The whole world is silent...

The howling wind rolled over from the other side of the valley, with the howls of countless beasts, one after another...

Xuan Ye was also stunned by the sudden scene, why did Fen Tian Heisha appear at this time?Shouldn't he be by His Majesty's side at this time, protecting His Majesty who was seriously injured and unconscious?

Fen Tianheisha is Yun Zing's summoned beast, and he has always obeyed Yun Zing's orders. Could it be Yun Zing?

He was very anxious, that Crown Prince Qingning must not die, once she died, the Eight Desolation Divine Beast would also disappear.

Their plan is to snatch the Eight Desolation Divine Beast and use the Reverse Soul Locking Technique to erase all his consciousness, so that the Nether Realm can truly control this one of the most powerful divine beasts since ancient times.

At this time, the Underworld really needs such fighting ability, so His Majesty will fight against the Eight Desolation Divine Beasts at all costs.

After paying so much, how could he be allowed to die?

"Fentian Heisha! How dare you disobey the order of Hades, are you really tired of work?"

Xuan Ye's voice was slightly cold and chilling, and a cold anger appeared on his usually gentle face.

Fen Tian Heisha, who was in the air, was startled by such anger. He only appeared after hearing Yun Zing's summoning order. He didn't know why Xuan Ye would be angered if he wanted to kill this ignorant brat.

Xuan Ye is not easy to provoke, despite his gentle appearance, he is actually the most human face...

Fen Tianheisha grunted, opened his mouth with some reluctance, and a bloody figure fell out of his mouth.

The figure struggled a bit, but there was nothing to rely on in mid-air, it could only fall straight down.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

Situ Yao and Situ Jing exclaimed together, the brother and sister almost wanted to jump off the valley together.

"Jing'er, you wait here, I'll go! Don't be impulsive!" Situ Yao remained calm, and stopped the impulsive Situ Jing with one hand before jumping off by himself.

Spiritual power flashed under his feet, leading him into the air, chasing the direction where he hadn't fallen.

Was stopped by Situ Jing just now, and Wei Ning had already fallen, but it should be easy to find after a while.

With this in mind, Situ Yao went down to search.

But before it fell down, those all-pervasive fireballs naturally disappeared, and the small black sword turned into a ray of light to follow, Xuan Ye pulled away and gave Fen Tian Hei Sha a cold look.

"Hmph! If she has something good or bad, do you think His Majesty will let you go?"

Fen Tianhei gave a 'woo' sound, seemed to be very frightened, shrank his non-existent neck, wishing to shrink his head under the wings.

It was Yun Zong who asked him to eat, and eating a person caused such a big disaster, there will be shadows when he eats people in the future...

Situ Yao penetrated through the dense branches and leaves, and the battle below was already a mess. Flames were still burning in many places, and many bloodstains were dotted on the stones and branches.

He didn't know that this was the place where Bahuang Divine Beast and Yun Zong had fought just now, and seeing such a scene, he felt shocking.

"His Royal Highness!" He shouted loudly, but his voice only echoed in the empty forest.

Except for his voice, there was only the sound of rushing water.

Did it fall into the water?

Such a rushing river, if it falls, it will wash away soon.

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