Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 830 Leaving Lishan

Before the banquet was over, Jiang Shen left alone in a depressed mood.

Downstairs is a coffee shop. He asked for a private room, ordered a bottle of foreign wine alone, and drank alone.

Where am I going wrong?

I just think about them.

Jiang Shen is no longer the stunned high school student he used to be. In the past few years as an official, he has learned to consider others.

Xu Li, Ding Yan, Chen Xiaomiao, Fang Rou, how many women are there around him?

He sometimes takes a week or even two weeks to see one of them.

The women didn't say anything, but he knew that they had opinions in their hearts.

Women need companionship.

The more Jiang Shen has women, the more I feel sorry for them.

So no matter what he does, he has to find time to spend with his woman.

He didn't want to harm Xia Su and Guan Erhuo again.

Especially Xia Su, who is really pure and kind.

Some people want to say that Jiang Shen was not so indecisive before, he was wrong, Jiang Shen just has one more thing now.


A man's responsibilities.

He used to only know how to live happily, but now, he knows that he still has responsibilities.

At least for those women who follow him, he needs a sense of responsibility.

The decision to kill depends on what it is. When it's time for children to love each other, it is necessary to talk about responsibility.

But after taking care of other people's feelings, it turns out that I feel uncomfortable?Jiang Shen admitted that when he saw Fei Yongcheng and Xia Su holding hands today, he was very upset, and even had the urge to explode the earth.

"Using wine to drown sorrows makes sorrows worse." At this moment, the door of his box was pushed open, and a person walked in from outside.

He looked up and saw that it was Fei Yongcheng.

"What are you doing? If you don't accompany your wife on the wedding night, what can you do with me?" Jiang Shen took another sip of his wine.

He didn't use his supernatural powers to get rid of the alcohol. After drinking these few sips, he was still a little dizzy.

"I came here to talk to you." Fei Yongcheng put the things in his hand in front of Jiang Shen.

Two pieces of jade.

Jiang Shen gave him three pieces of jade just now, and now he puts back two pieces.

"When I was holding Xia Su's hand just now, I felt that I was the happiest man in the world. I was even willing to use my life and everything to love and protect her-----I swear to myself, I must work hard to make Xia Su the happiest wife in the world."

Fei Yongcheng said while shaking his head, his eyes were sad: "But when the words "Love of My Life" were printed on the big screen, when I saw her——her eyes full of tears looking at you——my My heart hurts---really hurts---"

"I finally understand—no matter how hard I try—I can't take your place in his heart—"

"If there is only one man in this world who can give her happiness, this man must not be me---"

"Jiang Shen---Xia Su is really a good girl, no matter what excuses you have, any reason---you shouldn't hurt a girl who loves you so much---"

"I'll return the jade pendant to you---you think about it again, don't wait until you lose it to regret it---"

"Sometimes a decision can affect someone else's life."

"Is it the love of a lifetime, or a lifetime of regret? -----Think about it." Fei Yongcheng bowed deeply to Jiang Shen.

"Please, show your courage to develop Lishan and defeat your opponents --- give Xia Su a happy future."

After Fei Yongcheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

He walked with his head held high, without the abject disappointment of a loser.

"A god is not as good as a mortal." Fei Yongcheng left with his front feet, and another person came in behind him.

Guan Erhuo sneered, and she came in first.

After entering, then look back at the door.

"Come in, what are you afraid of?" Guan Erhuo went out again, pulled hard with his hand, pulled several times, and finally pulled a bride in.

Xia Su's face was red, and her face was full of tears.

The two women stood in front of Jiang Shen prettyly.

"You - what are you doing -" Jiang Shen also stuttered.

In fact, he is invincible in all directions, but in terms of true love, it seems that he has never been in love.

All his women are easily picked off.

I have never really experienced the process of falling in love.

And now, he felt as if he was in a relationship with someone else.

"Guan Ruohua, Xia Su, what do you want to do? Today is your wedding day---"

"Say it." Guan Ruohua ignored Jiang Shen and pushed Xia Su.

Xia Su was hesitating, but Guan Ruohua slapped him a few times, and finally gritted his teeth and cried out.

"I'm married, Jiang Shen, I'm Xia Su, I got married today."

"---Congratulations, congratulations." Jiang Shen smiled awkwardly.

"But my marriage was a fake marriage." Xia Su said again, her face flushed red when she said it: "My parents have always loved me, and you seem to be afraid of something, so I got married, Fei Yongcheng and I Although we are married, but we will not be together, I will accompany you, always with you, forever, never give up --- Jiang Shen --- I love you --- I want to be with you --- no matter you Will you marry me, I will always be with you---together---"

Xia Su spoke louder and louder, and finally yelled at Jiang Shen almost with her eyes closed.

Jiang Shen is completely petrified.

"Do you understand now? Xiasu got married because her parents were in Cui, and secondly, it was a cover first. You are afraid of the future, like you are afraid of harming a little girl. Now that she is a young woman, you are not afraid anymore." Right?" Guan Erhuo sneered again and again.

