"Jiang Shen, what are you doing in Lishan now?" Wei Ning finally couldn't help it, and she was the only one who dared to ask.

"Serve the people, I've already said it." Jiang Shen began to pretend: "It's just a small county magistrate."

"Little county magistrate?"

Yang Ming, the deputy squad leader, took a sip of tea and spit it out.

You told us that you are the county magistrate?

How old are you?Are you a county magistrate?

We are still in our junior year, are you the county magistrate?

"Well, I have been working since I graduated from high school. I first worked in the police station, and then transferred to the China Merchants Bureau. If I go to the province to work in the UK, I will do it step by step." Jiang Shen dared to say that he was step by step. The footprints were slowly made up.

College students know everything now. Are you a member of the department, unit class, sub-department, major department, deputy department, and department? You take one step at a time in half a year, and it will take three years to become a department.

It has been more than three years since Jiang Shen left with them.

However, half a year is impossible in the officialdom.

Someone quickly turned on their mobile phone and searched for the Lishan County Government website.

"Look, it's really Jiang Shen." Angie, the English class representative, pointed at the station and exclaimed.

Jiang Shen's photo and resume are on the Lishan County Government.

College degree, graduated from high school and entered the police station, then China Merchants Bureau, the office in the UK, the Lishan County Government, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, and the acting county magistrate.

The party school is a graduate student.

Grass, are you in graduate school?Everyone despises it.

Jiang Shen's education is of course the most despised.

Jiang Shen's junior college was at the Fu'an Provincial Police Academy, and he is currently studying as a graduate student at the Party School.

These two degrees are not recognized by all units when they are put to work in the local area, and they are only useful in government departments.

If Jiang Shen continues to develop like this, after one or two years, he may be a doctoral student at the party school. He is obviously only a high school graduate, and his academic qualifications will surpass all of them at once.

Contempt ah contempt.

While everyone despises it, they have to obey.

Is this guy the illegitimate son of a certain chief?It's only been three years since you graduated from high school, and you've climbed to the top?

If this goes on like this, sooner or later, he will become a great official in the frontier.

"It turns out that you are the county magistrate, the villain, and you didn't tell us." Wei Ning said pleasantly, and picked up the glass to drink with Jiang Shen: "If you drink this glass, you will be punished."

"Okay, thank you monitor." At this moment, Jiang Shen, the magistrate's aura finally began to exude.

Standing there, he was not angry but mighty, and ordinary people dare not look directly at him.

"Old classmate, parent officer, I also respect you. If you continue like this, when I graduate, you will be the head of the department." The students came up to toast one by one.

Jiang Shen shocked them too much.

Not only is he the youngest county magistrate in the country, but several rich men also respect him very much.

It must be the illegitimate son of a certain chief. These people are thinking wildly in their hearts.

Everyone ended the dinner with all kinds of complicated thoughts, and then they were going to sing.

Jiang Shen naturally did not go.

"When you go to sing in the future, as long as it is the best and most luxurious ktv in the capital, it will be free if you report Mazi's name. If Mazi asks you, you will say that you are my classmate of Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen spoke quietly, pretending to be aggressive .

Most of the best KTVs in the capital are covered by pockmarked, even if it is not covered by pockmarked pockmarked, the blame can be put on pockmarked pockmarked pockmarked, pockmarked will only happily pay the bill, there will be no objection.

"Are you leaving?" Wei Ning was still a little reluctant.

Suddenly seeing how powerful her once humble classmate was, she felt that she still had a lot of questions to ask Jiang Shen.

But she knew that Jiang Shen was no longer in the same world as them.

"You have my phone number. If you have anything to do after graduation, call me." Jiang Shen smiled at Wei Ning, took Yang Xiaoyi, and turned away.

Watching Jiang Shen go away, all the students knew that the distance and gap between themselves and Jiang Shen was getting farther and farther just like this road.

"Hee hee, you're feeling good about being slapped in the face today." Yang Xiaoyi hugged Jiang Shen tightly.

The weather was a bit muggy, but she leaned very close to Jiang Shen, using the excuse that she was dizzy from drinking too much.

Jiang Shen supported her shoulder with one hand and shrugged: "I didn't slap her in the face. I really didn't expect to meet Li Yan here." Jiang Shen really didn't mean it.

While eating at the restaurant, he was still thinking about how to pretend for a while, but Li Yan suddenly appeared and cooperated with him very well, performing a shocking scene.

In this way, he can save the rest of the work. Originally, he thought, how about showing off when he went to sing?

But now that the show is over, naturally there is no need to sing the song.

"Take me home, I've had too much alcohol." Yang Xiaoyi just got the capital account and house out of thin air, and at this moment her heart became even hotter.

Her head was lowered on Jiang Shen's arm, her eyes blinked, full of endless tenderness.

If a man hears a woman say that, of course he will send it home without saying a word.

But Jiang Shen still has something to do at night, Huang Zhenguo and the others came back from a foreign country at night, and asked him to have supper.

It's almost seven o'clock now, and it will be supper time in two hours.

Two hours is probably not enough.

Of course, Jiang Shen's capital account and a house were given away, so he planned to eat Yang Xiaoyi.

Why eat Yang Xiaoyi, he also has an idea.

He may spend more time in the capital in the future. His women are all in Dongning. Although they come and go like the wind, there must be a home in the capital.

