He is more like a wolf that has fallen into a hunter's trap, watching the approaching flames lonely and desperately.

Wei Ning looked at it, and unexpectedly yelled at the slow walking voice.

"Mo Wuji!"

Pluto over there stopped in his footsteps, and under the silver hair, a pair of gloomy and cold eyes slowly lifted up, looking in the direction of the sound.

Is it outside the door?

Is it the person who broke in just now?

So bold, he hasn't escaped yet.

In the realm of the underworld, the only one who dares to call him by his name so unscrupulously is a life-or-death assassin!

How can he allow mortals to say his noble name?

Yun Zong was also taken aback, of course he could tell that the voice was unconcentrated, and he was really surprised and undecided.

That guy, since she came to the underworld, he felt that it was unusual. Did he come here to provoke Hades on purpose?

That is really life and death!

"Your Majesty calm down, the subordinates will go down and see who it is." Yun Zong said hastily.

He supported Mo Wuji to sit on the bed, and watched him gasp in a low voice, but there was a bit of anger mixed with his weakness: "Kill without mercy!"

"This subordinate understands." Yun Zong nodded, and immediately walked out quickly.

Mo Wuji raised his head and saw the trace of the cloud walking out, the cuff on the right was empty...

Outside Hades Palace, Yun Zong saw Uncondensed on the beam of the stone pillar passage.

She didn't deliberately avoid him, but seemed to be waiting for him to come over.

Sitting on the beam, with his legs dangling in mid-air, the giant white python in the pool below smelled the fresh human breath and began to swim slowly.

The thin ice floes on the water surface began to shatter, cracking layer by layer, making a crisp and cold sound.

Yun Zong looked at her, startled for a moment, she was really bold, she didn't look like someone who grew up in the palace at all.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yun Zong finally asked, he had wanted to ask a long time ago, but that Bai Yuntang was always in the way, so he had no chance to ask.

"What do I want to do?" Wei Ning asked coldly, "What does it have to do with you? You don't think that I have friendship with you because I saved your life? Don't be naive."

Hearing what she said, Yun Zong's face turned red all of a sudden. Along the way, although she had been ridiculing him openly and secretly, she always helped him out of the siege when someone approached him to find out her identity. .

He thought that they had lived and died together, gone through tribulations, and pretended to hide together, so they had a little friendship.

But I didn't expect her to be rejected so directly and coldly.

This brat really doesn't know how to flatter him!

Yun Zong took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. If he had been irritable and flamboyant in the past, he would have grabbed her down and beat her up without saying a word. How could he have such patience?

"You are in the realm of the underworld now, do you know that your every move will bring you death? You dared to call His Majesty Hades by his name just now, you are really reckless!"

Unfocused eyes kept looking at the dozens of white pythons entangled with each other in the pool below, and he was taken aback when he heard this.

"So he is Pluto." She seemed to be talking to herself, her voice was very low.

"Did you barge in without seeing clearly?" Yun Zong thought she said that because the light in Hades Palace was too dark just now, so she couldn't see the people inside clearly.

"I don't know..."

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