Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 887 Transformation

He looked down, and the phone number showed that it was Director Song's number just now.

Hey, there is a turning point, Xiang Zhong quickly connected the phone.

"What did you just say? From that place?" Director Song's tone was a little more relaxed this time than before, but it was obviously still a little cold.

"Yuhai Province, Qingshu City." Xiang Zhong said.

"You mayor, what did you say it was called?"

"Jiang Shen, our Mayor Jiang, Jiang Shen."

"Jiang Shen?" It turned out that Director Song had just hung up the phone, and only remembered Jiang Shen.

Why do I feel that my name is so familiar, isn't it just the pretentious guy who caused the price of oil to drop with just two phone calls?Director Song was too impressed with Jiang Shen.

Nothing shocked him more than this.

"Isn't he the magistrate of some county or something?" Director Song remembered that he seemed to be the magistrate or secretary in the past.

"We've communicated, and we'll become the mayor of our city." Nima, when Xiang Zhong heard it, it seemed that others didn't know Jiang Shen very well.

"What do you want from me?" Director Song didn't want to talk to him at first, but thinking of Jiang Shen's ability, he was still quite scary, so he suddenly asked someone to come over, maybe there was something wrong.

When Xiang Zhong heard the excitement, he hurriedly said, "We have a big project. Mayor Jiang asked me to meet the leaders of your department. He said, please introduce it."

"Big project? What big project do you have?" Director Song felt amused. Whether the project is big or not depends on whether we will give it to the Development and Reform Office. Is it something that you, a county-level city, can worry about.

But Jiang Shen wanted him to introduce the chief director, and he was also a little depressed. What are you, if you don’t come by yourself, send someone under you. I don’t know what level of small cadres are going to see our chief director?

In the Development and Reform Office, the chief director is not counted, and several of the deputy directors are members of the Central Committee. In general provinces, the governor is a member of the Central Committee. This is a big difference.

But even though he had a lot of opinions on Jiang Shen, he didn't dare to openly disagree with Jiang Shen.

Not to mention that Jiang Shen's father-in-law is He Changlong, but the fact that he caused the price of oil to drop that day is an existence beyond the reach of Director Song.

"Where are you? Call me at the Ministry."

"I'm in the ministry, queuing outside."

"Yes." Director Song hung up the phone.

Xiang Zhong also let out a long sigh of relief.

In less than 5 minutes, Director Song's office opened, and two people came out.

The vice-governor who lined up at the back saw it, and immediately rushed over with his two subordinates.

"Xu Sheng is sorry, wait a minute, Director Song is meeting a friend." The arrogant man in front of the office stopped the Deputy Governor Xu with a smile.

"---" Well, Deputy Chief Xu was furious. I am a dignified Deputy Provincial, and I am similar to your chief director. You, a department director, asked me to wait until now?

Anger to anger, he had no choice but to watch Xiang Zhong go in.

"People from Qingshu City? Come in."

Xiang Zhong is proud of himself, the feeling of jumping in line in the ministry is really great.

So Xiang Zhong walked into Director Song's office amidst envious and jealous eyes.

"Ask for 150 billion from above? No project information?" In the office, Director Song looked at Xiang Zhong angrily.

If Nima hadn't been introduced by Jiang Shen, I would slap you and slap you out just based on this sentence.

Xiang Zhongshi opened his mouth, Jiang Shen said 100 billion, and he directly reported 150 billion, which almost scared Director Song to death.

Just report it, he ran in empty-handed, without a single page of documents.

You said that you applied for the project, you need to make materials, right?

If you just copy, you also want to copy a copy from someone else?

Xiang Zhongkong ran in with both hands, and then said 150 billion, Director Song almost went mad with anger.

Projects that others build power plants at their own expense may not be approved. When you ask the state to give you 150 billion to build a power plant in your own city, are you crazy, or are you thinking I'm crazy?

"Okay, let me help you report to Director Yan and see if Director Jiang is free."

Director Jiang is their chief director.

However, Xiang Zhong clearly felt that what he said was a little insincere and contemptuous.

"When Mayor Jiang comes, let me say eight words." Xiang Zhong took out his trump card.

"The eight characters?" Director Song was so angry that he wanted to laugh, cooperating with you, Jiang Shen, who is a god, saying eight characters is more useful than the eight characters of the chief?

"Super advanced, number one in the world." Xiang Zhong smiled: "Mayor Jiang said that our technology is number one in the world."

"---" Director Song was speechless.

If it was someone else, he would naturally be thrown out by him early on.

But what Jiang Shen said, he really didn't dare to be perfunctory.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to find Director Yan."

"But Mayor Jiang, I want you to introduce Director Jiang for us." Xiang Zhong will know now, the co-author of the Development and Reform Office is also surnamed Jiang, could it be Jiang Shen's family?So he is awesome?

Xiang Zhongzhen will have wild dreams.

"---" Director Song froze for a moment.

It is a bit difficult for the junior directors of other departments in the ministry to meet the big directors, and his father's level is there, so he can sometimes see the big directors.

Hearing this, he hesitated for a while: "Okay, I'll take you to see Director Xia Fei first, who is in charge of project approval. Whether you will meet Director Jiang Da, we will talk about it later."

Director Song also wanted to see why Jiang Shen said such a thing, and he was also very happy to see the leaders of the ministry slap Jiang Shen in the face.

