"Seeing each other can't change anything." Yan waved his wide sleeves, and suddenly a road paved with petals appeared in front of him. He led them up, and after a few steps, he disappeared into the ice and snow.

***********Phoenix Dance Jiangshan********

Life is too long, but the moment I fell in love with you, I poured out all my courage in three lives.

Wei Ning opened her eyes, used a dagger to draw a notch on the wall, then continued to close her eyes and go to sleep.

There is no time here, and the sky is dark, but the maid brings meals three times a day, and she records the time like this.

Before I knew it, it had been three years.

In the past three years, she has thought about many things.

Sometimes I think about my life before I came here through time travel, it was really rich and colorful. At that time, she did whatever she wanted, had untold wealth, and had a frightening name. She was as popular as she wanted.

In fact, when I think about it, I still miss the past life very much, happy and unrestrained, unscrupulous, and many people admire her.

It took her three years, but she didn't let herself understand why she had to travel here, live in the body of an unrelated person, experience the fate of this person, the joys and sorrows, it is really oolong.

At first she thought it was God giving her a chance to be reborn, but she didn't expect that it was just cheating her.

She has lived a boring life for a long time, and she can only chat with herself. The maid came in to bring her food, and she would not say a word to her.

This loneliness is really maddening.

Just when she thought she was going crazy, one day, she heard someone talking in the mirror, and she was sure that she was really crazy, otherwise, normal people can hear the mirror talking?

The mirror was no different from an ordinary vanity mirror, it was round and carved on both sides. That day she took a picture of her emaciated appearance in front of the mirror, and said softly: "Time really is a butcher's knife!"

Then, an immature and shrill voice came from the mirror: "Wow! Wow! Ahhh! There really are gods living in it!"


Wei Ning's face was dull, at that time she thought she was crazy, but she didn't expect her nerves to be so abnormal.

"I'm not a fairy, I'm a psychopath." She continued to say quietly.

"Fairy!" But the voice inside seemed to ignore her words, and instead asked enthusiastically, "Do you live in the sky? What does the sky look like?"

Under the offensive of the other party's thunderbolt and Luo Li's wordy words, Wei Ning finally understood that it was not her own mental illness, but probably a mental illness living in the mirror.

In the long period of boredom and loneliness, even if a psychopath occurs, Wei Ning is willing to chat with him.

So, in the mirror, they started a voice call where they couldn't meet each other.

Slowly he realized that it was not a person living in the mirror, but a young man who accidentally got a jade pendant from an expert. The expert said that immortals lived in the jade pendant, so he waited every day and finally took her The fairy is waiting.

The young man's name is Chang Sheng, and he seems to be a melancholy and innocent young master. After he started to be interested in Yu Peili's immortals, he gradually lost his novelty.

Wei Ning didn't want to lose the only person she could chat with, so she had no choice but to bring out all the anecdotes, wild history and gossip she knew, and finally even the pornographic novels she had read.

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