Wei Ning looked at them calmly, laughed, and you will cry in a while!

After joining the banquet, Wei Ning naturally would not disappoint Duan Mulei's expectations, and watched the dancer's performance with great interest.

Duanmulei smiled and said, "How about the woman in the middle?"

"Bewitching!" Wei Ning commented very pertinently.

Even if Duanmulei didn't remind her, she could still see that one of the dancers was particularly beautiful, with a coquettish look between her eyebrows, and wearing a water red tube top dress, with a slender waist, It can really make many men salivate.

Most of the men in this group had their eyes on her.

"She is Sun Xiang's concubine, a well-known beauty! I did not forget to bring her here during the search of Sun Xiang's house, hehehe..."

Duanmulei was very proud, this time he got countless treasures from Sun Xiang, he was very happy.

"Young Master is really lucky." Wei Ning said.

Duanmu Lei said: "It's just a woman, I give it to you."

Wei Ning's eyes lit up first, then she shook her head, seeming to be very scared, "Uncle Huang is already very angry because of Concubine Shi's matter, it's not easy to mess with him now."

"That's right, it's just women, there are so many of them in the world." Duan Mulei laughed nonchalantly, and drank a glass of wine.

women only...

The weak face of Princess Qingtong appeared in Wei Ning's mind, and she suddenly felt a burst of anger in her heart, bringing a monstrous murderous aura.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, everyone was almost drunk, Duan Mulei stood up and said to Wei Ning: "Take you to see the good things I got in the past two days."

Wei Ning stood up, pretending to be a little drunk, and staggered behind him.

Duanmu's house is very big. Turning around the courtyard, there is a larger courtyard behind. Duanmu Lei pushed open a door, and there was a study inside.

"Sun Xiang's old thing has been searched for so many years, it is really a lot of good things."

Duanmulei turned a row of bookshelves around, revealing a hidden compartment inside, filled with many good things.

Wei Ning took a look, most of them were weapons and elixir. These things are much more valuable than gold, silver, jewelry and antiques on the Jialan Continent.

"This is for you." Duan Mulei took out a white whip with several jade rings intertwined with each other from the dark compartment, and handed it to her.

"This is..." Before condensing it, a faint spiritual power came from the whip, which seemed to be a high-grade weapon.

Duanmulei saw that her expression was dull, he didn't notice the flow of spiritual power on the whip, and knew that she was ignorant, so he said while contemptuously in his heart.

"This is the Nine Curved Exquisite Whip, don't underestimate it, it's a fifth-level spiritual power weapon!"

"So powerful?" Wei Ning stroked the whip, spiritual weapons were very popular among the less talented noble children.

Only a little infusion of spiritual power is needed to exert great power.

Of course, if you encounter an illusionist whose level is too high, it won't be of much use.

However, spiritual power weapons are usually very beautiful in appearance, and they are also good decorations.

"Hey, when your spiritual power improves a little, you will know the benefits."

Duanmulei scorned, although the Nine-curved Exquisite Whip is of good quality, its appearance is too feminine.

He definitely doesn't know how to use it. It's better to be a favor. Anyway, if you want to win the prince, it doesn't matter if you give a little.

Duanmulei gave her another bottle of elixir to enhance her spiritual power, then closed the secret compartment, and was about to go out when the door of the study was pushed open, and a majestic Marquis of Zhenwei walked in.

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