Mu Zihan looked at her, unable to express what he felt in his heart. He had hoped that she would bow her head and admit her mistake. In this way, he would forgive her for being infatuated for a while. After all, she was just a brothel girl.

She had already helped that woman redeem her body, placed her in a courtyard outside the palace, and stayed there for several days without returning to the palace.

It's just a woman, he should be tired of it, how can a child's interest last long?

However, when he saw her standing in front of him, he realized that he was wrong.

He underestimated the mind of a 14-year-old child, and he even underestimated the limit of his tolerance.

He got angry.

How could he be angry?Such a big anger was burning in his heart, even he felt very strange.

He shouldn't be like this.

He is used to controlling everything, but now he can't control the prince, he can't even control himself.

He doesn't like this feeling.

"Qing Ning, come here." He was unpredictable, although his heart was full of anger, but when he spoke, he was still calm and indifferent.

"I don't!" Wei Ning said stubbornly, without moving a step.

Mu Zihan's gaze instantly turned cold, it was so cold that it was about to freeze!

"You did something wrong, why are you so angry?"

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Wei Ning boldly contradicted, an ignorant prince, she can handle this kind of acting.

"I like Concubine Shi, what's wrong with wanting to be with her? So what if she was born in a brothel? I don't care! If you like someone, you just like it, and status is not a problem at all!"

In fact, she would like to add that gender is not a problem!But when she is serious, she is not ridiculous.

Mu Zihan's complexion can be described as treacherous, such a beautiful face with such an expression, the colder it is, the more beautiful it is.

Even Weining couldn't help swallowing, and had to say, in terms of momentum, she would definitely lose to this man.

But acting skills... She thinks she has surpassed the level of domestic sci-fi films...

"Uncle Huang has never liked anyone before, so he won't understand my feelings! If you can't decide who you like, what's the point of me being a prince?"

"Shut up!" Mu Zihan suddenly shouted, his anger could no longer be controlled.

Of course, Wei Ning shut her mouth in a timely manner, the provocation is almost done, if she continues to be unafraid of death, it will arouse suspicion.

The useless prince is so bold when he is encouraged by love, but if he is bold enough to face the anger of the regent, it will be intriguing.

With her mouth closed, her small face was flushed red, and her eye sockets were faintly red and watery, as if she would burst into tears at any moment.

Seeing her expression like that, Mu Zihan felt a prick in his heart, a sore pain.

"If you are just an ordinary person, no one will care who you like, but you are the prince, and you will rule the entire Azure Dragon Empire in the future..."

"I rule? The Qinglong Empire is clearly ruled by the emperor's uncle, and my father and I are puppets. I know it very well." Wei Ning said with a choked voice.

"His Royal Highness!" Qin Feng yelled in horror. He really didn't expect the prince to say such words so directly.

Although it is an undeniable fact, but...

Mu Zihan was stunned for a moment, he stood up slowly, his movements were very slow, which made people feel the long and invisible pressure.

Wei Ning took a deep breath, she just wanted to test the bottom line of the regent's treatment of the prince.

Now, she understands.

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