"Want to run?" Jiang Shen missed Lu Dingtian with one move, startled and angry.

He claimed to be a fairy, but now he was run away by a mortal.

Although it is said that this mortal, the king among mortals, is close to breaking the void, and can see God without a person.

"Whoosh..." Jiang Shen also moved. He came later and moved later than Lu Dingtian, but the speed was really unmatched by Lu Dingtian.

Lu Dingtian had just stood firm, before he had time to look up.

I felt the wind behind my ears like lightning, whoosh, a fist hit my back.

He knew it was Jiang Shen's attack, but he had just dodged Jiang Shen's move, and he had already broken through the limit. This time he clearly felt the attack, but he knew that he couldn't dodge it.

His speed must be far inferior to Jiang Shen's.

"Even if you die, you have to die with dignity." At the critical moment, Lu Dingtian had no fear, only composure, and all the strength in his body was concentrated on a point on his back.

"I use Chinese martial arts to fight supernatural powers, and I use mortal body to fight gods. Even if I die, I will still be worthy of my master---"

"Bang" Lu Dingtian was hit on the back by Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen's fists are no better than Lu Dingtian's. If Lu Dingtian's punch can smash a tank, Jiang Shen's punch is enough to blow up an aircraft carrier. Moreover, he managed to catch Lu Dingtian this time, so of course he will beat him to death.

But after all, he was apprehensive, he was in the big city of Shanghai today, if the force was too great, he was afraid that a magnitude [-] earthquake would hit Shanghai and how many people would die, so he restrained himself.

"Kacha" Lu Dingtian was hit on the back by him, and Jiang Shen heard a sound like a big tree being chopped off.

He felt it, as if his fist had hit a piece of jade.

Is there something on Lu Dingtian's back?

Not only did he have it on his back, but his whole body, except for his head, was wrapped in everything under his clothes, and he tried his best to guard against Jiang Shen.

"Wow!" Lu Dingtian was beaten by Jiang Shen and flew forward more than 30 meters, smashing through three houses in a row.

When he landed, his clothes shattered behind him, and a large black powder appeared.

"Wow--" Lu Dingtian vomited half of his blood, didn't dare to look back, rolled on the spot, whoosh, jumped up and ran again.

After being punched by Jiang Shen, he was able to run again.

It's not how strong he is, it's that he puts a kind of jade on his body.

Jiang Shen also recognized this kind of jade.

Back then when he was underground, his divine sense couldn't be cleared away, and the jade stone of the Vajra Terrace was located.

This material is also one of the materials of the teleportation array.

It is a material in Xuanmen.

Lu Dingtian was surrounded by materials, no wonder Jiang Shen couldn't find him.

He also presumably had prepared himself for protection.

But today, Jiang Shen must kill him, how could he let him escape.

"Lu Dingtian, today is your death day." Jiang Shen smiled and stepped forward.

He could see Lu Dingtian, how could he let Lu Dingtian disappear before his eyes again.

Whoosh, Jiang Shen chased after him again.

Just as Lu Dingtian rolled from the ground, Jiang Shen was already behind him, reached out and grabbed Lu Dingtian's right arm.

"Hiss..." Lu Dingtian suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Is it okay to be caught by Jiang Shen?

Although he was protected, if Jiang Shen caught him, he would definitely die.

He also made up his mind, without even thinking about it, he twisted his shoulders, and with a sound of Kacha, he twisted forward with all his might.

At the same time, Jiang Shen was also making efforts to grab Lu Dingtian to his side.

Heck, Lu Dingtian's right arm was broken at the shoulder level, and blood sprayed in all directions, he didn't even frown, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

At the critical moment, he cut his arms to keep people, and dodged another trick.

"Jiang Shen—keep someone under his command." At this moment, someone nearby yelled loudly, bang, and gunshots rang out at the same time.

Harsh appeared.


In fact, not to mention pistols, any gun on the earth is useless to Jiang Shen.

