"Uh..." Jiang Shen had no expression on his face, smiled lightly, and asked, "I'm also with Deputy Mayor Ma, how can the city arrange it?"

"Deputy Mayor Ma?" Hu Wei was knocked unconscious by Jiang Shen's teleportation.

He was talking about beauties with Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen said that Deputy Mayor Ma, the leader's teleportation skills made him fall all over the place.

"Director Qi didn't say anything, I'll ask Director Qi later." Hu Wei looked a little embarrassed.

The director Qi he was talking about was Qi Dahai, the director of the municipal government office.

"Where's Qi Haihai?" Jiang Shen asked coldly.

If the mayor of himself is here to take up the post, it's fine if the others don't come. What does it mean that the chief of the office doesn't come?And not even a deputy director was sent?

"He---maybe a little busy." Hu Wei replied meaningfully.

Well, Jiang Shen heard it, that is to say, Qi Dahai didn't go to the site of the collapse and stayed in the city hall, but he didn't come to pick him up.

Boy, do you also have an opinion on your leader?Jiang Shen smiled at Hu Wei.

Hu Wei lowered his head, as if he had a guilty conscience. His answer just now was tantamount to betraying the leader and suing Qi Dahai.

"President Du is here." At this moment, the newcomer Zhong Cheng who had been silent all this time called out.

Jiang Shen raised his head, his eyes lit up.

A very seductive figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, Hu Wei was right, Mr. Du is very beautiful.

At least equivalent to Xu Li's level.

The age seems to be around thirty, the figure is excellent, mature and attractive, step by step to walk in front of Jiang Shen, the person has not stopped yet, the charming laughter floats over from afar.

"Mayor Jiang is here, welcome, welcome---" Mr. Du's eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Shen.

I didn't expect the new mayor to be so young.

But her hobby is not handsome guys, she was slightly shocked, and immediately recovered her mentality.

"Director Hu, I've made all the arrangements, please—" Mr. Du stretched out his hand to greet him, then turned around and led Jiang Shen, Hu Wei and the others forward.

This attitude was very ordinary, and he didn't take Jiang Shen seriously.

Considering that she belongs to Secretary Min, this is normal.

Hu Wei said something to the little waiter, but he shrugged helplessly when he met Mr. Du.

Jiang Shen kept his composure and continued to follow Mr. Du.

His room is on the fifth floor. 5002.

The entire Qingshu Hotel has seven floors, and the fifth floor and above are closed.

Mr. Du introduced to Jiang Shen that there are two city leaders who live on the fifth floor.

The deputy mayor, Xiang Zhong, and Jiang Shen.

Xiang Zhong lived in Room 5006, a few rooms away from Jiang Shen.

There are city leaders living on the sixth and seventh floors.

So many people don't live in the family home, who will pay for it?The answer, of course, is the city government.

"My room, how much does the city pay the hotel for a year?" Jiang Shen stood in the room. It was a small suite with two bedrooms and one living room. It was much stronger than the family building in Lishan, but the area was not large.

"Not much, more than 6 yuan." President Du smiled.

"An average of 200 yuan a day?" Jiang Shen stared at Mr. Du.

Mr. Du's face looks like a certain woman from Jiang Shen, Jiang Sisi, who seems to have a flirtatious look.

"It can't be counted like this." Mr. Du laughed again. When she laughed, her eyes were bent into full moons, which was very beautiful.

"Mayor Jiang, you eat all three meals in the hotel for free. We also arranged for a special waiter to help you clean and wash your clothes. If you don't want to eat out, you can ask her to bring it in for you."

In this way, [-] a year is really not much, and it costs [-] to [-] a year to hire a nanny at home.

Just as he was talking, a thin figure appeared at the door.

It's a little girl, she looks about [-]** years old, she is not bad, she has an oval face, a small cherry mouth, a typical Chinese beauty, but her figure is a bit thin, and her breasts don't look very big.

"Xiaohan, come here." President Du waved his hand: "From now on, you will be in charge of Mayor Jiang's daily life. Mayor Jiang is the hope of our Qingshu, and we can't make any mistakes. You have to serve him well. Any request from Mayor Jiang , you have to agree unconditionally, do you hear me?"

"Understood Mr. Du." Xiaohan nodded weakly, and looked up at Jiang Shen, with a little fear in his eyes.

Ni, any request?There was a flash in Jiang Shen's mind, and then he looked up and saw the strange smiles on the faces of Hu Wei and Zhong Cheng.

These two little bastards must have thought of nothing good, Jiang Shen secretly hated them.

"Mayor Jiang, this is Xiaohan, a local, with quick hands and feet. If you need anything, you can talk to her." President Du finally said a few words, bid farewell to Jiang Shen and left.

When Mr. Du left, Hu Wei and Zhong Cheng stared at her butt for a few moments, then turned their heads.

"Mayor Jiang, the city has just been through the earthquake for a few years, and there is a lot of waste to be done. At present, there are still limited buses. According to the arrangement of Director Qi, you and Mayor Xiang share the No. 3 bus." After finishing speaking, Hu Wei was a little scared. head.

"Director Qi's arrangement?" Jiang Shen laughed when he heard this.

Ni, what car do I take, and when is it my turn to arrange it with the Chief of Staff?

"Where is car No. 2, who's in it?" Jiang Shen asked without getting angry.

"The No. 2 car is currently occupied by Secretary Peng Yuzhen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Peng lives in Qingshu City, and each person has a car."

"Several leaders in the hotel, some drive by themselves, some share, and the No. 3 car will arrive at the hotel before 07:30 every morning."

Hu Wei means, at 07:30 in the morning, when the No. 3 car comes, you can go to work with Mayor Xiang.

