The national teacher of Baize Kingdom is a person who communicates with the gods. Whenever the gods have an oracle, the national teacher rides the pure white guardian beast Bai Ze down from the temple to announce the oracle to all people.

However, since the royal family of Baize Kingdom perished overnight 16 years ago, there has been no oracle in Baize Kingdom.

This country has been trapped in poverty and panic for many years because of its isolation.

The Ice and Snow Temple on the Holy Mountain is no longer sacred and inviolable. After years of corruption, it has become a symbol of the power of the Baize Kingdom.

The only blood of the royal family grew up under the care of the national teacher, fostered in the temple, not caring about world affairs, not seeing outsiders,

The great power of Bai Ze Kingdom falls into the hands of the national teacher.

It is not uncommon in any country for power to fall apart and powerful ministers to rule in disorder. The regent of Qinglong Empire, Mu Zihan, is in control of the government and is about to support a queen. Even though it is absurd, as long as Mu Zihan stands there, no one will dare to object.

He has absolute authority and has been immersed for many years. He has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the courtiers and people of the Qinglong Empire, and he is almost an unshakable existence.

However, the national teacher Bai Zeguo is different. The national teacher only appeared 16 years ago when the political chaos started. bit.

But in the past 16 years, no one has ever seen this mysterious master of the state. He lives in the temple all the year round and never takes half a step. When he has an order, he sends the attendants in the temple down to announce that he has never show up.

There are rumors that this national teacher just picked up a ready-made and cheap servant in the court, but he has a terrifying power. Over the years, anyone who refuses to accept him and wants to challenge the temple will become a If you kill the dead soul, you will find the corpse flowing down the smoked water a few days later.

Some people also say that the national teacher is the divine beast Bai Ze, but Bai Ze, who is the patron saint of the empire, has not appeared for more than ten years.

Some people even say that the national teacher is a master outside the world, and the first-class powerhouses in the world, the royal family of Baize Kingdom, were all slaughtered by him, just to occupy the temple, a place close to the gods, to practice.

All kinds of arguments, no consensus.

What the truth is, but no one knows.

But at this time, in the Ice and Snow Temple, the cold mist lingers, and the world of ice sculptures and snow is completely white.

The main building of the temple is all made of high-quality white jade, which was transported thousands of miles from the Suzaku Kingdom, which is rich in beautiful jade. For this reason, the smoked water was dug through and the waterway was built. Countless craftsmen worked hard and piled up bones. In 42 years, this magnificent temple was finally built on the top of the towering and steep Danxun Mountain.

The white jade and the ice and snow are integrated without any flaws. They shine brightly in the snow and are majestic. Hundreds of steps, one after another, finally support the temple at the top. More than 300 white stone pillars support the outer periphery of the temple. On a stone pillar, the figure of a strange beast is carved.

On the stone pillar in the middle, there is a huge stone statue of the divine beast Bai Ze, which is lifelike, ready to emerge, extremely ferocious, and has driven away many trespassers.

In the main hall of stone pillars is the altar where the national teacher burns incense and prays to the gods every day.

Going all the way in, a giant altar with a height of [-] meters was built in the empty square. Over there is the altar where the national teacher and the emperor jointly worship the heavens every year.

It's a pity that it has been abandoned......

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