Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

326. The lover in the ice coffin [4]

Bai Ze and Cheng Feng were shocked, but Bai Ze followed without hesitation, he would not stay in this place.

Cheng Feng looked back at Wei Ning, he couldn't let this woman leave here with the summoning book!

Seeing how out of her mind she is now, it should be the best chance to kill her!

He is the son of the previous generation of national teachers, and his natural mission is to protect Bai Zeguo, so killing her is a mission that he can't choose at all!

It's okay to die here today!

Cheng Feng suddenly grasped the sword, and while she was tugging with the Eight Desolation Divine Beast, he thrust out with the sword.

Sure enough, Wei Ning lost his usual vigilance, and the tip of his sword pierced directly, however, it didn't penetrate completely, when suddenly a cloud of ice and snow hit him, deflecting his sword.

Cheng Feng raised his head in astonishment, and looked in disbelief at the entrance of the tearing space, his body covered in long white hair majestically bathed in the sun, and a pair of emerald eyes fixed on him.

Kui Qi was pressed under his paws and let out a sharp cry.

Bahuang Divine Beast was also taken aback, he never thought that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Weining would be destroyed by Bai Ze!

Every time Cheng Feng wanted to kill Wei Ning before, he never stopped him!

"Let's go!" Bahuang Divine Beast swiped Cheng Feng away with a sweep of its tail, grabbed Wei Ning involuntarily, rolled it up with its tail, and ran quickly to the entrance of the space.

"Let me go!" Wei Ning raised his sword and almost pierced the body of the Eight Desolation Divine Beast, but at a critical moment, he suddenly came back to his senses, and just wailed: "Little Ba, let me go, let me go!" Take a look at him."

"There's no time! We can go to the Underworld to verify whether Hades is dead!"

Bahuang Shenshou couldn't understand her feelings at all, because he was still not a human being.

Wei stared at the ice coffin, the people in the ice coffin were lifeless and had died for many years, just like the past buried in the ashes of time, although it existed vividly, it could never reappear.

Her eyes were suddenly filled with countless tears, her vision was blurred, and she could only watch him getting further and further away from her.

"Mo Wuji..."

In an instant, countless rays of light overwhelmed her, and she only felt that the sun shone on her body again, without much warmth, and it was still cold and windy.

The uncondensed tears slid down like a broken thread, and it didn't take long to wet his face.

She was in a daze, she didn't know what happened, she didn't understand why the gods and beasts were angry, and the flames shot up all over her body, and the burning flames stung her eyes.

The Eight Desolation Divine Beast roared angrily, and blue-golden flames enveloped his whole body, even surrounding her.

And Bai Ze on the other side also roared, and the ice and snow storm swept the surroundings again.

The torment of the two heavens of ice and fire was staged around her.

Are these two beasts at war?

Wei Ning tried her best to open her eyes, and what she saw shocked her.

No, it wasn't the Eight Desolation Divine Beast and Bai Ze who started the war, it was they who joined forces to... protect her!

And in front of them, a gorgeous demon red robe hovered on the top of the ice and snow, flying flowers all over the sky like falling snow, passing through the violent storm, passing through the blue-golden flames, and suddenly engulfed her!

Bahuang Divine Beast rushed over with a roar, bit the petals with its mouth, and tore them apart, while Bai Ze reached in and grabbed her.

"come out faster!"

"Exceeding one's abilities!" The person on the top of the ice and snow spoke softly, the gorgeous tone blending with the flowery dance.

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