Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

428. Beast Transformation, Blue-Eyed Unicorn! 【10】

It seemed that it was extremely dangerous to be peeped into the left eye, so the blue-eyed unicorn instinctively raised a paw to block the left eye, very carefully protecting the person inside.

The Eight Desolation Divine Beast saw the way, this guy protects his left eye so much, it seems that the most important part of his body is the left eye!

If you hurt your left eye, will Ah Ning be fine?

Bahuang Divine Beast saw a lot of black energy coming out of his left eye, and he became more certain about the thoughts in his heart. Even these black energy must rely on Ah Ning's body!

If so...

The Eight Desolation God Beast suddenly gathered all of its spiritual power to attack the blue-eyed unicorn's left eye. The flames spread in the air and shattered into countless flame fragments.

After he was done, he backed away, and then, those dots suddenly exploded together!

The blue-eyed unicorn screamed heart-piercingly, it was so ear-piercing, it was so hoarse that its throat broke!

At the moment of the explosion, the tail of the Eight Desolation Divine Beast suddenly stretched out, and the sharp barb hooked the horns on the head of the blue-eyed unicorn, and pulled it up forcefully.

The bloody body is being quickly repaired by the black energy, and it has become intact again at a speed visible to the naked eye, but before that, the Eight Desolation Divine Beast wants to get the left eye!


The blue-eyed unicorn raised its claws and pierced into his chest, but the Eight Desolation Divine Beast remained unmoved and insisted on taking his left eye!

It was only a little bit close, this time the serious injury caught him off guard, but next time he won't be so lucky!

The flame explosion is his unique skill, which is rarely used, and it is extremely powerful, but he will definitely be prepared for it next time!

So, there is only one chance!

The claws of the Eight Desolation Divine Beast had already penetrated into the skin of Qingyan's face, however, at this moment, something unexpected happened suddenly.

A big bird suddenly passed through the dark clouds above the sky, flapped its wings and flew out hastily. Before it could see clearly what was going on in front of it, it was struck by the rolling lightning from the sky, neighed, and fell from the midair!

The falling direction is exactly above the head of the Eight Desolation Divine Beast.

There is no way to judge the sudden danger, just above the head, it seems that there is a catastrophe!

Could it be that the blue-eyed unicorn has other helpers?Is that about the black air?

The Eight Desolation Divine Beast was stunned for a moment, but the blue-eyed unicorn broke free, completely missing this great opportunity!

The Eight Desolation Divine Beast also stepped aside quickly, and its spiritual power came out of its body, hitting the big bird, and there was a smell of burning. The big bird had no defense at all, and was shot down from the sky.


As the big bird fell to the ground, there was a young man's wail. At the same time, he raised his head in panic and looked up at the two giant beasts that towered like mountains in front of him.


Apart from this one word, he couldn't make any other sounds, and he was completely stunned. Junxiu's face was covered with mud because of the fall just now.

However, the mud can't hide those smart eyes and delicate facial features.

This is Murong Changsheng, the heir apparent of Bai Ze Kingdom!

The young man who didn't understand the situation was stunned, completely ignorant of why he appeared in the middle of the battle.

He just used a small amount of spiritual power to capture the low-level spirit beast that flew past in panic from nowhere, and then forced him to fly out of the palace with him.

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