Zhang Shufen is a person who desperately wants to make money. The more money she has, the safer she feels.

And Jiang Shen is a person who allows her to make more money.

Jiang Shen is young, handsome, and a government official. He holds real power, but he is not short of money. This kind of man is simply the most perfect male god in a woman's heart.

If I can marry Jiang Shen, my life will be perfect.

I heard that he is not married yet.

The more Zhang Shufen looked at Jiang Shen, the more she liked Jiang Shen. When Jiang Shen's eyes locked on her chest, she became more courageous and took a few steps forward: "Magistrate Jiang, what are you?" She pointed her finger at Jiang Shen's chest Pointing to a certain place in front, he spared the desk and walked towards Jiang Shen.

I was surprised, Jiang Shen didn't expect that Zhang Shufen would also be daring, and dared to approach him in the office.

He sat still, pretending to look down: "Nothing? Are my clothes torn?"

Pretend, you continue to pretend, Zhang Shufen directly spared the desk and walked in front of Jiang Shen.

"Ah!" Zhang Shufen suddenly screamed, and then fell down limply.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful." Both men and women were putting on airs, Jiang Shen took the opportunity to hug Zhang Shufen's graceful waist with his right hand, and even touched Zhang Shufen's snow-white thigh with his left hand.

Wow, the snow-white thighs are smooth and charming. Jiang Shen touched them up and down a few times, and it was really comfortable to touch.

"Hate it..." Zhang Shufen's winking eyes were like silk, her body leaned softly on Jiang Shen's shoulder, her huge chest was almost on Jiang Shen's face.

At this time, Jiang Shen knew that Zhang Shufen had deliberately delivered food to him.

The mayor's sister-in-law doesn't eat for nothing.

He took a deep breath, his right hand slipped from his waist, touched directly from under the short skirt, and squeezed a few times on her perky buttocks.

"Hmm--" Zhang Shufen felt her thighs and pinched her buttocks again, her body became softer, she slowly slid down, and she had a tendency to squat down under Jiang Shen's desk.

Fuck me, what are you trying to do?Jiang Shen saw Zhang Shufen's boldness.

Something is about to happen to the two dogs and men.

Knock, knock, someone knocked on the door.

Before Jiang Shen could say please come in, Xiao Xiasu stretched out a cute smiling face.

Your sister's little Xiasu, are you serious, do you want your sister to look at me?Jiang Shen was furious.

"County Jiang, there is a beautiful woman looking for you outside---" Xiao Xiasu looked at Zhang Shufen leaning on Jiang Shen with half of her body, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes.

However, she still had a smile on her face: "Do you want to let her in?"

Another beauty?Jiang Shen is burning with lust, but this Shufen is really courageous, Xiao Xiasu's head sticks in, she leans against Jiang Shen and does not move, and looks at Xiao Xiasu with a smile on her face. He's provoking Xiasu.

Jiang Shen quickly pushed Zhang Shufen's body upright, and her face became serious again: "Who is it? Which department?"

"Li Lijuan, deputy director of Dongjian Town Agricultural Service Center." Xiao Xiasu looked at Zhang Shufen with contempt, and seduced my brother-in-law.

"Uh, Director Li, tell her to wait until I finish talking about the matter with Zhang Shufen." Jiang Shen couldn't enter the lounge right now, pressed Zhang Shufen on the table, and gave a hard blow.

"Oh, I see." Xia Su shrank her head back.

"County Jiang seems to be a little busy, why don't I talk to you when I get to the capital." Zhang Shufen winked, smiled, turned and left.

"Wait." Jiang Shen Cui Ran stood up, pulled Zhang Shufen over, then reached out and inserted his hand from Zhang Shufen's chest, holding a pair of white rabbits in his hands, and squeezed a few to enjoy himself.

Finally withdrew his hand: "Kao, there is 36d, okay, you can go."

"Death." Zhang Shufen gave Jiang Shen a white look, and straightened the clothes on her chest: "I'm 36e, okay." Saying that, she left the office with her buttocks twisted.

What a seductive little goblin, Jiang Shen stared at her and twisted out the door, his heart burning with lust for a long time.

Then, thinking that Director Li was coming, he quickly collected himself and sat down.

Zhang Shufen left for less than 2 minutes when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jiang Shen's voice was majestic and upright, sounding like an upright government official.

"Magistrate Jiang, I'm Li Lijuan, do you remember me?" Li Lijuan bowed to Jiang Shen as soon as she entered, with a very good attitude.

"Of course I remember, Director Li of Dongjian Town, sit, sit." Jiang Shen now has a dignified appearance, sitting there, full of official authority, completely different from the image of the hooligan who pulled Zhang Shufen and pinched him a few times.

Li Lijuan was probably also intimidated by his majestic aura. With her level, it was already audacious to dare to find the county magistrate's office.

After she sat down, she felt a little restrained, sat up half of her buttocks, and sat upright.

At this time, Jiang Shen looked at her pretendingly, showing that he was an upright gentleman, and he didn't look at her impatiently.

Li Lijuan has obviously dressed up today, with some light makeup. She is not very tall, about 1.6 meters, petite, not as plump as Zhang Shufen on the top, and not as long as Zhang Shufen on the bottom, but her body proportions are very suitable, and she looks a bit seductive.

