Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

346. Uncle Emperor, Save Me【11】

She stared blankly at the mirror, her heart suddenly seemed to sink into the water, ups and downs.

"I know you can hear it, maybe you don't want to hear it, but I have done what I promised you, and you don't want to see me, is it because you still don't believe me?"

No, I just don't want to involve you.Wei Ning thought this way in her heart, she didn't want to continue to be Mu Qingning, and didn't want to accept another person's fate, even though she still couldn't escape now.

"Qing Ning, since you were born, I have missed you for 14 years, so in this life, no matter how hard I try and how much time I spend, I can't bring you back?"

In the quiet night, Mu Zihan's voice was like a low-pitched musical instrument, flowing slowly in his heart, with an inexplicably heart-wrenching power.

"I hate myself for having such eyes. You have been by my side for 14 years, but I haven't seen you. I didn't realize how important you are until after you left. I..."

He opened his mouth, but he didn't say the words he wanted to say. The surroundings were quiet and there was no response.

Mu Zihan stared blankly at Murong Changsheng who was sleeping soundly. This young man was completely ignorant of what happened, ignorant and ignorant. He was not sure if Qingning in Yuli would still be conscious after Murong Changsheng fell asleep.

Will she hear him?

She was still indifferent after hearing it, could she really not forgive him?So even if you are in a dangerous situation, you are not willing to ask him for help.

If so, what can he do?

In this world, he can use coercion on anyone, but he can't use it on her alone.

He knew it was useless, and he was reluctant.

She doesn't want to talk to him...

Mu Zihan took a deep breath, put down the curtain, and was about to exit, when he suddenly heard Murong Changsheng whisper something in his sleep.

He listened carefully and heard Chang Sheng muttering: "Uncle Huang, save me..."

Mu Zihan's movements suddenly stopped, and he looked straight at him, with countless surprises in his eyes. He almost couldn't restrain his emotions, and grabbed the boy on the bed to question him.

She responded!She finally responded!

Mu Qingning, do you know?Three years, I waited for three years, and finally I waited for you to come back.

"Uh..." Chang Sheng murmured and clicked his mouth. He didn't know what dream he had, turned over and slowly opened his eyes.

A tall black shadow shrouded himself in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked, suddenly sober, and quickly shrank back.

"You, who are you?"

"He is the regent of Qinglong Kingdom, and he is here to inquire about the prince. Who told you to be a good person?" Wei Ning said coldly in the mirror.

Chang Sheng opened his mouth wide, and looked carefully at the black shadow. As expected, it was a magnificent figure...

But it's a bit weird to break into someone else's room in the middle of the night, right?

Although he didn't dare to mind...

"It's so late, the Regent, please come back tomorrow. Regarding the matter of the prince, although I want to help, but I am powerless now. I am really sorry."

Chang Sheng knew that Wei Ning had always been very repulsive to this matter, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense without her consent, otherwise, she might really ignore her in the future.

Mu Zihan took a step closer, looked down at Changsheng, and said slowly: "I just came to thank the prince, thank you for bringing the news about the prince, this kindness, I will always remember it in my heart."

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