Although he didn't reach out to grab it like Professor Xu did, he could tell that this little wreck was extremely heavy.

Look at Jiang Shen, he lifted the weight lightly, but when he fell to the ground, he even smashed a hole in the ground.

"It's so heavy?" Lei Guoqiang looked at Professor Xu's painful expression, and bent down to grab it himself.

"Dizzy" the boat was on the ground, motionless, as if it had taken root and sprouted.

"This boat weighs 620 catties, do you think it's heavy?" Jiang Shen laughed.

"Hiss..." Lei Guoqiang and Professor Xu gasped again.

It's much heavier than Sun Wukong's stick.

It is simply the weight of a light aircraft carrier.

Of course, Jiang Shen thought in his heart, if I hadn't guarded it, the floor would have been smashed through just now.

Jiang Shen stretched out his hand lightly, and picked up the warship again.

"Wait, wait, I'll get something." Professor Xu was almost hit by a boat just now, and was scared to death. At this time, he took out a magnifying glass from his pocket. It seemed that he was young and had poor eyesight.

"Can't see clearly?" Jiang Shen smiled: "Big, big, big, big."

Like Monkey King, he said big, and the warship in his hand became bigger and bigger.

Whoosh, whoosh, the warship kept getting bigger and bigger in front of the two of them.

I went, and Lei Guoqiang's face turned green this time.

Mythology TV is TV after all, and the legend of Jiang Shen is also a legend after all, so it was so shocking to see it live.

The two watched helplessly as the warship in Jiang Shen's hands grew from the size of a palm to bigger and bigger, and finally became two meters long and half a meter wide, stopping in mid-air.

"Amazing, amazing." Professor Xu blushed as if he had taken an aphrodisiac.

In his whole life, based on the miraculous things he saw today, even if he died now, it would be worth it.

Then I saw him almost pounced on it, using a magnifying glass to keep looking at the warship, touching it with his hands while looking at it.

"This material is cold to the touch, but after touching it for a while, there is a warm feeling, like metal, non-metal, like jade but not jade. Secretary Jiang, I'm afraid there is no such material on earth?"

He is an expert and often comes into contact with various rare metals. He can tell at a glance that the manufacture of warships is extraordinary.

Among other things, just relying on his ability to be big or small, it is not something that the current technology of the earth can hope for.

"It doesn't matter, you guys come up with a man, and I come up with a method. I can repair him with materials from the earth. After repairing it, I can borrow him to leave here and find my own hometown."

"That's okay?" Professor Xu heard the words and thought for a while: "Does that mean that it is possible to build such a warship using all materials from the earth?"

"Oh, this, I haven't tried it, so I don't know." Jiang Shen shut up.

I knew what Professor Xu was thinking. I wouldn't do anything that didn't work and didn't benefit me.

If Jiang Shen said yes, he wouldn't have to be a secretary and county magistrate in the future, and he would just go to shipbuilding.

This kind of warship in the Eternal Continent is like a magic weapon. It needs a monk to sacrifice and practice. He can repair his own ship. If he wants to help the country build a ship, it is equivalent to helping the country practice magic weapons. Where is there free time?

Lei Guoqiang remained calm, thinking about it in his heart.

"Professor Xu, if we have time to look back, let's hide the boat in a safe place first."

"Secretary Jiang, I still need you to guide me in repairing this ship. When you have time—"

"I will ask one of my apprentices to go there, teach her how to repair the ship, and ask her to guide your engineers. You take this ship away first, and find a shipyard at random. When my apprentice arrives, he will naturally turn back into a ship. Prototype."

Jiang Shen picked up the warship, and the warship became smaller and smaller until it became the size of a palm, and finally sent it to Lei Guoqiang.

"I can't lift it." Lei Guoqiang backed away in fright, not daring to hold it.

"It's okay, I put the ban on it, and it's very light now, and it has remained at ten catties for six hours."

Only then did Lei Guoqiang dare to take it. Sure enough, he only got about ten catties, but it only took six hours. After six hours, it would become tens of millions of catties.

"Then let's go first, Secretary Jiang, see you later." He didn't dare to waste a minute, turned around and left with the warship.

Walking to the door, he turned his head again: "Secretary Jiang, what's the name of your ship?"

"Ship---Invincible." Jiang Shen gave him a new name.

"Invincible? Invincible?" Lei Guoqiang nodded, and led Professor Xu out of Jiang Shen's room.

Jiang Shen waited for him to leave, took out his mobile phone, and called his apprentices Xue Xiaoyin and Youmi.

Both of them are currently practicing in closed doors, striving to break through the divine power and achieve bone refining.

Jiang Shen told them about the warship and asked them to supervise the restoration.

At that time, Jiang Shen will separate his spiritual thoughts and entrust them to them, instructing them how to repair them.

In addition, the government's engineers and technicians use earth materials instead of materials from the Eternal Continent. If there is no accident, the warship should be able to be repaired within ten years.

After everything was arranged, Jiang Shen disappeared and found Yang Xiaoyi's house in the capital.

Early the next morning, Jiang Shen parted ways with the reluctant Yang Xiaoyi, leaving one billion dollars for her to set up a film company, and then he rushed back to Lishan.

In fact, if someone like him is on the shoulders, if someone else is away from the county for a few days, the county party committee and the county government must be in a mess.

