Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 842 Beautiful Driver

The one walking in front, with a wry smile on his face, was the deputy mayor Ma Fuboma who once hated Jiang Shen very much.

The one in the back was called Xiao Jiang first, then realized that he was wrong, and added the word mayor, and it was the new bastard Wen Yiyi.

Two Jiang Shen acquaintances finally came to see Jiang Shen.

It stands to reason that Ma Fubo hated Jiang Shen very much.

But he is a member of the officialdom, so he naturally knows that there are no permanent enemies in politics, only permanent interests.

He is also on a temporary basis, and Jiang Shen is also on a temporary basis.

Temporary mayors are all for fun. This is the eternal truth in the officialdom of Huaguo, but Jiang Shen is not for fun now, and of course he doesn't want to.

If he has a good relationship with Jiang Shen, maybe he, Ma Fubo, can also find something to do.Play it.

Wen Yiyi wanted to see Jiang Shen a long time ago, afraid that Jiang Shen would not wake up.

Moreover, the two of them didn't know where Jiang Shen lived, and it was miserable to say that she and Ma Fubo were both temporary cadres, and they had been in Qingshu for so long, and no one paid any attention to them.

Ma Fubo asked the city government office to arrange it. Now that Qi Dahai has stepped down and Jiang Shen is in the hospital, no one cares about him.

Wen Yiyi was arranged by the organization department, because of Jiang Shen's matter, Qingshu officials now have a lot of opinions on temporary cadres, and the organization department has not arranged for it for the time being.

So the two of them are still staying in the hotel at their own expense.

Jiang Shen became angry when he heard it.

Call Wu Jiang on the spot.

"Mayor Ma Fubo is also on temporary duty, how is the government office arranged?"

"Director Qi used to be in charge." Wu Jiang was scared to death.

At this point, he was about to fall asleep, and when Jiang Shen beat him, he was so frightened that he lost all sleepiness.

"Director Qi is not here now, you should catch him first and make arrangements tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Wu Jiang was overjoyed after being shocked. What does Mayor Jiang mean, I am going to be the director?

Then Jiang Shen wanted to call Pan Weiqiang, the head of the organization department.

Lao Pan went to bed early, and at this time he had already fallen asleep.

Was woken up by a phone call from Jiang Shen, very angry.

But when he heard that it was Jiang Shen's call, he lost his temper. Now that Jiang Shen was famously cruel, Lao Pan didn't need to fight against Jiang Shen.

The two only met once in the ward, and Jiang Shen knew that he was the secretary Min Jianye.

"There is also a temporary cadre, Wen Yiyi. She is a temporary cadre from Zhengke. Since the organization hasn't arranged it yet, let her come to my office, the deputy director of the government office." Jiang Shen directly arranged.

When Wen Yiyi heard it, she frowned with joy, the happiness on her face was beyond words.

"You arranged it, what's the use of my organization department?" If it was someone else, Minister Pan would have rejected him, but Jiang Shen was in his current state, he really didn't dare to reject him: "Well, let's do it like this."

After hanging up the phone, Minister Pan was thinking on the bed: "The new mayor is a bit strong, isn't he? Old Min will not have an easy life."

"It's more than enough for you to be a director in this department, but you are a temporary post after all, so start as the deputy director first." Jiang Shen comforted Wen Yiyi.

"Thank you, head." Wen Yiyi grinned: "I'm satisfied, the temporary cadres in other places have nothing to do, and we are lucky if we can do things."

She said us?Even if Ma Fubo is included, the old horse is also very happy, it is worthwhile for us to walk together, look at Wen Yiyi admiringly.

"Your thinking is wrong. It's not that the temporary cadres are fine. One is that the new place they exchanged with, the local government provides few jobs, and the other is that the temporary cadres feel that they should not take care of local affairs, so they are unwilling to do things."

"You are here to support the North. You are not exactly considered exchange cadres. You should take the initiative, be active, and participate in local construction—"

Nima, can you be more flamboyant?Mayor Ma listened to Jiang Shen's long speech, his eyes were dizzy.

At this time, he also admired Jiang Shen a little bit. No wonder he was the deputy director at such a young age, and he really had a set of theoretical knowledge.

But on the surface, he was humble and attentive.

Jiang Shen was talking, and the two kept nodding.

Jiang Shen talked for nearly 10 minutes as soon as he said it, and the two of them threw themselves into the ground, and finally waved his hands: "Okay, it's the first time today, so let's talk less, you guys go back early, thank you for coming to see me."

"Then Mayor Jiang, let's go first." Mayor Ma took the lead, and the two fled in embarrassment.

I said, Mayor Ma left the ward, and looked at Wen Yiyi with lingering fear: "Jiang Shen doesn't only have theory, does he? This theoretical knowledge is far beyond our reach." He was afraid that Jiang Shen would not do practical things, only theory, so follow such a leader , I don’t know how to die.

Sure enough, he was still too young, with no hair on his mouth, and couldn't do things well.

"No, I heard that Mayor Jiang used to be in Dongning, and he did a good job, bringing a backward county to the forefront of the province." Wen Yiyi said.

"Do you believe in this kind of words? Drive a county? It can't be done by one person, or rely on the strength of the whole county. Jiang Shen has this ability? I wonder?" Although Mayor Ma has the intention of seeking refuge today, he has no feelings for Jiang Shen. Gentleman is not optimistic either.

The two have their own thoughts and ideas.

The second day is Saturday.