Manager Yang is also the manager of a well-known domestic news portal, so it would be good to help Jiang Shen distribute some favorable news in the future.

A man is affectionate, and a concubine is interested. For two hours, I will take a bite first and then talk.

After Jiang Shen made his decision, he went to Yang Xiaoyi's house in a tacit understanding.

He was driving Yang Xiaoyi's car and was running wildly all the way, and he entered the community where Yang Xiaoyi was located.

Jingle bell, the phone rang.

Isn't it right, call every critical moment?Jiang Shen cursed and looked down at Zhang Shufen's phone.

Duo, why is this **** calling me again?Said I don't have time tonight.

Jiang Shen didn't want to take it, but he couldn't be too rude if he wanted to use her tomorrow.

Had to connect.

"Hello, County Magistrate Jiang --- we are Xiao Zhang. My aunt is drunk and I can't help her. Where are you?" It turned out that the little secretary called from Zhang Shufen's phone.

"I'm not free right now." Jiang Shen is now in a state of lust, so he can go there when he is free.

And although Zhang Shufen is coquettish and glamorous, a woman in her early thirties is as attractive as Yang Xiaoyi.

"But I really can't help it, and I don't know the capital, we're in the Suquan bar, there are a lot of gangsters---" the little secretary was anxious, and his tone seemed to want to cry.

"If you want something, go first, don't worry, you can come to me anytime." Yang Xiaoyi was gentle and infinite.

She is very smart, probably Jiang Shen's other women beat her up, and she thought that she hadn't become Jiang Shen's woman yet, so keep a low profile and be gentle, and don't let Jiang Shen feel that she is domineering.

Jiang Shen has a woman, she has already seen it, the policewoman she was with Jiang Shen last time is prettier and younger than her, so she is not jealous at all, she just wants to occupy a place in Jiang Shen's life.

"Cool." Jiang Shen sat in the car and shook his head helplessly: "Then I'll take you home first."

After Jiang Shen took Yang Xiaoyi home, comforted him, and turned to leave.

Yang Xiaoyi hugged Jiang Shen fiercely.

"Well..." She blocked Jiang Shen's mouth with her small mouth, and her pointed tongue clumsily slipped into Jiang Shen's mouth.

Jiang Shenhao sucked her sweet tongue unceremoniously, and their tongues were rolling and entangled.

After a long tongue kiss, Yang Xiaoyi retreated, panting heavily, eyes blurred: "If you want to come in time, hurry back, I'll take a shower first."

After speaking, he gave him an emotional look, then turned and left.

This is tantamount to telling Jiang Shen, I will go to bed for nothing and wait for you.

"Wait for me." When Jiang Shen heard this, she was still staying there, whoosh, directly left her house and went to Suquan Bar.

In Su Quan's bar, heavy music played continuously.

Zhang Shufen, who smelled of alcohol and blushed, buried her head on the table.

It looked as if she was fast asleep.

"What did he say?" Zhang Shufen was pretending to be drunk.

"He said he would come right away." The little secretary said nervously.

"Forget that he has a conscience." Zhang Shufen smiled secretly, you want to ignore me after touching me, that's not okay.

She fooled around with Jiang Shen in the office for a while, and then from Lishan to Dongning, from Dongning to the capital, she kept looking for opportunities to be alone with Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen seemed to be a different person.

Of course she was dissatisfied.

If you touch it, you don't take it seriously, that's not okay.

Today, no matter what I say, I will put Jiang Shen on it.

In this way, after Jiang Shen gets the big project from the Ministry of Transport, I, Zhang Shufen, can do as much as I want.

About 10 minutes later, Jiang Shen called Zhang Shufen several times according to the phone map, and finally rushed to the bar.

"How much did you drink? You are just two girls, what are you doing drinking at the bar?" Jiang Shen was a little dissatisfied.

"My aunt said no one was with her, so she dragged me to relieve the boredom." Secretary Zhang seemed a little afraid of Jiang Shen.

She is similar in age to Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen is the county magistrate, which puts a lot of pressure on her.

Jiang Shen swept away his thoughts, "Nah, this girl is probably pretending to be drunk."

But there is no way, help him up and leave.

Jiang Shen helped Zhang Shufen to leave.

Walking to the door, the little secretary accepted the pre-rehearsal, and suddenly said: "Ah, I suddenly have a stomachache, County Magistrate Jiang, please send my aunt to go first."

"----" Can you stop treating me like an idiot?How about something technical?Jiang Shen was very depressed. The woman delivered goods to her door, and Zhang Shufen was probably the only one who delivered them to this level.

"Okay, I'll take her back." Jiang Shen didn't say anything, went out and stopped a car.

"I'm so dizzy." Zhang Shufen lay down on Jiang Shen's lap from behind her face, and the whole body lay on his lap.

Pretend, you try your best to pretend, after I send you home, I will immediately get out of the way.

Men are like this, the easier things they get, the less they cherish them. Zhang Shufen desperately delivered them to her door, but Jiang Shen had to think about it.

For a moment, he regretted touching Zhang Shufen in the office.

But looking back, my buddies and Jiang Sisi did the same thing back then.

When flirtatious men and flirtatious women touch together, it is sky thunder and earth fire, which can easily explode.

If Jiang Shen could keep himself as clean as Lao Yan, he would naturally not be so impulsive.

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