Director Fei and Director Song's father had a good relationship, and Director Song soon brought Xiang Zhong to meet him.

Although he is a deputy, he is a member of the Central Committee, which is much better than the same deputy governor outside.

Director Fei also has a part-time job as Director of the Energy Bureau.

It used to be the Ministry of Energy, a small department at the deputy ministerial level, and later changed to the Energy Bureau, with the director and deputy ministerial level.

"Super advanced, number one in the world." Director Fei couldn't help but laugh when he heard these words.

You will die if you don't brag?Putting up solar power generation is still super advanced and number one in the world.

"Their mayor's name is Jiang Shen." Director Song reminded him.

He wanted to see if Director Fei recognized this person.

Xiang Zhong also pricked up his ears and stared at Director Fei. Jiang Shen said that he would report his name to the leaders to see what the result would be.

"Jiang Shen?" When Director Fei heard these two words, he was stunned for a moment, and then brushed, his eyes became bright.

"Which Jiang Shen?" He asked again.

"In the past, the county magistrate of Lishan County seemed to have become the secretary of the county party committee, and now he has gone to Qingshu City." Director Song said cautiously.

"It's him---" Director Fei had indeed heard Jiang Shen's name.

He is in charge of energy, and all oil, gas, electricity, and coal in the country are under his control.

Of course I've heard the name.

Jiang Shen won the oil field in the UAE, and later forced Huaguo to lower the price. The ordinary people in the Development and Reform Office do not know who did these two things, and the leaders have heard of them.

Especially oil, which is related to the national strategic work. There was a chief who wanted Jiang Shen to win oil fields for the country again, and he even discussed with the Energy Bureau.

In the end, it turned out that Jiang Shen was a bit difficult to get along with, they were not sure, and finally let it go.

Now, Jiang Shen took the initiative to come to the door.

"Sit down, so it's Mayor Jiang's colleague, Xiao Song making tea." Director Fei immediately smiled when he heard that he was Jiang Shen's subordinate.

"---" This is unscientific. Director Song is extremely depressed. Director Fei and Jiang Shen have such a good relationship?

When Director Fei's attitude changed, Xiang Zhong sensed it.

"I'll do it, let's do it ourselves." Before he could order Secretary Xiao Hong, he snatched the cup from Director Song and poured tea.

Director Song took a look and greeted Director Fei: "You guys talk, I'll go first." He retired honestly and left honestly.

After walking out of the gate, I was still thinking, Jiang Shen and Director Fei are so familiar?Why are you still calling me for an introduction?

After he left, Director Fei asked Xiang Zhong with a smile, without any pretensions of a deputy ministerial executive.

"Super advanced, number one in the world, these eight words are indeed shocking, can you explain in detail?"

"I don't know the details. When I came here, Mayor Jiang told me that there is a project technology in it, which is unique to him. He wants to apply for a national patent, that is, whether it is rainy or cloudy, as long as the sun exists, the same can be done." Absorb, exactly the same as usual."

"Hiss—" Director Fei was an expert, and he gasped when he heard that.

At present, the development of solar energy technology in the world is not perfect, because there are special seasons such as rainy days, cloudy days, and rainy days, and it cannot operate continuously.

Jiang Shen's operation under such difficult conditions is really super advanced and number one in the world.

And Jiang Shen said so much, as long as the sun exists, it can generate electricity.

"Mayor Xiang Zhong, you are responsible for what you said, do you know? This is something that the world's most advanced technology cannot do. You Qingshu can do it. It is definitely a new technology that will create a new century. It will have a great impact on the development of solar energy in the whole world It has an incredible effect."

"I didn't say that. Mayor Jiang said it. Whether it's okay or not depends on Jiang Shen." Xiang Zhong quickly put himself aside.

"Hmm--" Director Fei didn't know much about Jiang Shen. He only knew that he had a good relationship with the world's major oil countries and was good at oil. He pondered for a while: "Wait a minute, I'll report to Director Jiang."

He is going to see the chief director of the Development and Reform Office, Director Jiang Shili.

Xiang Zhong and the secretary were honestly waiting in his office.

Jiang Shili, chief director of the Development and Reform Office, is in his early sixties. Before coming to the Development and Reform Office, he was the Minister and Secretary of the Ministry of Land and Resources.

Known as one of the most powerful ministers in China.

Now almost all large and small domestic projects have to go through the Development and Reform Office, and the rise and fall of oil prices are all announced by the Development and Reform Office, which is a very powerful part.

Jiang Shili was not in the office when Director Fei went over.

After receiving Director Fei's call, Jiang Shili was silent on the phone for a while, then paused: "I'm with Chief Huang now, I'll call you later."

"What's the matter?" Chief Lao Yan was sitting opposite Jiang Shili, and raised his head upon hearing this, "I seem to have heard the word Jiang Shen?"

"It's Jiang Shen, and I'll report to you." Jiang Shili said respectfully, "He wants to engage in solar power generation, and he needs the Ministry to allocate 150 billion yuan. He also said that the technology is super advanced and number one in the world."

"Oh --- so advanced?" Lao Yan's level, when he heard it in his ears, what he heard was not how many billions of money he had, but how advanced he was.

Money is really nothing to the chiefs. As long as the technology is advanced and it benefits the country and the people, no matter how much money there is, Chief Lao Yan is willing to spend it.

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