayor, how do you want to develop the economy of Dongjian Town and how to make the people rich."

"I --- I ---" Shu Tieshi looked at the secretary Wan Xiaolong as if asking for help, while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

This is something that has not been notified or prepared, and they will adapt there in a short time.

Shu Tieshi asked me for a long time, then bit the bullet and said: "We are in a mountainous area, and agriculture is relatively developed. We must vigorously develop agriculture, rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water, and increase the income of ordinary people. Our town has a large area of ​​tea planting, so we can vigorously develop tea. planting and increasing the income of local people.”

"What kind of agriculture do you develop? Your farmland is so small, even if you have more than 3000 mu of rice and wheat for one person, how much money can you make?"

"Vigorously develop tea planting, how to vigorously develop it? Have you ever thought about it? To develop tea planting, you also need to invest. How many local people are capable of investing in the early stage?"

Jiang Shen asked a few more questions, but Shu Tieshi was dumbfounded and speechless.

Then when Jiang Shen glanced over again, almost everyone present lowered their heads.

He didn't want Jiang Shen to call their names.

County Magistrate Jiang, are you here to find trouble?This is on everyone's mind.

"No one has thought about it?" Jiang Shen looked at the expressions of everyone, and he couldn't get under the table so that Jiang Shen could not see him. He was very angry in his heart. Is this nun the parent officer?Sitting in the office every day, with a high salary, never thought about how to do something for the people, for the town?

"Can I say a few words?" Someone in the corner raised his hand slowly.

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