But everyone knows Jiang Shen's style, not to mention ignoring him for a few days, and no one dares to make trouble if he is away from the county for ten days.

Jiang Shen was absent, and the county party committee and county government had been operating normally under the leadership of other leaders.

Regarding matters concerning the county party committee, where no one else can decide, they all turn to Ge Danni.

Ge Meimei is now the deputy secretary of the party committee, concurrently the head of the organization, and the second in command of the party committee.

Because Jiang Shen is on one shoulder, she is almost the second in command in Lishan County.

Regarding the county government, Jiang Shen was away, so he went to Tao Jiasong.

Tao Jiasong is the executive deputy county magistrate, the second-in-command of the government by name.

Both of them are Jiang Shen's confidantes, so if Jiang Shen is away for a month, nothing will happen.

When he went back, he found that everyone's eyes were a little strange.

It turned out that the matter of them being in yn had already been spread by Hu Jinsheng and others to the cadres of the whole county.

Everyone doesn't know what Jiang Shen did at sea, but they all know that Jiang Shen and the others were finally sent back by the yn official on a special plane.

County magistrate Jiang is awesome.

This is something recognized by the county cadres.

To be honest, it is impossible for the leaders of the Hua Kingdom to go to yn, and it is impossible for yn to send them back by special plane.

As for folk, there is a more powerful version.

Secretary Jiang was in yin, and directly broke the neck of yin.

Of course, most people don't believe it, and some people listen to it as a joke. It is said that in the Wuning Farmer's Market, there are people bragging for County Magistrate Jiang every day.

Time flies, and it's New Years again.

From October to yn, and then the New Year at the end of December.

In the past two months, there have been new changes in Lishan.

The preparatory work of Zhashan road construction is basically completed, and neat roads connect Lishan to various counties and cities. Lishan is developing at a high speed like taking an aphrodisiac.

The second branch factory of Yongtai Group broke ground in Hexi Town.

At the Lizhou Municipal Economic Conference in January, Tian Li, secretary of the municipal party committee, made an exception and praised Jiang Shen at the conference.

As we all know, Jiang Shen once disrespected Tian Li when he was in Lishan. Since then, Tian Li has almost never been to Lishan again, but Tian Li pretended not to see how well Lishan was developing.

But this time, Tian Li made an exception and commended Lishan County and Jiang Shen.

Due to the strong economic development of Lishan last year, by the end of December, the fiscal revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the local fiscal budget revenue has reached more than 20 billion yuan, making it the top of all counties in Lizhou.

At present, Lishan County, which has almost no industry, has the largest industrial zone in Lizhou, and there are more than a dozen industrial giants from nine countries including Europe and the United States. It is said that in January today, another multinational conglomerate from country m will set up in Lishan invest.

It is not an exaggeration to say that all the large-scale enterprises were invested by Jiang Shen alone.

Although Tian Li didn't like Jiang Shen very much, even hated Jiang Shen, but from a political standpoint, he had to admire Jiang Shen's ability.

Jiang Shen has created such a miracle in less than two years since he arrived in Lishan. This is something that no one in China can do.

Judging from the current speed of development, within five years, Lishan County can reach the forefront of the country in one fell swoop.

Because of this, Tian Li had no choice but to praise Jiang Shen at the city meeting.

After January, the weather is getting colder and colder.

The development of Lishan is getting more and more prosperous.

At this time, the tourism industry in Lishan was already Lizhou's flagship product, especially the magic of Xianren Cave, which attracted tourists from all over the world.

Even in severe winter, tourists come here every day from all over the country and even from all over the world.

In February, two public five-star hotels in Lishan were completed and put into operation.

In March, Shen Bi and Ye Qian each invested and built two five-star hotels in Lishan.

Of course, almost all of the money was paid by Jiang Shen alone.

In April, Chest Hair formed the Huajia football team in Dongning, and Jiang Shen invested 50 billion US dollars in shares, becoming the largest local club in China.

For this reason, Lishan built a football training base and football school in the mountains, laying the foundation for the development of Dongning football.

In May, the largest processing factory in the world, the branch factory in Lishan was completed and put into operation. It assembles tens of millions of 'Banana 7s' mobile phones annually and employs nearly 5 people.

By this time, it had been more than two years since Jiang Shen came to Lishan.

Not to mention the economic development of Lishan, the population has almost doubled. In just two years, the resident population has doubled, which proves how many benefits local enterprises have brought to local development.

Chang Chu's population has increased, and the county has prospered, but there are also many problems.

No, during the May holiday, Zeng Feng, who had been promoted to secretary of the political and legal committee and also chief of police, came to complain to Jiang Shen.

"There's no time for holidays on May Day." Zeng Feng smiled wryly: "Head, the Lishan police used to have nothing to do, but now the Lishan police are busy. Let's expand the number and recruit another two hundred policemen."

Zeng Feng asked to recruit [-] people, which proved that Lishan is not usually busy.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "The army is strong and the horse is strong, and you want to expand your army? You are going to be beheaded in this ancient time."

"Head, stop joking, I'm serious." Zeng Feng talked to Jiang Shen much more naturally now, and after more than two years of contact, he also understood Jiang Shen's character.

Why expand troops?

Because of the large number of people, the population of Lishan has almost doubled, and there are more foreigners, so there are more miscellaneous things, and naturally there are more cases.

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