Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 881 Wanted Bounty

"Don't be like this." Gulina was ashamed and anxious.

Because the guest room was not far away, she was afraid that Jiang Shen would be embarrassed when he saw it.

"Gulina, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Qian noticed something was wrong.

Gulina smelled of sweat.

Her face was flushed and she was still panting.

She is so tired.

She carried Jiang Shen up, went downstairs, and ran up to hide her things. She was so tired all the way.

"I'm not feeling well today, you go back." Gulina whispered.

"---" What am I not going to do with you?Why are you driving me away?Jiang Qian was even more suspicious.

He used to live in Gulina's house from time to time, but he always slept in the guest room and never slept with Gulina. The two of them would hug and touch each other before going to bed at most, without any substantial development.

Gulina's father was not at home today, and he came here to take advantage of it, but he didn't expect Gulina to say such a thing.

What am I going to do with you?It's fine if you say you're not feeling well, but what will I do with you?What do you mean?

"Alright then." Jiang Qian could only shake his head: "Then I'll take a shower and go to sleep." He went back to his guest room.

"Don't---" Gulina was anxious and stopped him.

"You go back. My dad said that we haven't got engaged yet. It's not good to live here all the time. Anyway, we will get engaged next month."

"Your dad never said that before? And what does it matter if I live here?" You won't let me do what I want to do, and you will give it to me after I get married.

"I told you today, I told you not to come and live in the future, insist on ten days, and you can come every day after you get engaged." Gu Lina pushed Jiang Qian downstairs.

"Okay, okay, okay, Director Gulina, can I go to the bathroom?" Jiang Qian was helpless, although he had many questions in his heart, he didn't know how to ask.

"Go downstairs and up." Gulina continued to push him.

At this moment, there was a splash, and there was a sound of something falling to the ground.

"Hiss." Gulina's expression changed drastically.

"Who else?" Jiang Qian's expression changed drastically, and he rushed past Gulina and ran to the guest room.

"Jiang Qian, Jiang Qian---" Gu Lina hurriedly chased after her.

But her speed couldn't catch up with Jiang Qian. When she ran over, Jiang Qian stood at the door with a livid face.

"Ah--" On the ground, Jiang Shen was wearing a short skirt and stood up unsteadily.

He woke up, and when he woke up, he accidentally rolled over from the bed.

Then he stood up slowly with his hands on the ground.

"Who are you?" Jiang Qian gritted his teeth, furious.

So handsome in shorts, sleeping at our fiancée's house?

He turned his head and gave Gulina a sharp look.

"It's not what you think." Gulina hadn't finished speaking.

"The adulterer and the adulterer--" Jiang Qian rushed over fiercely, bang, bang, two punches hit Jiang Shen on the head.

Jiang Shen was still dizzy at this moment, and just as he stood firm, he was punched twice again.

"Ah!" Jiang Shen fell down in response.

He really didn't expect to roll him off the bed in front of him, it was careless, but this time he was faking it.

Otherwise, Jiang Qian's hand would be broken, and it would be impossible to defeat him.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, he's Mayor Jiang, the city's Mayor Jiang---"

"I said it looked so familiar, so it was you, the one who hit you, Mayor Jiang, and the mayor---" Jiang Qian raised his foot and kicked again, but Gulina hugged him tightly and pulled him back, The kick didn't hit anything, and the formation was very scary.

"What? Mayor Jiang ---" Jiang Qian was fierce at first, punching and kicking, but then he realized it.

Jiang Shen?

Tyrant mayor?

The cruelest mayor in Qingshu City ever?

Jiang Qian stood there blankly, staring at Jiang Shen.

"Stop beating, if you beat me again, I will call the police." Jiang Shen covered his face and stood up slowly, staring at this Jiang Qian, not to mention, he looks a bit like Jiang Qian's handsome face, he was shocked when he heard the name uncomfortable.

Normally, he wouldn't suffer like this.

But today I really feel sorry for others.

For no reason, the young couple started to quarrel.

"Gulina---" Jiang Qian turned his head and pointed at Gulina, his face full of pain: "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, mayor, hehe, so you want to be the mayor's wife, count me in Misread you--"

After Jiang Qian finished speaking, he turned and left in grief without turning his head.

"Jiang Qian, it's not what you think, you listen to my explanation----" Gu Lina chased him out.

But Jiang Qian was willing to listen to her explanation.

Gulina's mother was also downstairs, and wanted to stop her to explain.

But at this time Jiang Qian was already crazy, his fiancée was snatched away by the mayor, he lost face and ran away.

If it were someone else, with his prairie man's bravery, he would still be able to fight him desperately, but now that he is the famous brutal mayor, the land rich mayor, Jiang Qian can only bear it.

"Jiang Qian---" Gulina finally watched Jiang Qian run wildly and disappear into the night, with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry, I'll call him over another day and explain to him." Jiang Shen sat on the bed and looked at the sad Gulina in front of him.

Gu Lina actually looks very good, except for her dark skin, she is definitely a beauty.

This kid Jiang Qian is lucky, but this name is too annoying, it looks like tearing him apart?Jiang Shen was dreaming there.

"He doesn't believe me? I've been with him for so many years, but he doesn't believe me?" Gulina was ashamed and angry.

"It's normal. If it were me, I would see many men in the family doing the same. Men will never tolerate this kind of thing. I will help you clarify."

"How could he believe it?" Gulina was also very depressed, and wanted to know: "Mayor Jiang, you—why did you come to my house?"

"---" Jiang Shen was very depressed when asked.

