Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

409. The Empress Disappears 【5】

She went to the queen's bedroom to have a look. At noon, Mu Qingtong was in the inner hall, and the maids and eunuchs were arranged in the outer hall. Only Jiu'er was serving in the inner hall. When people from the underworld came, Jiu'er wanted to shout, He was wounded and is still unconscious.

Zheng Tianbao's skill is good, he rushed in immediately when he heard the sound, but unfortunately, after entering, the queen had disappeared.

The people in the underworld didn't leave a word, and directly took the queen away.

"His Royal Highness." Zheng Tianbao followed her step by step, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The prince has ordered, you don't need to interfere with these matters."

"I won't interfere, I'll just take a look at the place where my imperial sister lives." Wei Ning said cooperatively, slowly looking at everything in the inner hall, "Zheng Tianbao, you have followed my imperial sister for so many years." ?"

"Back to His Royal Highness, yes." Zheng Tianbao followed behind her and replied respectfully.

"Then over the years, have you discovered that my imperial sister has the idea of ​​getting married?"

Zheng Tianbao was startled, his face flushed, and he quickly said: "The slave didn't find out, and he didn't dare to guess His Majesty's mind at will."

"Stop pretending, let's talk to you seriously." Wei Ning turned around and sat down on the couch, "What has Situ Yao been doing all these years?"

"He is the chief pharmacist of the empire, and His Majesty trusts him very much. Situ Yao inspects all the imperial medicines and food for His Majesty."

"Nothing else?"

Zheng Tianbao asked: "What does the prince want to ask?"

"I think sister Huang can recruit Situ Yao as her husband"

"As a slave, I dare not speculate about your Majesty's affairs." Zheng Tianbao lowered his eyes, not daring to speak nonsense.

The empress pays great attention to her reputation. For so many years, even when discussing politics with the regent, she kept a certain distance very carefully. Foreign ministers often covered their faces with gauze curtains and never exceeded the rules.

Situ Yao is in charge of the queen's diet, and rarely has the opportunity to meet the queen in person.

After thinking about it, Wei Ning probably knew what was going on, and felt a little bit sorry for Situ Yao, and even more so for Mu Qingtong.

Zheng Tianbao saw that she kept asking about these trifles and didn't ask about the details of the empress being kidnapped by the people of the underworld, so he was relieved, thinking that maybe the prince's words were really useful.

With the power of Xinghe, there is no need for His Highness the Crown Prince to take risks in rescuing the Queen.

After seeing the Queen's bedroom, Wei Ning went out with Zheng Tianbao.

The empress was in power and hadn't gotten married yet. The entire harem was like the cold palace of the late emperor. Because the heirs of the late emperor were weak and there were conspiracies in the palace, many princes and princesses did not grow up safely and died halfway. In the last rebellion, the four princes were cut off. Party feathers, and several dependent princes.

The older prince had already been canonized and moved out of the palace to open the palace outside, so the entire harem was silently ignoring it.

The only sound was the clashing sound of the armor on the patrolling guards.

Wei Ning looked at this place with some emotion, and sure enough, things are different, and in just three years, it seems that this place has been abandoned for 100 years.

"My lord Situ, the empress once ordered that you are not allowed to enter the harem without her will..."

The voice of the eunuch and spies rang out in a hurry.

Wei Ning raised her head and saw outside the palace gate not far away, several eunuchs stopped the man in green shirt who was about to barge in.

"I heard that His Royal Highness is back, please let me meet, I have something important to report!" The loud voice was Situ Yao.

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