
After hearing this, Marquis Zhenwei, who was seriously injured, jumped up, staring at her, wanting to eat her raw!

Wei Ning sneered: "What about me? You rebelled, and I can let the past go, but your son is so bold, I want your Duanmu family to have no children and grandchildren!"

"You, you are so ruthless!" Zhen Weihou was so annoyed that he couldn't lift his breath and passed out.

I'm afraid I fainted from the thought of being eunuched soon.

Duanmulei's hands trembled, he only knew he was holding the emperor as his amulet.

He doesn't want to be eunuched, that's more painful than death!

He has liked women since he was a child, and he has played with many girls from good families since he was a child. If he loses his lifeblood, what's the point of living in the future?

The guards went up to catch him, and he took the emperor to escape. The guards didn't dare to press too hard. After all, it would be a serious crime if the emperor was forced to death.

Wei Ning only let people catch her, she didn't do anything herself, anyway, Duan Mulei couldn't escape, and she just happened to want the emperor to suffer.

Baibai Pangpang, who has been pampered and pampered for many years and is served by others every day, has never suffered from this kind of suffering, right?

After ordering people to arrest the Duanmu family members and put them in prison for execution, she went to the harem.

After a night of chaotic fighting, there were corpses everywhere in the palace, and blood flowed into rivers, but the order would not change. After the chaos was put down, the guards and eunuchs quickly cleaned up, carried the corpses out, and washed away the blood on the ground.

She didn't close her eyes all day and night, and Wei Ning was very tired, but she still went to Qinfang Palace where Princess Qingtong lived.

When she entered, Princess Qingtong was in the dormitory. After Situ Yao treated her, he left in a hurry because he was also responsible for the retreat and supervision of the Black Banner Army.

Only Jiu'er was waiting on her in the dormitory. Hearing the sound of Wei Ning's footsteps, she raised her head, her eyes were red, and she looked at her with some fear.

"See His Royal Highness..."

Wei Ning waved her to go down, and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the sleeping princess with blue eyes, that pale cheek, like a white flower in a storm, was about to shatter.

Glancing at her lower abdomen, she was a little disappointed. It seemed that she still let Situ Yao keep the child.

Regarding her decision, Wei Ning no longer wanted to interfere, anyway, after she left, she couldn't care about the affairs of the Azure Dragon Empire anymore.

After sitting for a while, Princess Qingtong's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. Tears filled her eyes when she saw her.

"Why are you crying?" Wei Ning asked coldly.

Princess Qingtong just thought of her cold-blooded treatment of the emperor today, and felt desolate in her heart.

"Ning'er, where's the father?"

"I don't know, maybe Duanmulei is holding him hostage."

A gloomy sadness flashed in Princess Qingtong's eyes. She felt that this brother had changed and was too strange for her to recognize him.

She knew that in the matter of the emperor, there was no way to completely obey the prince, so she asked about the regent.

"The regent, how are you going to deal with it?" She asked cautiously, but Wei Ning could still see a trace of nervousness from her expression.

With a slight thought, she thought of something, and said: "He is now locked in the sky prison by me. With his prestige in the Black Banner Army, if he existed, I would not be able to take over the Black Banner Army smoothly. Will obey me."

Princess Qingtong's pale face was even paler, and the jade hands on her chest were tightly grasping the quilt, trembling faintly.

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