Then he glanced at Shang Kewei's chest, and then at his own, and couldn't help sweating... Goblins not only have looks, but also breasts... Sure enough, no one is perfect, and no gold is pure, but the goblin Can there be a perfect demon... Tears...

Suddenly turning on the light, Shang Kewei, who just woke up, couldn't help raising her hand to block the light. After her eyes got used to it, she couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Feng Yu in front of her.

A pair of big deer-like clear and distinct black and white eyes, a small Qiong nose, and bright red lips, the whole person has a lively atmosphere, pure and simple.

If it wasn't for the Lord Snake King sitting beside him, Feng Yu would have wondered if he had been charmed by Shang Kewei's enchantment.

Probably, this is the legendary meet and hate...

He is a typical representative of the kind of things that have nothing to do with him, just look at Shang Kewei's return... If Feng Yu didn't beg him, I'm afraid that the old man would secretly bring Feng Yu Hiding far away, without even looking at Shang Kewei.

It's not a dream...the sun rises as usual...then...then...

Shang Kewei couldn't help but shiver.Why, she felt... Lord Snake King seems to have deep hostility towards her?

Unscientific, unscientific... When did Lord Snake King suddenly change his sex?

As for taking care of this problem... Naturally, there is the selfishness of Lord Snake King... Anyway, the respected Lord Snake King gave this little monster a way to survive, right?

Realizing what he was doing, Fengyu Fengda hero silently mourned for his impulse in the bottom of his heart for three seconds, and then hurriedly put on a dog-legged smile: "Master Snake King, I was wrong... let's go quickly!" Let's eat, the patient needs to rest..."

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish ! !You are so cool! !Your whole family is coquettish! ! !Out of Lord Snake King's sight, the bullying and immoral Little Nian Gao popped out of Feng Yu's arms, and waved his paws angrily!

It's just that she didn't expect that traveling through the plane would be so dangerous.Fortunately, with the protection of the family heirloom, he was able to not be crushed into minced meat by those violent spiritual power when crossing the plane, and he was able to maintain the human form in a state where the spiritual power was sealed.

"Hey, here we come..." Feng Yu hurriedly responded, dragging Shang Kewei to the restaurant: "Let's go to eat Kewei."

"There must be... She is so afraid of pain..." Cang Weiyu's voice suddenly choked up.When he hugged the queen mother in his arms, he couldn't believe that Shang Kewei, who was so gentle and kind on weekdays, who was so kind that he wouldn't even step on ants, would do such a thing.

Feng Yu naturally didn't know the twists and turns in Mrs. Snake King's heart, but she was just happy that Shang Kewei had a place to stay. This at least meant that she could gain a foothold in this society, right?

"Kewei, are you really alright with such a serious injury?" Feng Yu peeked at Hua Wuqing who was sitting on the sofa with a cold face, the courage just now had disappeared.Quietly, and cautiously asked.

Turn to look at it from before.Then she has to be a little discerning, so she can't disturb the happy two-person world between him and Xiaofengyu, right?

After packing up their things, the three of them returned to the city where Feng Yu worked, and specially arranged for Shang Kewei's residence. Then Lord Snake King grabbed Feng Yu and returned to their small home.

Huang Jing has always loved good-looking people, and now she smiled like a flower to Shang Kewei: "Oh, Miss Shang is so polite... Miss Shang is really good-looking..."

Master Snake King stroked his chin a few times, and nodded triumphantly.Not bad.There are very few young, promising and kind-hearted demon kings like him.

But Feng Yu's big black and white eyes, like a search radar, suspiciously glanced at Hua Wuqing who was sitting still.

Lord Snake King slightly raised his brows. For this small house, after only a few days of leaving, he would have a feeling similar to homesickness...

Are your feet okay? ? ?A gleam of brilliance flashed in Shang Kewei's eyes.So... is the woman in front of her a monster?

How dare this little thing speak ill of him behind his back?Feng Wuqing narrowed his eyes, and glanced coldly at the direction where Feng Yu and Shang Kewei were, a gleam of light flashed in the dark pupils.

