
In the Nether Realm, there are the White Hall and the Mo Dian, each of which is in charge of two His Royal Highnesses, and below them are the four guardians, who are the highest-ranking people in the Nether Realm.

The current White Palace is in charge of Bai Yuntang, and all these positions were won by bloody means, including the throne of Hades.

Since ancient times, there have been countless strong people in the Nether Realm, and there is no shortage of strong people at all. However, there is a lack of strong and cold-blooded people who can kill people and kill their closest relatives.

Each Pluto can only be enthroned after killing the previous Pluto.

Therefore, Bai Yuntang is planning everything now, trying to kill Pluto. This matter is not a secret or a taboo in the Nether Realm. on that spot.

However, Bai Yuntang, who had just returned from Hades Palace today, was depressed. He received the news that Mo Wuji was going to die, but just looking at it, it seemed that he was still a little far away from death.

What's more, with Xuan Ye around, it's not easy to strike, and Yun Zong doesn't know where, if he runs out to disrupt the situation, the matter will be even more complicated.

Wei Ning looked at him sullenly, and then took her confidants to the secret room to discuss countermeasures.

She herself was also bored, seeing that there was no one in the underworld, and her defenses were lax, she came up with an idea, took the mask with blue-faced fangs from the black jade ring, put it on, and went out for a walk or two.

In her previous imagination, Nether Realm should be a place like hell, but now that she is there, she finds that it is like an empty city, deserted and deserted, with occasional attendants passing silently in twos and threes.

Inside this huge fortress, there are oppressive black walls all around, and the dome is too high to see the top.

The White Palace and the Mo Palace are respectively guarded on both sides of the Hades Palace. On the way to the Hades Palace through the White Palace, there is a passage connected by more than 100 giant pillars. Ten white pythons.

A layer of ice had formed on the water of the pool, and the giant white python was lazily lying on the edge of the pool, with its eyes closed, and the cold air radiating from its body.

Wei Ning quickly passed over the beam at the top of the giant column, glanced at the scene below, and felt goosebumps.

Passing through the passage of giant pillars is the Hades Palace, the largest building in the entire Nether Realm, and also the darkest place. Walking in, the darkness and coldness around you will immediately make you breathless.

Unning's footsteps are very light, and in the long passage, there is almost no sound.

She saw a gray-robed maid in front of her lowering her head, carrying a tray to the front room, pushing open the black stone door leading to the top, and walking in.

Wei Ning followed immediately, looked inside, it was dark, only saw a little candlelight, and couldn't see what was in the room at all.

"Your Majesty, I've taken the medicine." The maid said softly and respectfully.

There was a crackling sound, and the maid sobbed in panic. A moment later, she was holding a hand full of fragments, and the palm of her hand was pierced with blood.

Violent, cold-blooded personality.

Wei Ning said in her heart, when she saw that the maid had left without closing the door, she walked over quietly.

A candle light flickered on the bed inside, and in the gauze curtain, there was a person with loose long hair inside, and the long silver hair was shining brightly in the dimness.

Wei Ning looked at it quietly, and was a little dazed for a moment.

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