It is not difficult to move for Sli Johnson, and the reason is very simple. Because she is too popular and popular, people often attack the hotel. For Sli Johnson's personal safety and social order, the Lishan County Government suggested that she move. place.

Sli Johnson actually felt the enthusiasm of the local Lishan people. Standing in the hotel room, there were men and women shouting her name.

Not at any time, such big-name international superstars will come to Lishan District.

Of course, only Jiang Shen knew how many of them were entrusted by Jiang Shen.

Anyway, someone from a certain township received money from Yongtai Cement Factory and came to be a fan.

Jiang Shen is currently employing people in Lishan. In fact, if he does not pay to go out, many people will take the initiative to come.

Of course, fan support is also a common scene in China and a commonly used method.

Some masters invite so-called celebrities, and if they don’t have enough fans, they have to ask for help. There are even special support for sending flowers and asking for group photos.

But Jiang Shen only thought of the situation of not having enough fans, but did not think of the situation of really crazy fans.

When Sli Johnson was moving, suddenly a man in the crowd broke through the cordon, shouted Sli Johnson's English name, and rushed over like a lunatic.

"Not good." The comrade in charge of security at the police station suddenly changed his face.

Before everyone could react, the man rushed up and hugged Sally Johnson, and his extremely nimble hands were about to touch Sally Johnson's chest at the same time.

"Ah---" Sli Johnson, who had acted as a secret agent before, screamed and changed color on the spot, and then knelt on her knees.

Bang, this time it hit the man's crotch.

"Ah--" the man screamed in pain, and crouched down hugging his crotch.

At this moment, several security guards and police rushed over, pinned him to the ground, and arrested him.

Not to mention the man's pain, Sli Johnson was extremely angry.

My attitude is already very good. If there is no five-star hotel, there will be no five-star hotel. If we are told to move, we will move. The security is so poor that it almost scares me to death?Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would be eaten tofu.

"No more, let's go back." After Sli Johnson got angry, she moved back to the hotel.

When the news reached Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen was also very angry.

What the hell, so many security guards, the police are controlling the scene, and this kind of thing happened?

That man has been checked, he is not a local, but a movie fan from out of town. After watching an alliance movie, he fell in love with the goddess Sli Johnson deeply, and chased here from other provinces.

He rushed forward just to hug and touch her, not to scare Sli Johnson.

But his behavior really scared the goddess.

The goddess refuses to move now, what should I do?

Of course, only male gods can be invited to come forward.

Jiang Shen is the male god in the hearts of many female cadres in Lishan.

Jiang Shen was not in a hurry, and after getting off work at night, he slowly came to the hotel.

It was past five o'clock at the end of September, and the sky was still very bright. There was a lot of people outside the big hotel, fans from all walks of life, and countless reporters from all over the world.

Among other things, the star effect has already played a role before the party started. The reporters and fans have driven the development of various local industries.

It is said that the price of small hotels has more than doubled now.

Brother is really amazing, thinking of this method, next time at the party, brother will invite all the kings and queens, it will be amazing.Jiang Shen praised himself and walked into the big hotel.

"Where's Sli Johnson?" Jiang Shen asked the staff.

Then to the third floor of the hotel.

Sli Johnson was sulking in the room. If it wasn't for the good income this time, she would definitely turn around and go home.

"Goddess, I apologize to you for the mistakes made by the staff just now. Really, you have to know that you are the biggest international superstar in the history of our Lishan, and it is the first time for us in Lishan to be in charge of this kind of event. Experience Insufficient, please forgive them." Jiang Shen sincerely apologized to her.

"It's not your fault, why do you have to apologize for them?" The goddess saw a smile on Jiang Shen's face, and she could see that she still had a good impression of Jiang Shen.

At a young age and in a high position, she understands what such an official position means in Huaguo.

"Do you want to go out?" Jiang Shen pointed outside: "Every time you come out, are you depressed and feel like you can't move an inch?"

Jiang Shen said what was on her mind. Most of the stars are the same. When they come out to participate in activities, they either hide in the room to play with mobile phones or computers, or perform on stage.

There are fans and spectators outside, so it's not easy to go out casually.

"Can I go out?" Sli Johnson stared at Jiang Shen with charming eyes, and then covered her mouth with a smile: "I really want to see the mountainous scenery of Huaguo."

"If your agent has no objection." Jiang Shen shrugged: "I can take you out."

"How to get out?" Sli Johnson was dubious.

"Did you bring sportswear?" Jiang Shen conjured up a sun hat like magic: "Change into sports clothes and put on a sun hat."

"I didn't bring any sportswear." Sli Johnson was very sorry, but the hat was really beautiful, and it turned out to be a world famous brand?

"Then I'll lend you a set first." Jiang Shen began to do magic tricks again, whoosh, whoosh, flicking his hand back, he found a set of Adidas sportswear.

Sli Johnson's eyes turned green, she chased after Jiang Shen like a child, but there was nothing behind Jiang Shen?

