What does Jiang Shen lack?

What Jiang Shen lacked was Taoist experience.

His start was better than Huang Zheng's. He started in the divine realm and possessed immortal energy. This is the luck that Huang Zheng only had in the later stages of the Tiandi Continent.

But he stayed on the earth all the time, except that his realm had been raised by two levels by chance, there were almost no changes.

It is because he has never stayed in the Taoist world, has no combat experience, no one to guide his practice, and no formal and systematic study.

Until now, he has practiced Ba Ren's God Realm Seed.

Everything about Ba Ren becomes Jiang Shen's possession.

Ba Ren's God Realm Seed is too strong, I don't know how many times stronger than the previous Tathagata.

Of course, Tathagata in his heyday would definitely be able to kill Ba Ren. The problem is that what Tathagata left behind at the beginning is less than one percent, one thousandth of what Tathagata was in his heyday.

This divine seed directly allowed Jiang Shen to be promoted again.

Boom, Jiang Shen was promoted to the fourth level of the God Realm.

After practicing for a full half a year, he practiced Ba Ren's God Realm Seed, and was promoted to the fourth level of God Realm in one fell swoop.

And this time it's not a parallel God Realm, this time it's the real fourth level God Realm, Ba Ren's strength, memory, and lifelong practice are all in this God Realm seed, all of which are suitable for Jiang Shen.

At the beginning, Nalan Bubai's will was lost, just to inherit his last mantle, and Jiang Shen got only a part of his memory, and more of Nalan Bubai's various supernatural powers.

But today, Jiang Shen got all of Ba Ren, which is equivalent to becoming the second Ba Er. Even if he has never been to Henggu College, he still knows Henggu College like the back of his hand.

From now on, Jiang Shen is a fourth-level god who has practiced in the Eternal Continent for tens of thousands of years.

It feels so good to train others and gain strength. No wonder in the Taoist world, the weak prey on the strong, and plundering and killing are the easiest ways to achieve success.

Jiang Shen felt his own strength, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Of course, if you want to plunder others, you have to worry about being killed by others at any time. If you don't have enough strength, it's best not to do such a thing.

In the Eternal Continent, it is a taboo to practice other people's god-level seeds, and all the colleges do not support it. They just don't want the world to become too crazy. Everyone will plunder and kill them. If you don't practice well, it will always be unfavorable to the final cultivation. practice.

The real Zhenjun students, the supreme masters, all came up through hard work on their own.

But Jiang Shen can't do anything now, the enemy is now, and he wants to buy time.

After Shandi wakes up, the subsequent practice must be very fast. Jiang Shen must rush ahead of her to improve her strength before she can kill Shandi and eliminate the threat.

"Jiang Shen--you can't do this anymore? Practice the seeds, practice the big taboo, you will be so obsessed sooner or later, it is impossible to ascend to the fairy world--" Ba Yi was frightened, he watched Jiang Shen practice dead bully Ren, panic and fear in his heart.

"Hahaha, at the beginning, Huang Zheng also killed all the way and finally ascended to the fairyland. Why can't I, Jiang Shen?"

"Don't worry, I have the Vajra Platform in my body, so I can calm my mind and help me practice, and I will never go crazy."

"It will be much easier for me to deal with that bitch Shandi when I refine your seeds and advance to the fifth level of the divine realm. Come on, Bayi, you should never have come to this earth, hahaha --" Jiang Shen was not polite and continued to practice.

Even if you really get mad, you can't control it. Now, only by improving your own strength can you fight against the supreme fairy Shandi.

Shandi was a fairy in her previous life, with extraordinary strength, Jiang Shen can only hope to fight against her if she surpasses Shandi in the realm.

"Ah---" Bayi's frightened sound came from the King Kong Terrace again.

"I curse you, curse you bastard, let you go mad and fall into the devil's way---you will die---" Ba Yi knew that the disaster was imminent, so he kept cursing Jiang Shen.

"Wow--" Sure enough, countless black shadows suddenly appeared in Jiang Shen's divine sense.

These black shadows are like huge demons. They are frantic, crazy, and killing. All kinds of blood and madness occupy Jiang Shen's mind.

Kill, kill, kill, kill 'em loot 'em.

Grab, grab, him, practice the seeds to strengthen yourself.

Deep in his mind, it seemed that there was a devil's voice tempting Jiang Shen.

This kind of feeling of killing others, taking the seeds of other people's gods, and then practicing to strengthen oneself is getting better and better.

In Jiang Shen's heart, a demon was born.

Kill, kill, I will learn from Huang Zheng in the future, kill all the enemies, no, kill every god I see, plunder their power for my use, sooner or later, I will surpass Huang Zheng.

Jiang Shen was a little crazy.

It is impossible to teleport to the Eternal Continent immediately, and then kill all the gods you see, and plunder their power.

He is falling into magic.

He is cursed by tyranny.

He even had an idea that because he cared about too many people, he was intimidated by others, killed them, and killed all the women. Miss me?

Well, I'm going to kill all the women now.

"Amitabha ---" At this moment, a great light shines in the Vajra Terrace.

Swipe, a Buddha statue appeared out of thin air.

