So she just moves realization away indifferently.

Princess Qingtong fell a few steps back, managed to stand still, raised her head, her eyes were full of tears, and the sadness that flashed in her eyes was too strong.

"Ning'er, no matter how much you hate the past and want revenge, I don't want you to be blinded by hatred!"

"Miss Huang is worrying too much!" She is not that stupid!

"But look at what you're doing now. Even if you bring down the emperor and let you ascend to the throne of the Ninth Five Lord, what can you do?"

Unfixed eyes instantly turned cold, and he glanced at her, amused in his heart.

It turned out that she did these things, in the eyes of Princess Qingtong, she became greedy for the throne?

Joke, she can come and go freely in this world, the throne?She can't see it!

"I can safely tell Sister Huang that I am not interested in the throne! After finishing these, I will leave immediately. If I am not happy in this life, I will never set foot in the Azure Dragon Empire again!"

Hearing her so resolute and cold, Princess Qingtong felt like a thunderbolt, "Where are you going?"

"That won't bother Miss Huang." Wei Ning turned to look at the palace in front of her, the sound of fighting was loud, and countless maids and eunuchs ran away in a hurry.

She took a few steps forward and saw a eunuch running towards with a lot of belongings, so she grabbed it with one hand.

The eunuch looked up and saw that it was the good-for-nothing prince, he didn't take it to heart, he just wanted to run away with his treasure, and even wanted to wave her open.

Wei Ningyi pinched his hand hard and stepped on his feet, "Idiot! What's going on ahead?"

The eunuch yelled in pain, not knowing what was going on, but he didn't dare to neglect again.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me, I don't know anything, I only heard that the black flag army entered the palace and killed many people! But the emperor was captured by the Marquis of Zhenwei!"

With a flicker of unfocused eyes, Zhen Weihou really has two brushes!

She grabbed Princess Qingtong and rushed forward immediately.

The little eunuch watched them leave in horror, feeling the cold sweat on his back, just now he wanted to run away with the treasure, but now he didn't dare anymore.


In tonight's battle, Marquis Zhenwei had the upper hand, [-] guards and Duan Mulei led the bodyguards to cooperate inside and outside, and quickly invaded the harem, burning, killing and looting.

The fourth prince, Mu Tianhua, led ten thousand imperial troops to resist with difficulty. He is not a general to lead troops, not to mention facing an old monster like Marquis Zhenwei, he was defeated again and again, until the emperor's bedroom.

Seeing that the Black Banner Army did not come for a long time, Mu Tianhua had no choice but to invite the emperor himself.

But the emperor was taking pills with his concubine and several female Taoist priests at the moment, drunk and dreaming of death, it was comfortable, suddenly interrupted, furious, and ordered Mu Tianhua to be arrested.

The emperor was furious, how dare those guards not listen?No matter how much poor Mu Tianhua yelled, he couldn't dispel the anger in the emperor's heart.

What was even more unlucky was that Marquis Zhenwei brought people in himself, and when he saw the emperor's absurd behavior, he couldn't stop laughing, and took the disheveled emperor out.

This time it was really coercing the emperor to order the princes, but just as he went out, he encountered the black flag army coming in like a fierce tiger.

This time it's really a mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind, but behind the oriole, there is Wei Ning, a man who shoots birds with a slingshot!

The three Tiger Talisman generals are not easy to provoke, and they are strong in their own right. The combat capability of the Black Banner Army is unstoppable in the entire Jialan Continent.

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