"This is a big meal prepared for you by the king, you should enjoy it, and don't let down the hard work of the king." Cang Weiyu stretched out his hand, and slid his cold fingers gently on Shang Kewei's face , the voice was as gentle as a lover's murmur, but what he said made Shang Kewei feel chills from the bottom of his heart.

Well, Feng Yu really has no position to say that Lord Snake King is cold-faced and warm-hearted... But it is not a very good thing to surprise a beauty, so Feng Yu is still decisive to save that little bit of image for Lord Snake King.

Lord Snake King stretched out his long arms and legs on the sofa quite comfortably, feeling extremely comfortable.

Who is Hua Wuqing, the Snake King with the most sensitive eyes and ears... How could Feng Yu's whispered thoughts escape his ears.

She always has no spiritual power in her life, even if she loses her original identity and background, and is no longer the princess of the swallow-tailed kite clan, she is willing to do so.

Hua Wuqing was still watching the TV expressionlessly, and then heard Feng Yu whispering to Shang Kewei in the kitchen: "Hua Wuqing is that dead face, don't be afraid of him, in fact, he has a cold face and a warm heart."


OoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooI pray for you, you are safe and sound... Doesn't the master know that Lord Snake King's hearing is so good that she dares to speak ill of the king.

"Mom, I'm your own daughter..." Feng Yu pursed her lips, looked at Shang Kewei with a bit of envy on purpose, and complained: "Look at my mother, when you see a beautiful woman, it's better than seeing a beautiful woman." Kissing my own daughter is still kissing... In ancient times, I was a person who loved beauty and didn't love country..."

Aww, he is not a small thing, he is the Nine Heavens Xuanhu! ! !Little Nian Gao waved his claws angrily at the back of Lord Snake King.

Or... with deep resentment?

Uh-huh?Could it be that she is hallucinating?Feng Yu plucked his ears in disbelief, and looked at the still-cold Master Snake King: "You...are you comforting me?"

Master Snake King is rushing to comfort her today?

"You're talking nonsense, this king doesn't." Hua Wuqing tilted her head and refused to admit it.

Shang Kewei only felt that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he dragged his limp body at a loss, trying to crawl towards the depths of the secret room.She hasn't eaten a sip of food or drank a sip of water for four days. Her physical strength has almost reached its limit. A simple movement of raising her hand can make her out of breath for a long time.

However, after being dragged back countless times, her skin was worn to the point that there was not even a single spot of it intact, and her physical strength was seriously overdrawn, she really realized that Cang Weiyu really wanted her to survive and die.

Lord Snake King threw the little rice cake into Feng Yu's arms with extreme disgust: "Don't throw this little thing around." After speaking, he turned around and walked out coolly.

Fengyu's eyes are full of symbols of money.

Without identity certificates, without education certificates, and without a home of his own, he is really a typical "three nos".

However, in front of the four strong men, her weak crawling was nothing more than insect-like wriggling, which was almost negligible.

How do you say that?The most humble people are invincible?Feng Yu felt that he had deeply understood the essence of this sentence.

"Shang Kewei, this king will live well only if you are sad." After speaking in a cold voice, the sharp dagger in Cang Weiyu's hand, while Shang Kewei was trembling slightly because of fear, stabbed hard again. That good ankle.Then, as if exploring, he deliberately wandered around the hamstring, cutting open the surrounding muscles.

But what can she do?Since she was a childhood sweetheart, the Eagle King whom he admired from the bottom of his heart, didn't trust her at all.

If Baba tells others that this is a female monster, I'm afraid Shang Kewei will be fine, Feng Yu himself will be locked up in a mental hospital first.

Seeing Hua Wuqing, Shang Kewei's body trembled, and she felt endless coercion coming over her. She hurriedly got out of bed and saluted: "I have seen Lord Snake King... the little demon is Shang Kewei from the Eagle Clan. The enemy chased and killed him, and came across the plane in a panic..."