The figure of a benevolent old man appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

"As I heard, Subuti recited Ananda, and one day, the relics will be able to respond to the great emptiness---" The golden mouth of the Buddha statue is wide open, and the tongue is shining like a lotus flower. One after another, Buddhist words spread into Jiang Shen's ears and into Jiang Shen's ears. In Jiang Shen's heart, Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts were transmitted.

"Da-de-pu-ti?" Jiang Shen woke up like a dream, and the golden light of Buddhism burst out in his mind.

This golden light is sacred, solemn, benevolent, and upright.

To disperse the devil, return the true heart.

"Ba Yi, I'm not a demon, I'm not plundering your achievements, it's because you fell into the evil way and killed innocent people indiscriminately. Eliminate harm for the people, great merit and great wisdom --- you can go at ease, in the next life, you will be reincarnated as a good person ---"

Following Jiang Shen's words, Ba Yi saw that Jiang Shen's face was full of holiness, and bursts of Buddha's light appeared, looking like a supreme Buddha.

The Buddha, who is more like a fairy, is like a fairy in the world of Buddhism.

"How is it possible? The law of heaven has no eyes---" Bayi screamed in disbelief.

Although he didn't know Jiang Shen before, he had heard a little bit about Jiang Shen when he came to the earth. Like Buddha.

Do you think Ba Yi can be convinced?

"Da Tiputi---are you blind---" Ba Yi murmured to himself before dying, kept screaming in the air, insulting Da Tiputi over and over again.

As if hearing Bayi's reluctance, in the Vajra Terrace, someone seemed to be softly saying to Bayi: "People are not sages, no one can do anything wrong, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, Amitabha--"

Dati Puti, Jiang Shen, this person will never put down the butcher knife, ah---you have no eyes---you have no eyes---.

His cry lingered in the Vajra Terrace for three years.

It took three years before and after, and Jiang Shen finally practiced the god-level seeds of domineering.

Three years inside and three days outside, it took him more than three years to refine the seed of the sixth level of the divine realm.

Coincidentally, at the same time as the training was over, his King Grade Immortal Crystal was also used up.

Boom, at the end of the moment, Jiang Shen was promoted to the fifth level of God Realm as he wished.

After being promoted to the fifth level of the God Realm, he can travel across all major galaxies without magic weapons. As long as he has a star map and his lifespan allows, Jiang Shen can leave the earth without a teleportation array and rush to the Eternal Continent.

However, his lifespan is limited now, only hundreds of thousands of years old, and it will take tens of thousands of years to fly to the Eternal Continent, so of course he can't fly there.

Now how to do?

After Jiang Shen was promoted to the fifth level of the divine realm, he already felt his earth-shattering power.

He believed that when he met Shandi last time, he would beat her until she vomited blood.

Shandi is the reincarnation of a fairy, and has the body of a fairy. No matter how strong my divine realm is, I can't kill her. Only my magic weapon, the Vajra Platform, can deal with her body.

But Vajra Terrace doesn't have attack skills, so how do you deal with Shandi?Are you going to smash it?Beat her to death with the King Kong platform?

If I can kill Shandi and get her fairy body, my strength will increase immediately, and it is possible to ascend to the fairy world in one fell swoop. At that time, I will become the first immortal on earth to ascend, skipping the step of going to the Eternal Continent .

Jiang Shen made a lot of calculations in the King Kong Terrace, and finally returned from Mars to Earth.

He stayed on Mars for nearly half a year.

It's not that he wants to delay time, because he needs to consolidate his promotion just now, and now there is no fairy crystal to reverse time, so he has to practice slowly, honestly consolidated for half a year before returning from Mars.

I don't know if I don't come back, but when I come back now, my face changes drastically.

The blue planet I saw in the starry sky before has now become dark.

After successive nuclear explosions and artifact explosions, earthquakes occurred throughout the earth. The most severe earthquakes were magnitude [-] or above, and entire areas were destroyed. The better ones were magnitude [-] and [-], causing countless deaths and injuries.

Countries and regions facing the Pacific Ocean were hit hard by the tsunami. In short, the earth is now in disaster, as if the end of the world is approaching.

Countries all over the world were busy asking for disasters, but later someone discovered the artifact fragments of the battleship.

It contained powerful energies, as the big bang fell all over the world, and countries went into a frenzy.

The war has started again.

The disaster has just ended and the world war has just begun.

The war slowly subsided after three months of fighting, and most of the world's fragments fell into the hands of several powerful countries such as China, M, and Russia.

In the end, everyone sat down at the United Nations to negotiate and stop fighting. Now that the earthquake disaster is not over, we can study these alien treasures together in the future. Why do we need to fight again?

When Jiang Shen came back, all the countries in the world just ended the negotiations, returned to peace, and began to rebuild their homes.

This big explosion caused chaos on the earth, causing countless deaths and injuries all over the world, and became the root cause of the earth's disaster. The day of the explosion is also known as the Earth Misery Day.

However, this explosion also had an advantage. Several years later, scientists from various countries researched a new technology "space jump" from the fragments of the exploded warship.

The emergence of the "space jump" technology has made the earth officially go into space, and the distance between the earth and the ancient continent is getting closer and closer.

Of course, this is not mentioned for the time being.

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