However, people have a conditioned reflex. When Jiang Shen heard the gunshots, he bounced back and dodged to the side.

Flutter, the bullet passed through his ear.

When he dodged the bullet, his speed slowed down by half a beat.

Lu Dingtian is also a top player, Jiang Shen is not afraid to be slow, a tenth of a second slow is enough for him to run a long way.

Whoosh, he leaped vigorously again, and the place he jumped this time was in the direction of Stern.

One step to the strict side.

"Where's the book?"

"Here you are." Sternly, he handed a book to Lu Dingtian.

Between lightning and flint, the two completed the transaction.

"Jiang Shen, Immortal Lu, Mr. Lu, don't want to be your enemy---" Stern still wanted to persuade Jiang Shen.

"Get out of the way." It was Lu Dingtian who Jiang Shen wanted to kill, and he stepped forward again with a cold snort.

He took two shots in a row, but failed to kill Lu Dingtian, which was already a great irony to his God Realm, if he couldn't kill him this time, this parallel importer God Realm would be laughed to death by Liang Mulan.

But seeing a ruthless look in Lu Dingtian's eyes suddenly, he probably knew that he would not be able to run away today, so he made a sharp turn, bang, and punched Yan Yan on the back.

"Wow--" Yan Yan never expected that he saved Lu Dingtian, but Lu Dingtian turned on him and sacrificed him.

Lu Dingtian beat his whole body and flew forward, just in time to bump into Jiang Shen who was flying over.

Jiang Shen took the stern 'wow-'stern gulp of blood, gushing out from the sprayer, mouth, eyes, and ears, spraying Jiang Shen all over his body.

"Whoosh" Lu Dingtian slammed into the air, turned around, and ran away without stopping.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen wanted to shake off Yan Yan and continue chasing.

"Jiang Shen—listen to me—" Yan Yan was covered in blood, holding Jiang Shen's leg with blank eyes.

Jiang Shen wanted to shake him off with all his strength, but thinking that he just went to see Mr. Chen in Hongmen and that he was not his enemy, he couldn't help hesitating for a moment, looked up again, and Lu Dingtian's figure had disappeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Shen couldn't see Lu Dingtian with his eyes, and his spiritual sense was useless. If he tried to chase him, he might not be able to catch up.

Shanghai is so big, with tens of millions of people, Lu Dingtian hid in a crowd, and Jiang Shen couldn't find him.

"What do you want to say? What did you give Lu Dingtian?" Jiang Shen raised his hands and was stern.

Feeling that Yan Yan was about to die at any time, he couldn't bear it in his heart, so he gave him a little bit of profound energy.

Yes, he didn't lose his immortal energy. Although he was sympathetic and severe, he was not his own, so there was no need to waste his immortal energy.

He has the profound energy that he has cultivated himself.

Entering this bit of profound energy, his serious expression improved a lot.

"Shenxian Lu, Mr. Lu doesn't want to be against you. He thinks you are a good person. It's just because you are a bit competitive that Nagel and I try you--"

When he said this, Jiang Shen understood. It turned out that the people who provoked me in Lishan were people from the Lu Shenxian sect.

"In this case, why did you help Lu Dingtian?" Jiang Shen said in a deep voice.

"I was brought up by Lu Dingtian since I was a child—I was regarded as a brother and father—I'm sorry—I was wrong—" Yan Yan now knows that he was wrong, because he never thought that Lu Dingtian would sacrifice him in order to escape.

"What I gave him was Lu Shenxian's request for Feng Gang Formation --- on Jiang Qian's back, there is a picture ---" Strictly said to Jiang Shen.

Finally said: "If you are afraid that Jiang Qian and Lu Dingtian will join hands to attract your enemies, kill Jiang---kill---Jiang Fengmin---kill the person who has blood relationship with you---that array will never be seen again use---"

"What?" Jiang Shen's face changed drastically when he heard the last.

