"This flame contains my endless scorching power. If Fen Tian Heisha is to break out, he must use extremely Yin power to deal with it..." Pei Yixiao said unconsciously.

"Do you have a way?" Xuan Ye suddenly grabbed his collar, "What way? Say it!"

"I said yes, but you have to guarantee my safety!" Pei Yixiao took the opportunity to raise conditions.

How could he miss such a good opportunity, he could hit Wei Ning and save his life.

"You saved Fen Tian Heisha, Pluto will naturally spare your life, and I can let you go." Xuan Ye said gently, his voice very convincing.

"keep your word?"

"People in the Nether Realm never lie!" Xuan Ye said arrogantly, after thinking about it, he asked again: "Will your method hurt Mu Qingning?"

"She will be injured, but she can't die." Pei Yixiao gritted his teeth, he also wanted her life, but how could it be so easy?

"Then let's start!" Xuan Ye let go of his collar.

Pei Yixiao stood still, knocked on his interspatial ring, took out a pure white and flawless white jade nail from inside, put it in the palm of his hand and stroked it carefully, with a lewd | evil smile on his face.

"This soul-eliminating nail is made from the first blood of 99 clean and pure virgins, combined with thousand-year-old cold jade in the deep sea. Its attribute is extremely yin, and it is the best weapon against men! Because the attribute of men is yang , Yin just overcomes Yang!"

Xuan Ye looked at the ecstasy nail, although he felt a little disgusted, but it didn't matter if it was useful.

Pei Yixiao took a step forward, made seals with both hands, controlled the soul-eliminating nail with spiritual power, suddenly flew into the sky, and plunged into the flames in an instant.

Mu Zihan raised his head, his eyes lit up, what the hell is that?

He was about to give birth to remind Wei Ning to be careful, when suddenly Mo Wuji used the space magic circle to appear beside him in an instant, and struck out with one move.

Mu Zihan quickly dodged, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard an angry voice coming from the flame.

"Who the hell sneak attack! The level is so low! It will only scare people!"

It was Uncondensed's voice, it sounded good, and there was no sign of injury at all.

Xuan Ye couldn't help but glanced at Pei Yixiao suspiciously, only to see that his face was also dull and surprised.

How could it be useless?It was the Soul-Elimination Nail that he spent countless efforts to refine. He refined three pieces in total. They have been tested a long time ago, and they are absolutely useful!

In a daze, Fen Tianheisha neighed, and suddenly he flapped his wings and fell from midair, resentful and unwilling, and directly crushed a building with carved beams and painted buildings.

Wei Ning slowly put away the flames, and walked out slowly, the hair band was broken in half during the escape just now, the hair was loosely tied, and a small face was a little bit drunk and blush reflected by the flames.

The flames that have not dissipated are flying around her, like the half of a phoenix in flames.

Pei Yixiao stared at her dumbfounded, and was even more shocked after seeing with her own eyes that she was safe and sound.

He was sure that the ecstasy nail must have hit her just now, but why didn't it have the slightest effect?

This makes absolutely no sense!

Pei Yixiao's expression was more exciting than eating a kilogram of poop.

He looked at Wei Ning's pretty blushing face, loose black hair and half-hanging black hair, dressed in a bamboo green silk robe, with a slender and beautiful figure, not delicate and beautiful.

If the Ecstasy Nail is useless to her, then...

"Are you a woman?" Pei Yixiao murmured.


Lu: Uncle Huang, how do you feel?

Uncle Huang: I didn't hear clearly...

Lu: Alright, let Yixiao Guoguo speak louder in the next chapter~

Nightmare: Why are you being so nice to him!If there is an affair, I will report you, the director's unspoken rules!

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