Probably because of being married, Li Lijuan seems to be more mature and attractive.

"Major Jiang, please don't blame me for being abrupt today. Magistrate Jiang left in a hurry just now. In fact, I still have some ideas to talk to Magistrate Jiang."

"Well, what you said just now, I am very impressed. If you have any other ideas, you can continue. If everyone in Dongjian can be like you, then Dongjian Town will have a bright future."

Li Lijuan is quite courageous and capable, otherwise she would not be the person in charge of the station at such a young age, let alone raise her hand to speak among a large group of leaders, and even dare to find the county government.

When I first came here, I was a bit restrained, but now I sit down and talk about work, and I immediately get into the mood.

She took out a lot of materials from her bag and put them in front of Jiang Shen.

"The former Secretary Ma once mentioned this proposal, and wanted to make Dongjian a tourist area in Lishan County. For this reason, he also specially brought all the party committee members, station leaders, and village secretaries of our town to Jiangnan Province for inspection. The bamboo sea in the south of the Yangtze River."

"At that time, I was in charge of project planning. Four staff members in our station spent a week making this set of project documents. Unfortunately, Secretary Ma was transferred later, and this project was put down."

"Oh, that Secretary Ma?" Jiang Shen didn't expect that there were people who thought the same as him.

"Secretary Ma Tao has just been transferred to the Civil Affairs Bureau as Secretary of the Party Committee of the Civil Affairs Bureau."

When Li Lijuan mentioned it, Jiang Shen remembered it.

The last time Guo Jianghua made great efforts to adjust the staff of the bureau, he transferred Ma Tao to the Civil Affairs Bureau as the secretary. Wan Xiaolong was originally the secretary of the Civil Affairs Bureau and was sent to the town.

In the township, the secretary is the top leader, and in the bureau, the bureau chief is the top leader.

Ma Tao was demoted by half a level.

This Ma Tao was the former county magistrate of Fang, and Guo Jianghua took the opportunity to adjust Jiang Shen and his standing committee last time.

Jiang Shen picked up the project book, looked at it, and nodded repeatedly.

The project book was written with great care, including how many roads to build, what attractions to build, and how many years to develop, all of which were planned.

The design time of the entire tourist area is divided into two five-year plans, which are in line with the national five-year plan. It can be seen that the people in the agricultural clothing center worked hard to make this plan.

It's a pity that Secretary Ma is a secretary who really does things.

Jiang Shen really wanted to transfer Secretary Ma back, but he definitely couldn't do that.

If Guo Jianghua transferred the person who left, you should transfer him back and slap him in the face clearly. It is not a last resort, and this cannot be done.

"Has any leader in the town expressed support for this work?" Jiang Shen didn't even look up, just reading the project document.

"Xiao Rongjian, deputy secretary of the party committee, supports it, but he is now in charge of the party-mass organization."

The deputy secretary is in charge of this, Jiang Shen thought helplessly.

But according to Li Lijuan, there are so many town leaders in Dongjian Town, and there is only one Xiao Rongjian who supports it. No wonder Xiao Rongjian didn't speak that day.

It's useless to say it, and no one else supports it.

It should be said that other people don't care.

If this job is done well, it's the credit of the principal, and it doesn't matter if you don't do well as a deputy. Of course, the deputy will all sit on the sidelines for such a big project, and it's none of their business.

This is also the ethos in Huaguo's official circles, where things are irrelevant and held high.

When Jiang Shen was thinking about this, Li Lijuan suddenly said weakly: "Xiao Rongjian, he is my lover."

"---" I fumbled, Jiang Shen was about to faint, after a long time, it was your husband.

Li Lijuan blushed: "I am ten years older than my lover. He met me when I was in the army. I was young and admired soldiers. Later, after changing jobs, he also came to our township. He is very supportive at work. I."

"----" I made a cross, why did you tell me about this, Jiang Shen was very depressed.

"Actually, my love, he is very capable and excellent, and he really wants to do something practical for the common people." Li Lijuan continued: "I hope County Magistrate Jiang can give him more opportunities."

"---" The more you talk, the more out of the ordinary, Jiang Shen found out, this Li Lijuan is really bold.

But the bolder ones are yet to come.

"Major Jiang, are you free tonight? My wife and I would like to treat you to a meal at my house. I'll have a light meal and report to you about the project in the tourist area by the way."

"----" Jiang Shen was completely speechless and dull.

Looking at Li Lijuan's beautiful face, Jiang Shen really wanted to say that he was free, but he finally held back.

The buddies are here to serve the common people, not to pick up the beauties of Lishan County.

"It's a good thing that Comrade Rong Jian has this idea. I also support Dongjian's tourism development. You go back and tell him, be more courageous. Don't be inferior to a woman. Come and report to me when you have time. What's the matter? Let you, a woman, rush to the front?" Jiang Shen's face was full of righteousness.

Li Lijuan blushed, lowered her head, and said in thought, isn't it because someone in Dongning said that your private life is chaotic and you like beautiful women? Otherwise, why would I come here.

But looking at it this way today, county magistrate Jiang seems to be a gentleman. Is the legend wrong?

Dude, of course he is a gentleman. Jiang Shen found a problem. It seems that some bad legends in Dongning have spread to Lishan.

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