I can say that I found an ancient teleportation array, and then I could have left the earth, but I suddenly wanted to come back, clicked it, and fell from the teleportation space to your compound.

Even if you're crazy, you don't believe it.

"---" Jiang Shen was lucky enough to think of an excuse a long time ago: "I don't know. On the way home from work, I was suddenly hit from behind by someone. When I woke up, I was on your bed?"

"Director Gu, why am I on your bed?"

"No---" Gu Lina became anxious, thinking that Jiang Shen was suspicious of them, she quickly waved her hands: "I was at home with my mother, and I heard noises outside, and when I went out, I saw you unconscious on the ground, so I carried them in , we really don’t know?”

"We didn't fight."

"Don't be nervous, I know you didn't hit me, you hit me, you can put me on the bed—"

"That's right, that's right---" Gulina was scared to death.

"Then why, they want to throw me at your house?" Jiang Shen put on airs.

"I don't know, I don't know---" Gulina was so depressed, it's not easy to throw it away, you threw it at our house, and my boyfriend ran away. If this person is caught, he should be sentenced to death.

"Okay, I'll take a break and leave. You didn't call the police, did you?"

"No, Mayor Jiang, it's late now, go to sleep and leave tomorrow morning."

"Well, that's fine, then I'll trouble you."

"You're welcome, you should. I'll wash your pants for you. You're lying on the ground, dirty."

Seeing Gulina leaving at a loss, Jiang Shen was also secretly amused.

Gulina at this time was completely different from the high-spirited Gulina who went to his office that day.

No matter how strong a woman is, when facing matters between men and women, there will be times of panic. Gulina must have a headache now.

As soon as Gulina left, Jiang Shen's face darkened.

This time he was almost beaten to death, and almost left the earth, all thanks to Liang Mulan.

He also saved Liang Mulan's life, but this Sanba was bitter. If she didn't kill her, it would be too much for heaven's sake.

However, he knew that Liang Mulan might be in Qingshu, but he couldn't find Liang Mulan.

This woman knew Jiang Shen's weakness, and she relied on her spiritual thoughts to find someone. She didn't know what method she used to cover up Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts.

Spiritual thoughts are useless, and it is difficult for Jiang Shen to find her on his own.

He immediately called Azahi.

"Ju, you help me find two people, the whole city is mobilized, they are wanted, and a reward of 100 million is offered."

"Yes, Mayor." Azahi was also taken aback.

Generally, when the police station offered a reward, it had to be reported to the higher-level police department, and the amount had to be discussed. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen directly quoted a sky-high price.

100 million wanted, which is very rare in China.

And the wanted people, one is a university professor, and the other is the professor's younger brother.

If it were someone else's chief, he wouldn't dare to agree.

Azhaxi did not hesitate, and immediately agreed, and made arrangements overnight.

After this phone call, Jiang Shen called Jin Zhiqing and the others again, and the phones of the three were all turned off.

Liang Mulan hasn't let her go yet?Courting death, March [-] courting death, if I don't kill her, it's not enough to vent the hatred in my heart.

Jiang Shen was thinking about who to call next, but that person called first.

Lei Guoqiang called and said anxiously: "Mayor Jiang, why are Professor Liang and the others wanted? Didn't you join hands together?"

"The surname Liang is pissing me, I was almost sent home by her, Lei Guoqiang, I warn you, no one should persuade me, and don't stop me, whoever blocks me now is my enemy, the king of heaven, I will save my face." If you don’t give me any, if you piss me off and blow the earth apart with one punch, I can do anything.” Jiang Shen said viciously.

Of course he won't blow up the earth, but if he doesn't say such cruel words, it's hard to guarantee that a leader will come out with me.

"Okay, I don't care about your personal affairs, I don't care, don't affect our cooperation with you, your warship is being repaired steadily." Lei Guoqiang naturally understood Jiang Shen's meaning, and immediately separated the relationship.

"The two of them lying there? Help me find it."

"Professor Liang is powerful in Taoism, hiding in heaven and earth. Mayor Jiang, you are a godlike person and you can't find him. What can we do?" Lei Guoqiang naturally adhered to the principle of not helping each other.

In fact, if he had to choose, he would rather help Liang Mulan.

Liang Mulan and Jiang Shen, one can still listen to their suggestions, and the other completely ignores them, so how could he help Jiang Shen.

"Then you two don't help each other. Don't let me know that someone is plotting against me. Those who help Liang Mulan are my enemies." Well, after Jiang Shen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

I'm sorry, Lei Guoqiang held the phone and thought for a while, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he flashed.

The second day is Thursday.

Jiang Shen went to work normally, and when he left, he was wearing Gulina's father's clothes, and Hu Qiao came to pick him up.

Hu Qiao was a little depressed when she saw that Jiang Shen was staying at Gulina's house.

"I heard that you overslept at noon yesterday?" Jiang Shen asked calmly in the car, and at the same time scanned with his spiritual sense to see if it was really Hu Qiao. He was a little frightened by Liang Mulan.

"That's right, I squinted in the car yesterday, when I woke up, why did I go back to the hotel?"

"I saw you fell asleep and asked someone to take you back. Don't worry, it's Jin Zhiqing and the others. No man will take advantage of you."

"Hee hee, I'm so old, what's my preference?" Hu Qiao smiled, and secretly glanced at Jiang Shen.

But I heard Jiang Shen say: "After sending it to our city, I will give you three days off, drive my car out, and play casually. For three days, listen to my phone calls."

"---" Hu Qiao was stunned for a moment, but she immediately nodded obediently: "Good Mayor Jiang."

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