Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 962 Massive Invasion

"What? Earth demon?" The faces of the three people on the opposite side changed drastically when they heard this.

"There really are masters on Earth?"

"I am a disciple of the Overlord of the Eternal Ancient Continent in the Eternal Galaxy. More than a year ago, I received a signal from our academy's battleship and found a special planet in this Milky Way. When we contacted again, we could no longer contact it."

"It took us more than a year, traveling thousands of miles, to come here from the Eternal Continent, and we are preparing to find the legendary Earth---"

It turns out that these people are the disciples of the Hegemony on the Eternal Ancient Continent. At the beginning, Ba Renyi discovered that the earth could be taken as a slave planet, and immediately sent a signal in the battleship to return. Later, the battleship was blown up.

The disciples of the Ba family organized their troops to rush to the earth when they received the signal, but when Ba Yi came here, he sensed Nalan's invincible will and had directions.

And this group of Bajia disciples, without the guidance of Bayi's battleship, could not find the exact position of the earth. After searching in the universe, it took more than a year to arrive at the Milky Way. This galaxy was found by them in the Milky Way. The first planet with a teleportation array.

Moreover, this teleportation array has been useless for a long time and needs to be repaired.

"It turns out that you are the disciples of the Ba family. Do you have two people in your Ba family called Ba Ren and Ba Yi? They were killed by the earth demon at the back." Shandi heard it, good opportunity, hurry up.


"Which galaxy is the Zongheng Continent in? Why haven't I heard of it?" At this time, a disciple of the Ba family at the sixth level of the divine realm, Ba Zhong, looked at Shan Di suspiciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, whoosh, a space hole suddenly opened in mid-air, and a figure fell down.

"Here, the devil of the earth is here?" Shandi screamed in alarm, and ran to the three of them.

The faces of the three Bajia disciples changed, and after a closer look, Jiang Shen landed on the ground.

"Ah!" Jiang Shen also rolled over and stood up from the ground.

Taking a closer look, there were actually three more people on the opposite side, all of whom were masters of the divine realm.

Damn, where did it go?You won't be in the Eternal Continent, will you?

"Jiang Shen, I said, I want to blow up your earth, hahaha, look, the disciples of the Ba family are here, you killed Baren Bayi, did you think they would come to you so soon?" Shandi quickly helped Jiang Shen to hate.

"Are you a profound scholar of the earth? Did you kill the tyrannical and benevolent?" A fourth-level disciple of the divine realm glared at him, his name was Baxiao.

"Don't ask, he must have killed him. I have already felt the aura of domineering and benevolent in him. This beast has actually refined their god-level seeds. It is against the law of heaven to kill him---" The fifth level of the divine realm next to Baxiao is called Bahe.

Ba He didn't say a word, whoosh, he straightened his body and punched Jiang Shen directly.

"Bahe?" Jiang Shen had the memory of Bayi Baren, and with a glance, he recognized the three people in front of him.

Ni, the disciples of Bajia have arrived in the Milky Way galaxy again?

Will there be no peace in the Milky Way in the future?

Before he could think about it, that bully had already punched Jiang Shen in front of him.

He thinks that he has a powerful family and is from the high-level continent Eternal Continent, so he doesn't think Jiang Shen, a native of the earth, is in his eyes.

"Looking for death." Jiang Shen squatted slightly and bowed his body.

'Buddha carrying the mountain' made a move like Tathagata.

Ba He saw Jiang Shen squatting, and thought he was afraid, but he heard a bang above his head, and when he looked up, it seemed that a high mountain was thundering down.

"Fight your mountain." Without retreating, Ba He rushed in front of Jiang Shen, crackling, and sparks were shot around his fist, because the punch was so fast that the air would be burned by him.

"Drink" Jiang Shen exhaled and puffed out his chest.

Bang, he received a punch from the bully.

"Flop" Jiang Shen flew back, and was punched by him and retreated several hundred meters. While retreating, his chest was in torn pain, and many bones were broken by his punch.

But it was even worse for Bahe, the Foshan on his head was pressed down, and when it came to him, the Foshan became a palm print.

With five fingers forming a mountain, he slapped down hard.

"Bapu" beat the tyrant and smashed it with a single palm.

Bahe, who was in the fifth level of the divine realm, was smashed to death by Jiang Shen's palm, and his whole body was smashed except for the seeds of the divine realm.

"Ah --- help me ---" Bahe's god-level seeds flew back wildly. He never expected that he was also at the fifth level of the god-level. He just broke Jiang Shen's bones, but Jiang Shen could strike pat yourself on the back.

The realm of the two is the same, but one has immortal energy and the other does not have immortal energy, the gap between them is as big as heaven and earth.

"Chaos Academy, the Kung Fu of Pure Land True Monarch?"

"Is this kid from Chaos Academy?"

"Kill, let's go together."

Ba Zhong's sharp eyes recognized Jiang Shen's kung fu.

The kung fu performed by Jiang Shen is the kung fu of the Tathagata, and the master of the Tathagata is the Pure Land True Monarch of the Chaos Academy.

Seeing him coming together, Jiang Shen originally wanted to kill them all, but he heard a few cannons in the distance 'boom, boom', and it turned out that there were more than a dozen warships parked hundreds of meters away.

Many figures flew over here.

So many divine realms?It was Jiang Shen's first actual battle with Taoist masters, he was a little guilty, whoosh, turned around and jumped into the void.

