"Your people have been discovered, so the regent deliberately passed this news to you."

"It's broken!" Duan Mulei broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly kicked the servant, "Go and invite my father!"

"No need, I'm here!" Zhenwei Hou's majestic voice came, and he came over wearing a big cloak.

Wei Ning sneered in her heart, and really alarmed the old fox.

"Father, did you hear what she said?" Duan Mulei hurried up to meet her.

Marquis Zhenwei looked Wei Ning up and down with shrewd old eyes, and saw that her hair was disheveled, her face was covered with blood, she had obviously suffered a lot of injuries, and her clothes were tattered, as if she had escaped from somewhere.

He had suspected that the prince was taken away. Under the eyes of the regent, who would have such a great ability to take the prince away?

Besides, this crown prince is a waste, everyone in the world knows it, if he wants to use him to threaten Qinglong Empire, then the person who kidnapped her is definitely a fool!

Furthermore, even if he covets the prince's beauty, taking her away means provoking the majesty of the regent. Who would have such a lust to bear the wrath of the regent and the entire Azure Dragon Empire?

Marquis Zhenwei has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he can't figure out the regent.

Perhaps the Prince Regent wants to do something, but what exactly is it?

He thought about it for a few days but couldn't figure it out. Now that he saw the prince, he remembered that his people had heard the news that the prince had been kidnapped from the regent, and he felt chills all over his body.

If the regent did all this and the prince was imprisoned by him, then he wanted to set a trap for Duanmu's family to jump into!

"What's going on?" Marquis Zhenwei asked in a deep voice.

Wei Ning shook her head, and said in a panic: "I don't know the specifics, I only know that the fourth prince has secretly brought people into the palace, intending to hold the emperor hostage."

"What? He is so brave, he dared to usurp the throne!" Duan Mulei shouted, "He is worthy!"

"The regent gave permission?" Marquis Zhenwei's expression moved slightly, but he didn't show any panic.

"The regent is not in Beijing at all, otherwise how could I escape?"

Zhen Weihou was shocked, his eyes widened: "What did you say?"

"I only know that he took Qin Feng and left the capital a few days ago to go to the border."

Duan Mulei looked at his father, then at Wei Ning, unable to understand: "What is the Prince Regent doing at the border?"

"Fool! He will dispatch troops himself! When the time comes, the fourth prince will hold the emperor hostage and let the emperor issue an order saying that our Duanmu family rebelled, and the regent will lead the troops to King Jingqin!"

Duan Mulei was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he was angry and furious, "What a Mu Tianhua! Dad, we can't let them succeed! How can we sit and wait for death!"

"Hmph!" Zhen Weihou rolled his eyes and looked at Wei Ning.

Wei Ning hurriedly said: "Master Hou, you have to save me, once they succeed, they will kill me immediately!"

"Prince, don't worry, you are the orthodox heir." Marquis Zhenwei glanced at her again, "Now you still go to the palace, and you must not startle the snake."

"But what if they kill me?"

"If they kill you, it will be a real treason, and then they will be scolded by the world. They will treat you well and let you write a Zen book in the future." Marquis Zhenwei comforted him with kind words.

Wei Ning nodded: "I see, that's good, that's good."

He looks like a cowardly and useless prince.

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