"Of course, sir, don't worry!" Hearing that he could give him the rest of the Holy Grass of Jade Spirit, the alchemist was so happy, how could he not do his job with all his heart?

Biling Holy Grass!Just such a small leaf is also a sky-high price outside!And holding rare treasures can't be exchanged!

There is only one plant in a thousand years!

With this half leaf, if he uses it properly, he might be able to raise his alchemist level by one rank in one fell swoop!

Seeing the pharmacist concentrating on refining medicine in the pharmacy, Wei Ning calmed down and waited patiently.

As long as the child is wiped out, so that Princess Qingtong doesn't know anything.

Being tarnished by Duan Mulei was already a great harm, and she didn't want to let her suffer a bigger blow.

She has never been a soft-hearted person, but she is not completely cold-blooded!

However, she would never have thought that even though she had told Jiu'er not to disturb anyone when she came out, and she would go back soon, Jiu'er still invited Situ Yao into the palace with the acquiescence of Princess Qingtong ...


"Xiao Jing, take a look, how does brother look like this? Is it handsome? Is it cool?"

In the palace, Situ Yao's two brothers and sisters were walking one after the other. Situ Yao in the back kept arranging his clothes and hair. He just missed writing the word 'cool and handsome' on his face!

"Brother, come on, we're just seeing the princess, you're acting like you're going to marry a wife!" Situ Jing was so annoyed that she wished she could slip away.

Situ Yao said righteously: "The princess may not know when she will fall in love with me, so every moment your brother and I are in front of the princess, we must have the mood of marrying a wife!"

Situ Jing couldn't help but roll her eyes, I really can't stand such a brother!

It was rumored outside that Shi Ziyao was handsome and handsome, a young genius, and how many girls' hearts he held in his hands!

But in her eyes, this is clearly a two hundred and fifty!

"Xiao Jing, is this dress handsome or not..." Seeing his sister walking away quickly, Situ Yao hurriedly chased after her.

Outside the Prince's Hall, Jiu'er stood smiling, and saluted when he saw Situ Jing.

"Trouble princess and son."

"Where is it, would you please come in, Your Highness the Princess?" Situ Jing asked with a smile, and Situ Yao hurried over.

"Your health is not very good, and this servant has the courage to ask the prince to help the princess take care of herself."

"Of course!" Situ Yao eased his heartbeat and walked in.

The windows in the main hall had been opened, and it was bright everywhere. Situ Yao walked in and saw Princess Qingtong sitting on the couch dignifiedly. The plain white dress made her weak and thin body, and her face was even paler.

Situ Yao's heart tightened, feeling sorry for him, and hurried in, wanting to kneel down and salute.

"Brother Situ, what else do you need to do in front of me? I'm going to be angry if you do this." Princess Qingtong said softly.

Situ Yao quickly stood up, lowered his head, and smiled shyly, "I, I didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry."

Princess Qingtong laughed, although her face was pale and colorless, but her appearance was still like a blooming snow lotus, elegant and dignified, with bright eyes that were indescribably touching.

Situ Yao stared blankly for a while, her heart was beating wildly, and she just felt that if she could always be by her side in life like this, even if she died, she would have no regrets.


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