
A scream in Hades Palace shook the roof and spread far away.

The maids standing outside secretly laughed. It seemed that Miss Bai Xia had succeeded this time. That vixen must have been scared to death, but what happened next was even scarier!

Being bitten by that snake is no fun!

Amidst the earth-shattering screams, several maids quickly dispersed and shouted: "Come on, there are snakes!"

They were all under Bai Xia's orders, and when they heard the screams, they hurriedly yelled and brought people in, so that everyone could see that vixen's swollen ugly appearance.

Most importantly, His Majesty Pluto must be invited here.

When he saw the ugly appearance of that vixen with his own eyes, he would never like her again.

And Bai Xia took advantage of the chaos to leave quickly, and got rid of the vixen without anyone noticing, she thought this plan was very good!

But in the plan, she missed one point: Is the vixen afraid of snakes?

Of course normal women are afraid of snakes!Even she is afraid, but she doesn't believe that vixens are not afraid!

That snake was specially trained, the more it moves and struggles, the more it likes to bite!

So as long as the vixen is afraid, the snake will definitely bite her a few more times, making her even uglier!

It's a pity... Wei Ning is indeed not afraid of snakes.

Not only is he not afraid, but he is also a very good snake catcher!

Wei Ning heard that familiar hissing sound as early as when Bai Xia took out the bamboo basket. Being bitten by a snake in Yaowang Valley was the biggest mistake in her life. She can't repeat the same mistake this time, otherwise wouldn't it be I'm so sorry for those snakes that planted in her hands in the past?

The little snake swam into her quilt, and she turned her face, attracting Bai Xia to look at it curiously, while she was not paying attention, she cleverly squeezed the little snake by seven inches when she was injured.


After Miss Bai Xia's earth-shattering screams sounded, she hugged a quilt and sat aside to watch the show.

She sneered when she heard the maid shouting outside, waiting for more people to come to the show.

This time it really lived up to her expectations, and all the famous figures in the underworld came here, swarming in together.

The one walking in the front was Bai Yuntang, when he heard the maid of Hades Palace say that a poisonous snake bit someone, his first thought was Mo Wuji?

Mo Wuji, who was already seriously injured, would be close to death if he was bitten by a poisonous snake. How could he miss this kind of excitement?So I came with a gust of wind.

Who knew that as soon as he came in, he saw his half-sister rolling all over the floor in Pluto's bedroom. While rolling, her body swelled up like inflated air.

In the past, the noble, dignified, gorgeous girl Bai Xia's screams made my heart tingle, but seeing her swollen red and swollen body, no one dared to step forward to rescue her.

A moment later, Mo Wuji also came in, and Xuan Ye Yunzong followed behind him. Although he was weak, the majesty of Hades was still there. When everyone saw them, they automatically made way for them to come in.

"Your Majesty!" As soon as he came in, a small figure rushed over with a crying voice, and threw himself into his arms accurately, hugging his waist softly, "I was really scared to death just now~~"

Jiao Didi's soft voice immediately attracted everyone's attention, and when they saw the person in Pluto's arms, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that she was really that beautiful girl, she really caught His Majesty's fancy, and she was sleeping in His Majesty's bedroom.

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