"God, how did you do that?"

"Magic in Huaguo? You understand it." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

"Wait for me." Sli Johnson took the clothes and walked to the room. She didn't know whether it was intentional or not. As she walked, she turned her head to look at Jiang Shen.

Does this look encourage me to go over and watch her change clothes?Jiang Shen was thinking smugly.

Of course he won't follow, he wants to see it, and he can just sweep it away with his divine sense.

About 10 minutes later, Sli Johnson came out.

Sli Johnson looked more youthful in a tracksuit.

It's the end of September, and the weather is a bit muggy, but Jiang Shen's suit is a summer version, made of very light materials, with a sports vest on top and sports shorts on the bottom.

Wearing the figure of Esri Johnson, she is definitely youthful, sexy and glamorous.

Jiang Shen was surrounded by clouds of beauties, and his eyes brightened when he saw Sli Johnson dressed like this.

There are differences in Chinese and foreign cultures, so do these beauties have their own characteristics?Jiang Shen nodded again and again: "It's so beautiful, this suit is tailor-made for you."

"Does that count as a gift for me?" Sli Johnson smiled, turned around in front of Jiang Shen, and then said: "If you have a pair of shoes, it will be perfect?"

"Damn it, did I forget? Wait for me." Jiang Shen didn't dare to take it from the back this time, no matter how powerful magic is, it can't be created out of nothing like this.

He made a gesture to take a few steps back, reached out his hand under the table next to him, and when he came out again, there was an extra pair of new shoes.

"---Oh---" Sli Johnson had a weird expression, when will I find new sneakers in my room?She looked at Jiang Shen with more and more interesting eyes.

Wearing shoes and a hat, Sli Johnson stood in front of the mirror, and if she lowered her head, except for her golden hair, it is basically impossible to tell that she is a foreign star.

"Come on, let's go through the back door." Jiang Shen led her downstairs first, and then went out through the back door of the hotel.

The back door was also crowded with a large number of celebrity fans and reporters, but at this moment, they all seemed to be lost in their eyes and could not see the two of them.

Sli Johnson lowered her head worriedly, not daring to raise her head all the way, followed Jiang Shen out of the hotel.

When Jiang Shen asked her to look up, she looked up and saw that she was already more than 200 meters away from Lishan Hotel.

"Come out?" Sli Johnson was surprised and delighted.

"Call your agent and tell her not to worry." Jiang Shen said with a smile, "There is a car over there. I'll take you to the most amazing place in Lishan."

The place where Jiang Shen plans to beat her is the 'Fairy Cave'.

Lishan's "Fairy Cave" is currently very famous in China. It is very effective in treating chronic diseases, and many terminally ill patients have improved after experiencing it.

Considering the flow of tourists coming from all directions and the current facilities, Jiang Shen has not officially opened the Fairy Cave to the public, and the way he is now adopting is to receive a limited number of guests every day, mainly to make a name for himself.

When the infrastructure around Xianren Cave is completed and the five-star sanatorium is successfully built, promotion efforts will be added.

Even so, there are no fewer than a hundred tourists per person who come to Xianren Cave.

At least the nearby counties, cities, and even nearby provinces are coming here continuously.

"I've heard about your fairy cave. It is said that I was blessed by the gods. I don't know if my insomnia can be cured."

Sli Johnson used to suffer from insomnia. As a star, she was under a lot of pressure. She often filmed until late, and had to socialize, eat and drink, so she often suffered from insomnia at night.

The price of insomnia is poor energy the next day.

After her new relationship ended this year and last year, she often suffered from insomnia, and she didn't take any job for half a year.

"Insomnia?" Jiang Shen shook his head first, then nodded: "The symptoms are not serious and can be cured. If the symptoms are serious----"

"What will happen seriously?" Sli Johnson asked worriedly.

"I need to use the massage technique of Chinese medicine, and it will be cured." Jiang Shen chuckled.

"Gegege." Sli Johnson smiled coquettishly, her eyes flying like flying: "I also heard that you are a friend of women, a girl killer?"

"This is a rumor, slander, I want to sue them." Jiang Shen shouted angrily.

"Okay, Mr. Mayor, can you take me to the Fairy Cave first?"

"I'm the county magistrate, not the mayor." Jiang Shen explained to her.

"We only have the mayor, and I like to call you the mayor." Sli Johnson shrugged and smiled coquettishly.

It was already past seven in the evening when they arrived at Xianren Cave, and the surrounding area was brightly lit. Although the five-star resort and recuperation area hadn’t been built yet, most of the infrastructure was completed, the roads were neat and clean, and the surrounding area was illuminated by two rows of huge street lamps. .

The Fairy Cave is in the valley. The wide roads and bright street lights are in sharp contrast with the surrounding valleys.

Sli Johnson looked at the surrounding scenes and was amazed.

What surprised her even more was the tourists waiting in line at the entrance of the fairy cave.

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