Boyeluo appeared. He was nine meters long and three meters long. He had two strong feet, but his upper body had four arms. Jiang Shen was completely ignored by him.

"Let me introduce you, Jiang Shen." Shan Di was proud.

"This is Boyelo, the former gatekeeper of the No.18 floor of Hell, a half-step Xuxian. When Hell existed, I sent him here to dig the demon spar."

"Later, Huang Zheng's beast broke through hell. He was sleeping here under my order, waiting for my call. Jiang Shen, you obediently hand over that magic weapon, and then take your woman away, returning to the infinite universe. Although you can't reach the Eternal Continent, you can still live for hundreds of thousands of years----"

"Fart." Jiang Shen yelled, it's no wonder if you believe me, I'm afraid that if I hand over the Vajra Platform with my front foot, you will be killed with my back foot.

"Come on, I have thought for a long time that you will attack me here, the two of us, one of us must die is the final outcome."

Jiang Shen was also full of fighting spirit at this time.

To be honest, ever since he practiced the Ba brothers and became a true god, he has always hoped to have an opponent to test his strength.

Half-step virtual fairy?Good, good, such an opponent can test my Jiang Shen's strength.

I heard that both Nalan Bubai and his biggest opponent Huang Zheng killed the enemy by leapfrogging the enemy. Today, I, Jiang Shen, will also leapfrog the enemy.

"Jiang Shen, you are still stubborn, do you know that the air here is full of demonic breath, which can be breathed in by you, weaken your strength, increase your body, and can transform you into hell demons all year round. The suction here is similar to hell. It is extremely powerful and slows down your speed. The river here is the water of the Styx, which can corrode your mind and make you unresponsive. I brought you here to occupy the sky. The location is favorable and the people are harmonious, you still want to fight me to the end? ---" Shandi shouted loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want." Jiang Shen jumped up suddenly, and felt dizzy in his mind, as if his will was weakened, his body became heavier, his steps did not move, and his whole body felt groggy.

"Damn it." Jiang Shen jumped high, fell fast, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Hahaha, don't talk about it for so long, how did you wait until the water of the Styx corroded your mind and will." Shandi finally waited at this time, and his face turned cold and he gave an order: "Kill him, deprive him of his magic weapon, kill him The beast, killing all his women—"

"Wow!" Bo Yeluo, who had been lying on the ground, raised his head to the sky and roared.

He received instructions from his master to kill the enemy in front of him.

"Damn, flash." Jiang Shen saw that the situation was not good, Boyeluo was more than ten times stronger than Ba ​​Yi, and Jiang Shen was at most stronger than Ba ​​Ren, and he was also plotted against.

I dodged, he wanted to hide in the King Kong Platform like last time.

I'm stupid, there's no response?Jiang Shen's face changed drastically with fright.

"Hahahaha." Shandi laughed wildly: "The water of the Styx River has corroded your divine sense, you just need to sit down and use your supernatural powers to expel the water of the Styx River, and you can hide in the fairy artifact, but---" But you didn't It's time.

She lured Jiang Shen here, and she calculated everything clearly.

The water of the Styx corrodes the divine sense and blocks the smooth communication between the immortal weapon and its owner. Its function is not very strong. As long as Jiang Shen uses his supernatural powers, it can be recovered in tens of seconds. But when there is a problem, Jiang Shen does not have a few tens of seconds. time for him.

Boye Luo has already killed up.

His four big hands can tear open the sky, and his two claws can crush the sun and the moon. When he waved his hands, there was a bang, like a huge thunder that shook his ears, making Jiang Shen's eyes dazzled.

Before hitting Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen felt a little dizzy just as Bo Yeluo started.

It's no wonder that his strength is too low. He was poisoned by the devil's breath and the water of the Styx River, and his whole body was being weakened.

But Boyeluo is stronger in this kind of place, as if he is in the home field of hell.

"Devil Burst" Boo, Boyeluo is a little slow to start, but once he moves, he is as fast as lightning.

Bang, a punch hit Jiang Shen in the chest.

"Wow..." Jiang Shen flew upside down, and finally fell into the middle of a pile of spars beside him.

This heavy blow, even though it didn't blow him up, still left him covered in cuts and bruises, spitting blood from his mouth.

If it were half a year ago, this move would directly blow him up.

Before he could stand up, boom, a big foot stepped on his back.

Kacha broke Jiang Shen's neck on the spot with one kick, and his whole body sank to the ground.

Bo Yeluo's strong big feet stepped firmly on Jiang Shen's neck.

"Wow..." Jiang Shen lay on the ground, bleeding out mouthfuls.

He remembered Liang Mulan's words, and only after leaving the earth did he realize the horror and horror of the Taoist world.

He is still inexperienced, he has the memories of Bayi and Baren, but he is not careful enough. He was tricked by Shandi to come here, and he can't stop Bo Yeluo with a single move.

"Master, how do you want him to die?" Boyeluo laughed wildly, stomping on Jiang Shen with all his strength.

An ordinary person with a broken neck would have died a long time ago, but Jiang Shen could still turn his head and stare at him.

"Deprive him of his celestial artifact and take off his head. I hate such a handsome face of a man. I don't want to see any man except King Dharani." Shandi gave another instruction.

Ask Bo Yeluo to remove Jiang Shen's head.