It turned out that apart from the things on my body, anyone who has a blood relationship with me can also use it.

The Six-Phase Star Shift requires a formation eye to activate, and the formation eye is something on Jiang Shen's body. If the enemy can't get what is on Jiang Shen's body, Jiang Fengmin, who has a blood relationship with Jiang Shen, can be the formation eye.

"Beep, beep ---" At this moment, the sound of a police car in the distance was loud, and a policeman rushed over here.

He had just fought with Lu Dingtian twice, but it was earth-shattering, several houses collapsed, and the nearby police came after hearing about it.

Jiang Shen looked up, quickly disappeared, swished a few times holding Yan Yan, and changed places.

"I left beforehand. This is by the Lanpu River. Although your injury is serious, I have given you some profound energy. If you call a doctor, you can still survive." Jiang Shen said, turned and left.

Watching Jiang Shen disappear in front of him, he smiled bitterly, smiled, and coughed loudly.

"Cough cough—wow—" Another mouthful of blood sprayed out of the mouth with coughing.

"What's the point of me being alive?" He has lost the "Feng Gang Formation Requirement" that Nagel kept for him, and he still has the face to see Nagel.

With trembling hands, he took the phone out of his pocket.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a news popped up on the phone.

"Somewhere in Yuhai Province, a body that seemed to be killed by a bomb was found---the body was bombed and then fell off a cliff. It was discovered by local mountain people. The police suspected that it was a homicide, and explosives were used. It has been listed as an important case. Since the identity of the deceased is unknown, we are now looking for someone who knew the deceased—"

"Nagle?" Strictly saw clearly.

The corpse belonged to Nagel. Although the clothes were torn, he could still tell that people who had been together for more than ten years could be recognized at a glance.

"Nagel is dead too? Lu Dingtian, Lu Dingtian, did you kill him too? --- Immortal Lu, I'm sorry for your old man --"

Strictly watching the news, I was disheartened.

I wanted to make a phone call to the hospital, but after much deliberation, I lost my mind, waved my hand violently, threw the phone into the Lanpu River, struggled to crawl forward a few times, and finally stood up and turned over.

With a plop, Yan Yan fell into the Lanpu River.

At around [-] o'clock that night, in the lobby of a certain hotel.

Two figures slowly appeared.

Jiang Qian and Aqiduo are here, they look like lovers now, holding hands, their faces are sweet.

Aqiduo was a little shy. When she entered the hall, she withdrew her hand and followed behind Jiang Qian with a blushing face.

"Trouble, I want to ask, is Yan Yan in the room? We are his friends. Can you call us and ask?" Jiang Qian really found Yan Yan's place.

"Okay, wait a moment." The waiter would not talk to Jiang Qian at first, but seeing a handsome young man like Jiang Qian, sunny and enthusiastic, smiling all over his face, he was infatuated for a while, and even made a phone call for him.

"I'm sorry, there is no one in the room to pick up, maybe I haven't come back, why don't you wait in the lobby?" the waiter smiled.

"Oh, thank you." Jiang Qian turned his head helplessly and looked at Aqiduo.

There are TVs in the lobby, huge big screen TVs.

At this time, the higher-ups had just finished the news in Beijing, which angered the local news in Shanghai.

"At noon today, a body was found in the Lanpu River. According to someone at the scene, this person crawled to the riverside by himself and committed suicide by jumping into the river—"

"According to the police investigation, this person's surname is Yan, his name is strict, and he is from Yuhai on his ID card. If you know this person, please contact the Changhong Sub-district Police Station of the Shanghai Police—"

"Uncle Yan." Akito looked at the TV in disbelief.

"What? Strictly dead?" Jiang Qian turned pale with shock, and turned his head away quickly.

They are all dead, Nagel is dead, Stern is also dead, where is my "Feng Gang Formation Wanted"?

At this moment, Jiang Qian was thinking about Feng Gangzhen.

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