"That's great! Uncle Huang, you are really a good person! Thank you!" Wei Ning cheered, with a happy face, and couldn't help frowning when she saw Chanjuan.

This prince is getting bolder and bolder.

"Since you gave me such a precious thing, I have something to give you too." Seeing her jumping up and down, Mu Zihan's heart moved, and he said.

Wei Ning was startled, is there a return gift?

She was still looking forward to the regent's return gift, so she didn't have to pretend that sparkling eyes at all.

The ring on Mu Zihan's hand flashed lightly, and a green plant appeared in his hand. Once it appeared, the surrounding spiritual power flowed much faster.

Wei Ning has a very keen perception of spiritual power. Her mental power is much stronger than ordinary people, so she can feel it immediately.

The spiritual power that was normally flowing in the air suddenly rushed over as if feeling a call, and condensed around the plant that was only as long as a small arm.

There is so much spiritual power that it is vaguely about to take shape.

"It's the holy grass of green spirit!" Qin Feng exclaimed, looking at the small plant in the hands of the regent with envy, "In the place where the spiritual power of wood and the spiritual power of water meet, it takes thousands of years of breeding to grow a plant. , The Holy Grass of Jade Spirit is really too precious."

Wei Ning didn't know what the Holy Grass of Jade Spirit was, but after hearing what Qin Feng said, she knew it was a good thing!

As expected of the Prince Regent, he was so generous.

"Precious is just a grass, Qing Ning, you can use it to assist in your cultivation, and the speed of absorbing spiritual power is many times faster than ordinary people." Mu Zihan said lightly, and handed her the Jade Spirit Holy Grass.

Wei Ning took it with both hands. This little grass looked too fragile. There were only four or five watery leaves on the thin branches.

With the holy green spirit grass in her hand, the surrounding spiritual power began to pour into her body quickly.

This is simply an auxiliary hack. According to this speed, plus her talent, it is more than heaven-defying?

Wei Ning secretly sighed that she had found a treasure. Although Duan Mulei's idea was stupid, she was extremely satisfied with the result.

"Uncle Huang, I can't cultivate spiritual power, will this be too much of a waste for me?" When it's time to be humble, you must be humble.

"As long as you work hard, nothing is impossible." Mu Zihan said flatly. Was this tone comforting her?

Wei Ning couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. She always regarded the regent as a hostile person, and no matter what she did, she was scheming and testing him. However, he was so generous to her, and he even said something to comfort her who is useless?

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, the Prince Regent in the prince's memory was not like this.

In the few times they met, even if they were only seen from a distance, it was just the man's indifferent and gloomy expression. When the prince was timid and timid, the regent always glanced at him with disgust.

He never said unnecessary words to the prince, except for a few reprimands.

After getting along with him several times, she only found that Mu Zihan's tolerance was beyond imagination, which was completely different from the inhuman, cruel and cruel image rumored by the outside world.

What's wrong?

For the first time in the confrontation with the regent, Wei Ning felt a little hesitation...

However, this slight hesitation was quickly washed away by Princess Qingtong's tragic experience.

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