Ni, I did too.

Jiang Shen saw that being trampled under his feet was a shame he had never experienced in his life, how could he be worthy of Nalan Bubai who passed on the mantle.

You can give in, but you can't be humiliated. Nalan has never been humiliated in his life, and he has never been humiliated. Even if he dies in battle, it is an honor to die.

Expel the water of the Styx, and cleanse my mind.

Jiang Shen didn't care about anything at this time, he just wanted to expel the water of the Styx River and use his spiritual thoughts.

"Deprive the fairy artifact."

Bo Yeluo raised his hand, bang, and punched Jiang Shenyou in the heart.

"Wow..." Jiang Shen spat out another mouthful of blood, but his body wasn't broken yet.

"It turned out to be extremely hard, and it really has immortal energy." Bo Yeluo hit again.

bang, bang, bang,

He punched dozens of times in one breath, until he hit seven punches.

Puchi, Jiang Shen's body was finally pierced by his punch, and when he stretched out his hand, the Vajra Platform that had been hidden in Jiang Shen's body had already reached Bo Yeluo's hand.

The Supreme Immortal Artifact was held by Boyeluo, and with a flick of his hand, the Vajra Platform flew into Shandi's hand.

"Take off the head" Boyeluo raised his other hand again.

If he grabs it, he will take off Jiang Shen's head.

"Did I care for you?" Jiang Shen finally expelled the water of the Styx at this time.

He was beaten alive dozens of times, endured without distracting thoughts, and finally expelled the water of the Styx in his body.

"Go to hell." Jiang Shen waved his hand.

A few steel monsters suddenly appeared in the mine.

"What is this?" Shandi was really playing with the Vajra Terrace, and didn't recognize what was in front of him.

This is a nuke.

Jiang Shen received nuclear bombs from various countries on the earth.

A total of more than a dozen of them were collected, and they flew around in his storage space without stopping.

Now, Jiang Shen's divine sense was available, and he threw it out of the storage space directly.

The mine was not very big in the first place, so many nuclear bombs were thrown out, and the entire mine was crowded at once.

Boom, the nuclear bomb exploded.

More than a dozen nuclear bombs from various countries, all with a yield of more than tens of millions, exploded together.

This power is comparable to the explosion of artifacts.

Especially in the center of the explosion, the destructive force is more terrifying than the artifact explosion.

At the same time as more than a dozen mushroom clouds rolled into one, they were almost evaporated from more than 1 meters underground to the ground.

The so-called half-step illusory Bo Yeluo was blown to pieces, shattered into pieces, and flew to all parts of the planet.

He was considered extremely tough and did not turn into ashes on the spot.

This is the unique physique of his hell devil. If he was replaced by a golden fairy in the sky, he would be turned into ashes directly when he was bombed by a nuclear bomb without magic weapons or supernatural powers to protect him.

Shandi is also uncomfortable.

For the first time in my life, I experienced the power of technology.

With her supernatural powers, even if she doesn't have the body of Xianjun, as long as her supernatural powers are working, the nuclear bomb can't hit her. But at that time, she had won the victory and was admiring the King Kong Terrace. She thought that there would be such a powerful explosion as a nuclear bomb.

The explosion caused her to fly out again, and the King Kong Terrace even flew out of her hands. Her real body flew more than 1 meters below the ground, and was blown up to more than 1 meters in the void, with a difference of tens of thousands of meters.

After being bombed once by an artifact, Shandi was bombed again by a nuclear bomb.

After the huge explosion, a huge deep pit appeared on the surface of the entire planet, with a depth of [-] meters, directly from the ground to the surface.

Mushroom clouds, nuclear radiation, and raging fires stretch for tens of kilometers on the surface.

What about Jiang Shen?

At this time, Jiang Shen was looking at himself in disbelief.

He was sitting on the ground, his injuries had recovered, and he was surrounded by demonic aura and mushroom clouds.

But the ground where he was sitting was shining brightly, and a white curtain of light like a lotus flower surrounded his body, bursting into light in the darkness.

If someone looked at him from a distance, he could clearly see that on this layer of pure white light curtain, he could vaguely see Buddhist statues one by one.

At the critical moment, King Kong Terrace activated the Lord Protector program again to protect him.

This is the second time.

The first time was when the artifact exploded, when the King Kong Platform was on him.

This time, the Vajra Stage was held by Shandi, Jiang Shen thought it was useless, and wanted to die with Bo Yeluo.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of the explosion, with a swipe, such a holy light would automatically emanate from his body.

No matter how powerful the shock wave outside was, he just sat there and remained motionless.

Moreover, this layer of holy light not only protected him from harm, but also accelerated the recovery of his body.

You must know that Jiang Shen can heal his wounds by himself, and now with the power of the Vajra Platform, he recovers quickly.

The chest pierced by Bo Yeluo recovered in a few seconds.

It's too powerful. This Vajra Terrace is indeed the magic weapon of Dharma Puti. Although it can't attack, its defense is indestructible and it can repair wounds.

With a thought of Jiang Shen, whoosh, the Vajra Terrace, which was blasted dozens of miles away by the shock wave, returned to his hands.

Although the Vajra Terrace is not around, as long as he is the master of the Vajra Terrace, he will be protected by the Buddha's light in case of danger.

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