Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

160. Uncle Emperor, Your Mouth Is So Soft【11】

Wei Ning praised in her heart: Professional actor!

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?" Qin Feng then lowered his head and asked with concern.

Wei Ning shook her head, then lowered her head sadly, gritted her teeth and said, "Situ Yao, you are so arrogant, you think you are great because you think you are talented, since you were young, I know you have always looked down on me!"

"Hmph! Is there anything wrong with looking down on you? You are a waste!"

"Shi Ziyao!" Qin Feng shouted coldly.

Wei Ning turned around and ran out quickly, as if she had suffered a great blow.

Qin Feng followed immediately.

Situ Yao seemed to be relieved now, and when his legs softened, he sat down in the muddy water.

"His Royal Highness!" Qin Feng chased a few steps away, and then saw the carriage coming to a stop, and Mu Zihan walked down slowly.

"My lord, I don't know why the prince and Shi Ziyao fought, this matter..." Qin Feng said quickly.

Mu Zihan glanced at the direction in which Wei Ning ran away, waved at Qin Feng, and then followed him.


Wei Ning ran all the way, out of breath, and finally fell down before stopping.

She knew that there was always someone following behind her, unhurriedly, keeping a very safe distance, not getting too close to make her panic, and not going too far away to lose sight of her.

She knew who it was, so she insisted on running for so long, and she was so tired that she fell apart.

She fell to the ground and gasped for a long time before the person behind her came up slowly, without saying a word, only a cloak gently covering her naked body.

Shocked slightly, Wei Ning turned her head, only to see a face that made the world upside down and confused, the dark eyes were deep and bottomless, like glass covered with a layer of mist, seemingly clear, but actually completely impenetrable.

The lightly pursed lips had the elegant color of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. She knew how soft those lips were, and it was an unimaginable tenderness for ordinary people.

She felt a little sour in her heart, she actually didn't want to do this, what she longed for was a simpler life.

Just like her previous life, games, comics, snacks, there are only a few days a year to face blood.

For the rest of the time, she is carefree and free.

However, what is the significance of God's arrangement for her to come here?Just let her avenge the prince?

The circles of her eyes were a little red, this time it was definitely not a disguise, in Mu Zihan's eyes, she was as beautiful as colored glaze, but she was too fragile to be vulnerable.

"Qing Ning." He said lightly, his voice a little deep and heavy, "There are so many people in this world, not everyone is the same, the strong have the way of the strong to survive, and ordinary people have the way of ordinary people. As long as you’re not humble, you’re not self-deprecating, it makes no difference.”

"Uncle Huang, do you also think that I am a lowly person who flatters Duanmulei?" Wei Ning asked in a trembling voice.

Mu Zihan shook his head lightly, holding her face with both hands, looking very cherished, like holding a fragile treasure.

"You're just young."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment, and then her heart became clear. It turned out that in Mu Zihan's eyes, all her absurd and ridiculous actions could find an excuse!

young and naive!

Unexpectedly, the majestic Prince Regent would sometimes be so blind.

With her eyes, she can't misjudge anyone.

But, she is obviously a hungry wolf, waiting for an opportunity beside him, why can't he see her?

She was startled, thinking of the former prince, why was he so cowardly?

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