Unning lightly caressed the mirror with her hand, looked at her thinning and pale face in the mirror, and suddenly smiled at herself in the mirror, with a bit of desolation in her smile.

"Tell Pluto, the one who wears the mask and the one who doesn't wear the mask are really two people. Therefore, no one owes anyone, and there is no repayment or non-repayment."

After listening to her words, Mu Zihan narrowed his eyes slightly, Qing Ning and Pluto?

Suddenly there was a sour feeling in his heart, which made him very uncomfortable.

Yun Zong asked directly: "Do you know Your Majesty?"

He knew very little about the Eye of God mask, and he didn't know about the past between Wei Ning and Mo Wuji. Xuan Ye knew these things better, so he didn't understand.

"It's not even acquaintance. Your Excellency Yun Zong must tell Pluto about these words. By the way, please return the Eight Desolation Divine Beast." After Wei Ning finished speaking, he asked Chang Sheng to leave.

It is actually very wise to leave matters here to Mu Zihan and not start a fight with Yun Zong.

People in the Nether Realm are all perverts, and she knows this better than anyone else.

Her words made Yun Zong feel confused and couldn't understand, but it was a good thing that he didn't have to fight with these rookies.


Wei Ning woke up, opened his eyes and didn't know whether it was day or night outside.

Many days have passed since Yun Zong was released that day, and there is no movement in the Nether Realm.

Did she guess wrong?The Nether Realm doesn't want to kill her anymore and completely recaptures the Eight Desolation Divine Beast?

After hearing those words, didn't Mo Wuji guess it was her?

As long as she lives in any corner of the world, as long as they still want to get the wild beasts, they will definitely attack her!

Moreover, in order to break the contract between her and the eight wild beasts, Mo Wuji should bring the eight wild beasts along with him.

But after so many days, why is there no movement at all?

The people Mu Zihan sent out to investigate the news all returned in vain. They said that the Nether Realm was as usual, as peaceful as hell...

It shouldn't be like this.

She always felt that something was wrong.

Because things didn't progress, and Changsheng was very happy to visit the mountains and rivers in Qinglong Kingdom, the national teacher sent a letter to urge him once, but Mu Zihan intercepted the letter and didn't let Changsheng see it.

Changsheng stayed in Qinglong Kingdom for three months, and he had a great time. It was useless to persuade Yin Chengfeng who came here, and he was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

They didn't know at all that they were detained by Mu Zihan in a disguised form, and they just wanted to fool the simple Murong Changsheng, it was too simple.

Chang Sheng's hunting incident yesterday broke Shuan Yu's collar, Mu Zihan immediately sent someone to rebuild it, and the jade pendant was kept by his side. Chang Sheng didn't wear it when he went out this morning.

Mu Zihan carefully tied the jade pendant with a black string and hung it around his waist.

Although he couldn't get in touch with Wei Ning, having her by his side made him feel more at ease.

Wei Ning also had no idea what was going on outside, she got up, and just after breakfast, many maids rushed in to pack things.

Wei Ning stood beside the table where the mirror was placed, and asked coldly, "What are you going to do?"

"Under the order of the national teacher, please move the girl to another place." The maid said.

"I live well here, why do I want to move?" Wei Ning raised her eyebrows, and moved her for no reason. Could it be that something happened? ,

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