More and more people watched Jiang Shen.

There are cadres from townships and bureaus, most of whom are deputies or second-in-commands.

Jiang Shen also experienced this kind of scene in Lishan.

When a new county magistrate or mayor arrives, generally those top leaders will not express their opinions easily.

The reason why they can be the top leaders is because there are people behind them, so they will not easily express their attitude to the new mayor.

When Jiang Shen is able to speak at the Standing Committee, like in Lishan, more officials will come to him.

Since Saturday, Jiang Shen has been busy, meeting various officials.

Of course, most of these officials came to visit the sick leader symbolically, bringing some fruit or something, not to say that those who came to see Jiang Shen were planning to join Jiang Shen.

The fruit in Jiang Shen's ward was piled up like a mountain, so he had to take it to the storage space at night when no one was around.

On Sunday afternoon, Jiang Shen was discharged from the hospital.

When he was discharged from the hospital, Wu Jiang, deputy director of the government office, and staff members Xiao Hu and Xiao Zhong came to pick Jiang Shen up.

Xiao Hu also brought another person, and the person he brought made Jiang Shen feel depressed.

Hu Wei's older sister, Hu Qiao, is a 27-year-old glamorous young woman.

Hu Wei introduced to Jiang Shen with a little embarrassment: "This is my sister Hu Qiao, who has been driving a taxi in the city before. Mayor Jiang, aren't you looking for a driver? How is she?"

"---" Wu Jiang's eyelids twitched on the sidelines, Nima Xiaohu, can you do it?Come here?Beauty to send leaders?You rock?

Xiao Hu's sister is beautiful, and the city government knows it.

His brother-in-law is the former director of the municipal government office, and now he is the mayor of a certain town.

Later, it was said that she got married with a director of the women's federation in the local township, and sister Hu got divorced in a fit of anger.

Xiao Hu lost the backing of his brother-in-law, so he just stayed in the city hall in a mediocre way, and his sister was reduced to driving a taxi.

Now he was able to seize this opportunity and introduce his sister to Jiang Shen. This made him a success, so is he sure that he will ride on me in the future?Wu Jiang immediately regarded Xiao Hu as his biggest enemy.

"Hello, Mayor Jiang--" Hu Qiao is a beautiful woman, her voice is very soft and soft, and her face is still slightly red when she speaks.

Even Wu Jiang saw it, and wondered why Mayor Hu had such a wife and was still stealing food down there.

"Okay." Jiang Shen really wanted to refuse, and thinking about it, the driver in Lishan was a man, and it was indeed a bit inconvenient to take the women around him to the countryside.

Back then, Wei Dongjie sometimes had a car full of women, Lu Qi, Ge Danni, Xia Su and others were all together.

It would be better if it was a female driver.

"I'll try it out first, and then make a decision after a month." Jiang Shen said without anger.

"Thank you, Mayor Jiang." Xiao Hu and his sister were overjoyed.

As long as you can be a leading driver, you will naturally have a bright future.

Everyone helped Jiang Shen carry the things, and the stars followed Jiang Shen out of the hospital like the stars.

When we got outside, the city government car No. [-] was already parked there.

Car No. [-] is here to pick up Jiang Shen today.

But Jiang Shen waved his hand and told him to go back, I have my own car.

Everyone was stunned, when did Mayor Jiang bring the car over?We don't know?

Then Jiang Shen led them to the hospital parking lot, walked to a car, and took out the key to Hu Qiao.

"This car can drive, it's automatic."

I am dizzy, everyone is going to faint.

In front of them was a 5.0v Range Rover.

The market price of this car is currently around 180 million, and all of them are over 200 million.

This car completely crushed all the vehicles owned by the Qingshu City Government.

"Here, is this Mayor Jiang's car?" Hu Qiao also stuttered.

Mr. Mayor, you take this car, do you know how to write low-key?

"I can't take this car? I bought it with my own money, and I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?" Jiang Shen asked strangely.

Hu Wei now understood why Jiang Shen didn't accept his card.

With just this car, the monthly fuel cost is higher than my salary.

Wu Jiang, deputy director of the government office, took a look behind him calmly.

Yu a88888 is still the license plate of Yuhai, the license plate of Yujing City, the capital of Yuhai Province, the car is brand new, and the license plate is brand new, obviously it was done in the past few days.

This license plate number, five and eight, is too awesome. Either it was bought from someone else, or it was fake.

Will it be fake?of course not.

He has a good eye, this kind of license plate has long since disappeared, and the new plate on Jiang Shen's new car must have been bought from someone else.

"This license plate is also worth a lot of money." Wu Jiang asked in amazement.

"It's not expensive, I paid 100 million to buy it." Jiang Shen laughed.

Hiss, everyone gasped.

"Get in the car." With a final wave of his hand, Jiang Shen led everyone to enjoy the 200 million luxury car.

Hu Qiao hesitated for a moment and sat in the cab.

"Actually, Mayor Jiang, the tax on imported cars is high, so it's more suitable in foreign countries. It's better to buy domestic ones." Hu Qiao said while driving.

When Hu Wei heard this, he became anxious, did you ever speak like that?Doesn't this make the leader angry?She tried to wink, but Hu Qiao couldn't see it.

"Haha, what you said makes sense, but this car looks awesome, and we Chinese people like awesome scenery, so let's make it more expensive." Jiang Shen laughed loudly, and everyone cursed secretly at this remark: " The rich mayor."

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