"I haven't told you yet, I'm from the Nether Realm. Although the Nether Realm is a scary place for you, I hit you off right away and won't hurt you." Bai Yuntang was very happy, her whole body exuded a kind of pink Halo of Bubble Mania.

"I believe that big brother is a good person, but I am a little bit reluctant to be separated from you suddenly." She showed a childish expression, her two big eyes were watery, and black and white were distinct.

Yun Zong frowned, wouldn't it be great to be separated from Bai Yuntang?She doesn't have to be so reluctant to act.

"Brother, we have been bothering them for a long time. Although we are separated, we still have a chance to meet in the future." Yun Zong said in a hoarse voice.

separate quickly!He never wanted to face this bitch again!

"That's different." Wei Ning pouted, looking naive and ignorant, "I don't know if we can survive."

These words are really pitiful, but Yun Zong looks at her strangely, does she want to go to the Nether Realm?Is she crazy?

Bai Yuntang sighed, and said softly: "I don't want to part with you either, why don't you come back to the Nether Realm with me. The Nether Realm is not like the Asura Hell that ordinary people imagine, where you and I can be companions."

In the Nether Realm, no matter how high his status is, he still can't get rid of those secret ridicules and contempt.

However, the presence of Ning Ning would make him feel a lot more relieved.

Wei Ning pretended to hesitate for a while, but Bai Yuntang didn't urge her, and asked her to get ready to go all the way to Bai Ze Country. To reach the Nether Realm, one had to pass through Bai Ze Country.

Without thinking too long, Wei Ning agreed, saying that she was reluctant to treat her such a good brother, which moved Bai Yuntang very much.

And Yun Zong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at her eyes, she was crazy, she was really crazy!

"Your brother doesn't seem to want to go on the same journey with us." Bai Yuntang glanced at Yun Zing, showing a charming attitude. In his opinion, Yun Zing with a beard is very old, and he must understand world affairs better than Ning Ning, and also knows what the hell is. What a horrible place.

It doesn't matter, if the bearded man doesn't want to go, he has a way to separate him from Ningning.

Anyway, he just wanted to take Ningning back to the Underworld, and just put it by his side to relieve boredom.

"That's what he looks like, you don't need to worry about him." Wei Ning was more interested in the underworld, like a noble young master who had never traveled far, pulling him to ask questions.

Although Bai Yuntang is a mother, she has a lot of common topics with Wei Ning, who is also very "mother". The two talked all the way through the long snowy land of Baize Country covered with white snow all the year round, and the more they walked, the more desolate they went.

In the end, there was no snow to be seen, just a bare barren land, the wind was cold, there was no snow on the ground, but it was frozen hard.

The mountains in the distance are stretching, there is no green, only withered yellow and desolation with no end in sight.

Wei Ning felt that the scene in front of her was somewhat familiar. After thinking about it, isn't this the space inside the black jade ring?

That's right, the black jade ring was stolen from Hades, and the space inside must have been created according to the real environment.

Then, is the space in the black jade ring really so vast?

She vaguely felt that there was some kind of strange connection between that ring and the secret space magic circle in the underworld...,...

"This is already the territory of the Nether Realm." Bai Yuntang pointed forward, like an emperor proudly pointing to his own territory, full of confidence.

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