"When Secretary Min was mayor, what car number did he take?" Jiang Shen asked again.

"No. 2." Hu Wei lowered his head.

Don't put pressure on me, don't care about my business, I'm a young man, responsible for the legend.

"Well---" Of course Jiang Shen understood, and just asked to clarify.

Just now I had a little fondness for Lao Min, but now it's all gone.

"I don't want a government car. You can find a driver for me. I have my own car." Jiang Shen said solemnly.

"Oh, then I will report to Director Qi." What Hu Wei meant, he had to ask Director Qi.

Jiang Shen became angry when he heard it.

Nima, who is the mayor?

Let me tell you something, do you still want to ask the director?Nima's.

But Jiang Shen knew that he couldn't get angry at them. If the two young men got angry at them, they would just say, if you don't dare to find Director Qi, you dare to bully us.

So he immediately sternly said: "Tell the surname Qi to get over here, and give him 10 minutes. In less than 10 minutes, I will break his leg."

Hiss, Jiang Shen was doing well in front of him, but he suddenly turned angry, Hu Wei and Zhong Cheng were startled at the same time.

"10 minutes?" Hu Wei thought, although the city hall is not very far from here, but the speed on the street cannot be driven, unless a battery car, the car probably can't get there in 10 minutes.

But of course he wouldn't say anything, and nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, I'll call Director Qi."

He and Zhong Cheng looked at each other, and the two hurriedly exited Jiang Shen's room.

Jiang Shen spoke too violently, frightening the two young people.

To actually break Director Qi's leg, of course, in their view, this was Jiang Shen's angry words.

Although Hu Wei was very dissatisfied with Director Qi, he didn't dare to add insult to injury at this time, so he hurriedly called first.

"Director Qi, I'm Xiao Hu."

"What's the matter? Have you received Mayor Jiang?"

"I received it, but Mayor Jiang was very angry and asked you to rush to the hotel within 10 minutes, otherwise---otherwise---"

"Otherwise what?" Director Qi rolled his eyes there, and said with a smile, "Can he get rid of me?"

What a joke, who was the former mayor?Secretary Min.

Director Qi was Secretary Min's office director when he was the mayor. Secretary Min presided over the work of the municipal party committee, and Director Qi did not leave.

Why didn't you go to the municipal party committee office?

Because Secretary Min deliberately let him stay in the city government, giving the new mayor a blow.

Jiang Shen wants to withdraw him?

Okay, let's talk about it after the Standing Committee.

You said that a new mayor can speak at the Standing Committee.

"No, he said he would break your leg." Hu Chuan smiled wryly.

"Crap." When Director Qi heard this, he was both shocked and angry.

What kind of mayor is this, what are you talking about?

But when Jiang Shen mentioned this level, he also knew that Jiang Shen was very angry.

"Okay, you said I'll be right there." Director Qi was Jiang Shen's subordinate after all, so he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

After hanging up the phone, Director Qi called the old leader, Secretary Min, while driving to the hotel.

"What are you afraid of? Can he withdraw you or demote you? Even if you want to make a move, you have to get my consent, so you go and meet him and see how awesome this new mayor is." Secretary Min said on the phone Li gave Director Qi snack pills.

"I know Secretary Min, so I'll go and find out first."

Director Qi is naturally not afraid of Jiang Shen.

With the background of Secretary Min, at worst, the director of the government office will quit, and go down and get a director or secretary of the township party committee. At that time, if you say ignore Jiang Shen, you can ignore Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen, the mayor, had no say in the Standing Committee, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He thought so, so he deliberately drove slowly.

After driving for 10 minutes, I finally arrived at Jiang Shen's hotel.

"Xiao Hu, I'm here, that room."

"5002" Comrade Xiao Hu's legs became weak at this moment.

Mayor Jiang said he was going to break his leg, but he didn't arrive until 10 minutes later. Now the two of them quarreled, what should we do?

Hu Wei and Zhong Cheng had already thought about what would happen next. Jiang Shen wanted to discipline Director Qi, and Director Qi, with the backing of Secretary Min, might turn against Jiang Shen. Then it would be difficult for them to be in the middle.

blankly.As soon as Director Qi entered Jiang Shen's room, he smiled faintly: "Mayor Jiang, this is Qi Dahai from the office. Mayor Jiang asked me to come. Do you have any instructions?"

His expression, attitude and tone of voice, he doesn't regard Jiang Shen as the mayor at all.

Jiang Shen laughed immediately, "Nah, I just arrived in Lishan, and I have never met someone as awesome as you."

However, in Yuhai Province, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. In such a remote place in Huaguo, it is possible to be a little arrogant.

"Qi Dahai, right?" Jiang Shen chuckled, and suddenly took a step forward.

"Bah..." Everyone only heard a loud bang in the field, and Jiang Shen slapped Qi Dahai's face with a slap.

"Plop." Qi Dahai flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

Before he could stand up, Jiang Shen picked up a stool next to him and 'bang' again, hitting his thigh-high leg with a crash, and the wooden chair fell apart on the spot.

"Ah---" Qi Dahai screamed, tears streaming down his face.

But the scream was only halfway through, when Jiang Shen put half of the stool in his hand, and again, bang, hit Qi Haihai's head with a muffled sound, making a violent contact with the ground.

"Boom..." Qi Dahai passed out just like that.

"Call an ambulance and take him to the hospital." After Jiang Shen beat the man with lightning speed, he threw away the stool in his hand and clapped his hands as if nothing happened. "Call the doctor to check. If his leg is not broken, I will beat him again later."

Hiss, Hu Wei and Zhong Cheng in the arena were already scared to death.

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