There was no response, and after the Eight Desolation Divine Beast over there raised its paw, it just pressed down lightly, and a whirlpool of fiery red spiritual power swirled down, as long as it touched Chang Sheng's body, he would die immediately.


What is shocking is that the fiery red spiritual power actually stopped after a distance of one foot from the top of Changsheng's head, no matter how much it was pressed down, it did not go down half an inch!

The Eight Desolation Divine Beast was stunned, and so was the blue-eyed unicorn.

In the past two days, the eyes of the giant beast have undergone unprecedented changes.

From the blue pupils of the blue-eyed unicorn, a burst of blue light suddenly shot out, screaming sharply and breaking through the spiritual power of the Eight Desolation Beast, but it was swallowed by some kind of power the moment it was about to approach Changsheng.

Chang Sheng raised his head, his face was pale with fright, he was even more dumb than Mu Mu, he must have been frightened stupid.

Were the two terrorist attacks all near misses?But this kind of near miss is really scary!

Does he not want to die?

"Ningning, Ningning, you are a god! Help me!"

Chang Sheng originally just yelled, but after yelling, he couldn't help crying in vain.

He really wants Ningning, Ningning knows everything, she can do everything, she is still a god, if she is here, she can definitely save him!

He doesn't want to die, because he still wants to see the national teacher again...

Seeing what happened here, Qin Feng stopped halfway and stopped moving forward.

As the regent's confidant and the biggest steward of Xinghe other than the lord, he is very good at judging the situation.

Murong Changsheng didn't know why, the attacks of the Eight Desolation God Beast and the Blue-Eyed Qilin were ineffective against him, it was almost completely immune in the battle circle!

But if he was in the past, he would definitely not have such good luck.

Qin Feng reckoned that the national teacher of Bai Ze Kingdom was not a good person. He was able to send the prince to the Qinglong Empire with such confidence, and he did not send anyone to inquire after he did not go back for so long. He must have full confidence that nothing will happen to the prince. .

I'm afraid that the national teacher set up some protective spells on Murong Changsheng.

But this technique is too powerful, it is simply abnormal!

That national teacher must not be human...

And after the Eight Desolation God Beast was ineffective against Changsheng after a single blow, it was already outrageous. Just now I thought it was just a small human being, but I didn't expect it to have a power that cannot be underestimated!

He must kill this human stinky boy, ruin his carefully planned event, and make him lose the great opportunity to take Weining out of his left eye!

Simply dying [-] times is not enough to make up for this crime!

The tail behind him raised its barb again, unexpectedly gathering the strongest spiritual power to deal with this little human being!

The blue-eyed unicorn also intends to do something, because the humans appearing in the occupation are really an eyesore!

Although, this human being helped him not long ago, but in the heart full of violent beasts, there is no feeling of gratitude.

However, before the blue-eyed unicorn made a move, he suddenly heard a mandatory order in his body, there was no sound, it was just an order that could not be disobeyed!

Save that human!


Why save that human being?The blue-eyed unicorn couldn't figure it out, but he knew that the order came from those powerful black energy, he couldn't resist, so he had to obey.

"Aww—" He roared and charged forward, his upright walking body suddenly jumped forward, barely blocking Chang Sheng, and withstood the full blow of the Eight Desolation Divine Beast for him!

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