"I -- when did I become afraid of the future, and what do you mean? I like to harm young women when I co-author it?" Jiang Shen was so angry.

Xia Su also had difficulties. Her parents always asked her to find a boyfriend, and Jiang Shen was engaged to her cousin Qiao Feixue. Therefore, she could no longer be with Jiang Shen in an open and aboveboard way. She thought that Jiang Shen was also like this. Considered, so simply find someone to marry.

In this case, her parents are stable, and she can be with Jiang Shen.

If she stays with Jiang Shen without getting married, her parents won't be able to pass the test. There are so many men in the world, and you want to compete with your cousin for a man. It's no wonder Xia Su's parents are not mad.

It was for this reason that Guan Erhuo came up with an idea for her to marry Fei Yongcheng first.

Although Fei Yongcheng is very depressed to do this kind of entrustment, he still has a little hope. He hopes that he can use practical actions after marriage to impress Xiasu's heart.

But just now, Fei Yongcheng was really desperate, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to change Xia Su's mind.

"Crazy, do you know how many women I have?" Jiang Shen said angrily, "Think about it, you will sleep with many women and me at any time."

"I've watched it a long time ago." Xia Su puffed up her small chest, "I don't mind, I also asked Sister Ruohua to find a lot of movies for me to watch. I am learning, and I am willing."

"I'm stupid, Guan Erhuo, you pig." Jiang Shen was speechless.

He co-authored Guan Erhuo and trained Xia Su, and lent more than a dozen love action movies in the island country for Xia Su to watch.

"You may only visit me once a week or two." Jiang Shen sighed.

"Even if it's a month, I'll be happy for two months."

"I might leave the earth." Jiang Shen finally shouted angrily.

"As long as you take me with you, I'm willing to die the next moment." Xia Su nodded fiercely.

"What?" Jiang Shen smashed the foreign wine in front of him with a bang, and sat down on the sofa helplessly.

I, Jiang Shen, have always been the only ones who pick up girls, Xia Su, today I admit that I was picked up by you.

"I still don't believe it, I'm here to give advice, I really can't get you? Hahahaha." Guan Ruohua laughed wildly.

"Huh---this wine?" Jiang Shen suddenly realized that something was wrong again.

"Hey hey." Erhuo Guan stroked his chin: "I've already given you the medicine you drank on the wine table just now, and this bottle of foreign wine. I've bought all the wine in the coffee shop today. Allow them to sell to others, and I have drugged all the wine."

"The love of my life, I want to talk more about Journey to the West. These lines and songs must make you very lonely. Hehehehe, Master, I took fifty times the medicine today, so I knew you would come to drink it."

"So what about immortals? Immortals also have feelings---hehehehe---"

Guan Erhuo had the last laugh, and turned his head to look at Xia Su: "Little Xia Su, will you go first or should I go first?"

"Let's go together." Xia Su stomped.

The two girls rushed towards Jiang Shen like crazy.

"I don't care---don't---" Jiang Shen screamed in the box.

Early April.

The day when Jiang Shen left was getting closer.

But Jiang Shen is very happy now.

There are many more women around me than when I first came to Lishan.

When they first came here, even Xia Su and Ge Danni could only watch but not move.

It's different now, Xia Su, Ge Danni, Lu Qi, and Guan Erhuo are all with him every night.

Sometimes Lu Qi would go back to her hometown in Dongning to give them some time.

Because Jiang Shen has already confirmed that he will only take Lu Qi to Qingshu City.

For the other three women, give them more time.

Of course, happy days are always short.

On April [-]th, the province finally issued a notice.

Because of the need to support the construction of the Northwest, grassroots elite backbones were transferred from the province to serve in Northwest provinces and cities, and all personnel were promoted to a higher level before going.

Jiang Shen was removed from the post of Party Secretary of Lishan County and appointed as a member of the party group of Lizhou Municipal Government and deputy mayor (deputy department level).

At the same time support Qingshu City, Yuhai Province.

Lu Qi was appointed as the deputy director (director level) of the Organization Department of Lizhou City to support Yuhai Province,

At the same time support Gemu City.

The two were promoted to one level each, and both went to Yuhai to work.

But this time the place is different, but not far away.

The Qingshu Autonomous Prefecture to which Gemu City and Qingshu City belonged is next door, lying between the two regions, is the most famous Kunlun Mountain in myths and legends.

After this appointment, Lishan naturally moved.

Tao Jiasong succeeded Jiang Shen as county party secretary.

Guan Erhuo served as the director of the government office.

Now the county magistrate is Ge Danni, and Guan Erhuo is Ge Danni's director.

She said before that Jiang Shen was going to leave, and if she refused to take her with her, she would resign.

It turned out to be a scare. Since Xia Su pushed Jiang Shen down that day, she naturally never mentioned it again.

Anyway, Jiang Shen had promised them that he would come to accompany them once a week at least, and a month at the latest.

With Jiang Shen's condition, Guan Erhuo will continue to be the director here honestly.

On April [-]th, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi, under the reluctant eyes of many officials in Lishan, left Lishan County by car, where they had stayed for three whole years.

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