"Don't chase." Shandi called to Bazhong: "This little animal husbandry is sinister and vicious. He is afraid that there are too many of you, so he will run away on purpose. If you want to chase after him, let him beat them all. That's how Bayi and Baren fell for him. when."

Ba Zhong and Ba Xiao really planned to chase after him, but after hearing what Shan Di said, it made sense, so they stopped immediately, and in a moment, a dozen gods fell around them.

These people are all the children of the Overlord Dynasty, and the worst is the third level of the God Realm, and there are five in the sixth level of the God Realm.

"Bazhong, aren't you planning to repair the teleportation array, why did you start fighting with someone?" A sixth-level God Realm called Baxing, with a pair of giant axes stuck on his back, a bit like the overlord's Sky-opening Axe.

"Bahe was blown up by someone, it was a man named Jiang Shen on the earth, this is the man who killed Bayi Baren---" The two sides gathered together and looked around vigilantly.

Some people swept away their spiritual thoughts, but they couldn't find Jiang Shen.

"He has special materials on his body, which can hide from our spiritual thoughts." Shandi said: "He must still be hiding nearby. Let's go to the earth. The earth is his hometown. If we blow up his hometown, he will definitely show up. , forcing him to fight us.”

"Who are you?" Ba Xing looked at Shan Di.

"This is Miss Chang Di, a disciple of the Zongheng Daluo Sect. By the way, Miss Chang Di, how did you get here to confront Jiang Shen?" Ba Zhong was still a little suspicious of Chang Di, but Chang Di and Jiang Shen were The opponent, Jiang Shen, killed their overlord again, so his attitude was quite polite.

"I was traveling outside, saw the technological planet Earth, and took a rest. I didn't expect to meet this villain. He wanted to moleste me. Fortunately, the two senior brothers Ba Yi Ba Ren arrived. This villain and Ba Yi Ba Ren The two junior brothers fought and killed them with despicable means."

Shandi is simple, but there are many loopholes, but everyone's thoughts are not on it.

The biggest thing now is to kill Jiang Shen.

The Divine Realm of Shandi is the first level, and these people don't pay attention to it at all.

"If you kill Jiang Shen, you must kill him. I was beaten by him, and you all have to avenge me--" Bahe's god-level seed hid aside and screamed.

"With so many of us and so many ships, surely he won't show up?"

"Miss Chang Di is right, find the earth first, and Jiang Shen will naturally show up to protect the earth? Unless he wants to give up the earth."

"Ba Yi Ba Ren died because of the earth. No matter what, we have to take revenge and kill all the people on the earth." Everyone said to each other, and finally achieved the goal, first to find the earth, and forced Jiang Shen to come out and fight them.

"Miss Chang Di, you have been to the earth, do you know the way? We are repairing the teleportation array, but this teleportation array is short-distance, I am afraid it will not be able to reach the earth directly, and we need your guidance for the next flight."

"I don't have the coordinates, but I know them. After teleportation, I'll show you the way." Shandi was overjoyed. Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, what do you think you should do?

Unless you can't hide, otherwise, the earth will be blown up.

"Bitch." Of course Jiang Shen, who was hiding not far away, heard it clearly.

Fortunately, there is something on his body that hides divine thoughts, and he can be invisible, which can hide all breaths, but this is not a long-lasting needle.

The other party has a large number of people, and they still want to find the earth, what should I do?

It was Jiang Shen's first formal fight with someone just now, and he was still a little nervous, but fortunately, the opponent was vulnerable.

He traded his life for his life just now, and after taking the opponent's move hard, he smashed the opponent.

It relies on his physical strength surpassing others, and his immortal energy is an advantage that others do not have.

He is now more resistant than the average God Realm, and his attack power is stronger than them. He has two advantages. If it is one-on-one, there is really no pressure at all. One-on-two, he is also confident in three.

But the opponent is really crowded, and there are warships on the side.

The cannons on the battleship were very powerful. Jiang Shen knew from Bayi's memory that in the Star Wars of various colleges, thousands of cannons were fired, and the seeds of the gods would be directly shot and evaporated to death.

How can we kill them all?

He was thinking on the side, the Overlord Dynasty had already started repairing the teleportation array.

This planet is on the edge of the Milky Way, an unknown number of light-years away from the earth, and there are countless billions of stars in the middle.

Without the teleportation array, their battleships will search for the past all the way, and they will have to search for tens of thousands of years.

The teleportation array was repaired very quickly. In less than an hour, a huge teleportation array appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

Different from the teleporter, this time the entire battleship is to be teleported, so a lot of immortal crystals are consumed.

"Jiang Shen, we are leaving soon. If you don't want the earth to be blown up, you can follow me." Ba Zhong coldly called out to the surrounding space.

"The teleportation array is ready."

"Battleship ready to jump space."

"Buzzing buzzing buzzing." The teleportation array was activated first, and a white light radiated from the teleportation array, forming a white world nearly two miles away.

"Countdown to battleship jump--"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six--"

"five four three two one."

Buzzing, the warships began to jump and fly. One battleship flew into the white world first. The white was split into two, as if a window had been opened.

Whoosh, the battleship jumped into space, passed through the teleportation array, and traveled through countless billions of stars in an instant.

A total of thirteen warships successively carried out jumping flights beyond space through the teleportation array.

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