"We, Xinghe, have been chasing and killing a person for many years. This person is extremely vicious and cruel. He has disappeared for a long time. There is no news of her in Xinghe's world. Therefore, we suspect that she has used a special method to hide." The Lord Said patiently.

"What does that have to do with my jade?" Chang Sheng asked.

The lord said: "She may be hiding in Yuli."

"Impossible! Ningning is a fairy!" Chang Sheng blurted out when he got excited.

Wei Ning Fu's forehead, this idiot, doesn't even know when he's being slandered.

"So, there is really someone living in this Yuli?" The lord said casually, "You let her out."

"No one." Chang Sheng muttered, knowing that he had slipped his tongue, he was very regretful.

"If you keep hiding it, I will really destroy this jade."

"Don't..." Chang Sheng hurriedly stopped, "I, I..."

"Chang Sheng, tell him the truth, there is nothing to be afraid of." Wei Ning said slowly.

After hearing this, Chang Sheng said, "There is a fairy living in Yuli. I have never seen her, and she can't come out."

"Why?" asked the lord.

"Because she is a god who made a mistake in the sky and was imprisoned in the jade chamber." Chang Sheng said truthfully.

The lord held the jade, felt it carefully, and said: "There is no seal in this jade, you are lying."

"It's true!" Chang Sheng blushed, "This is the fairy art of the gods, how can you, a mortal, see it?"

good excuse!

Weining looked into the mirror and said, "Chang Sheng, ask him, how did he know there was someone inside the jade?"

Chang Sheng said, "She asked, how do you know there is someone in Yuli?"

The lord stared at Yu for a long time, making sure he didn't hear any voice, and then said: "Xinghe only solves doubts and eliminates disasters for others, and does things after receiving money."

Wei Ning asked, and asked Chang Sheng to relay: "Who entrusted you?"

"I can't disclose it."

"Then now that you know there are people in Yuli, what are you going to do next?" Wei Ning asked, you can't do things without a reason, right?

The lord said: "I have a few questions to ask you. First, are you from Baize Kingdom? Second, did someone send you to sneak into Qinglong Kingdom with Murong Changsheng? Third, what do you want?"

Wei Ning was surprised by the other party's straightforward question, and after thinking about it, he laughed.

It turned out that Xinghe was dispatched to arrest her in the middle of the night because he suspected that she was secretly following Changsheng on a special mission.

It's bloody.

Chang Sheng said with a hurt face: "Ning Ning was not sent by others! She is my friend!"

The lord didn't look at him, just looking forward to this inconclusive answer.

"Chang Sheng, calm down." Wei Ning said, asking Chang Sheng to continue to relay, "The lord asks this, I already know who entrusted you, first, I am not from Bai Zeguo. Second, no one sent me here , in the entire Baize country, only Changsheng knows of my existence. So the third question does not exist."

"If what you said is true, why don't you come out and see to clear up the misunderstanding?" the lord asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't come out, I can't help myself, please forgive me." Wei Ning said helplessly, doesn't she want to come out?These people really do not hurt their backs when they stand and talk.

"You are not in Yuli." The lord planned to expose her lie.

"Of course, this jade is just a tool for communication. Only Changsheng and I can hear each other, so I'm thousands of miles away."

Holding the jade, the lord pondered deeply, as if he was trying to figure out the loopholes in her words.

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