But his hand stayed at that position, trembling slightly, with hesitation and complexity, as if there was an impenetrable horizontal ditch in the middle, forcibly blocking his next move.

"Aunt Huang has won the prize..." Shang Kewei couldn't help but blushed and lowered her head when she heard this.

After finishing speaking, he patted his palms lightly, and the door of the secret room made a strange sound again, and four men with muscular bodies and naked upper body came in with lustful eyes.

However, Feng Yu was dumbfounded by this pinch.

Cang Weiyu's face became more and more gloomy, and his whole face was distorted. He couldn't help growling in a low voice: "Why didn't you let her go when she begged you! Why? Tell me why?" Roar, while exerting force with his hand, the dagger pierced into Shang Kewei's ankle slid and stirred inside, and finally picked out a tendon abruptly!

And Shang Kewei was lying on her bed, looking at the top of the bed quietly, the expression on her face was unpredictable, and every scene in the past two months was in her mind.

Lord Snake King let out a muffled "hum", and then withdrew his dangerous gaze in satisfaction, pinched his index finger and thumb together, and grabbed the fur on the back of the little rice cake.

"Please?" It's okay if Shang Kewei didn't say begging, but when he said begging, Cang Weiyu's expression suddenly became fierce and cold: "Then when you tortured your mother, did she ever beg you? Did she beg you when the cross was drawn on her body with a knife? Did she beg you before you killed her? "

"You brought me back, why don't you allow me to take responsibility for you?" At this time, Hua Wuqing's voice suddenly rang out, and she walked to the bed, and glanced at Shang Kewei with her cold eyes: "You are an eagle!" How could a mere little demon of the Clan come to the human world?"

Master Snake King deeply felt the qi knot of kindness being treated as the liver and lungs of a donkey.

But Hua Wuqing knew her very well. She knew her true identity completely, and she was able to provide food and shelter. Relatively speaking, her salary was insignificant.

Cang, Wei, Yu... Shang Kewei couldn't help biting her pale lips that were almost dry, and pronounced Cang Weiyu's name in a low voice, as if with infinite affection and With endless memories and thoughts.

Originally, she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart.I hope that Cang Weiyu, who is so gentle to her, and him who is so gentle and doting with a smile, will have even the slightest bit of intolerance towards her.

Hearing this, Feng Yu couldn't help frowning, and also worried about Shang Kewei.

"The guy who has no morals." Feng Yu flattened his mouth, silently chanting.

Hua Wuqing glanced at Feng Yu coolly with her cold eyes, and narrowed her eyes dangerously: "I don't know when you became so bold?"

Or is it because she is dreaming and hasn't woken up yet?That's must be because of snoozing and not waking up, to dream that Lord Snake King is so considerate.She took the initiative to help Shang Kewei, and came over to comfort her... She just said how is it possible...

Having not eaten for a long time made simple movements extremely difficult, and the blood on her ankles exacerbated her dizziness.However, she didn't dare to stop for a moment, and the fear in her heart urged her to keep crawling forward.

Feng Yu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Nima was speaking ill of Lord Snake King in front of Lord Snake King! ! ! !She has no respect for Lord Snake King! ! !

Lord Snake King paused, then turned around suddenly, his icy eyes glanced at Feng Yu coolly, and along the way swept over Xiao Nian Gao's fleshy body.

Feeling the cold dagger constantly changing direction in the muscles of her ankle, Shang Kewei couldn't help but let out a hoarse pain. Shen Yin's whole body twitched, only feeling dizzy and blank in his mind for a while.

"IQ is something..." Lord Snake King pondered for a moment, then paused and said, "I don't know you have it. If I insult you like this and you have it, then you still earn it..."

Seeing this situation, the other three big men couldn't bear it anymore.How can a tall, beautiful and charming woman like Shang Kewei be within reach of them on a daily basis?They rushed forward one after another, moved their hands up and down, and rubbed the plump and delicate skin of her chest lewdly and with a smile.

Seeing that she was about to get out of bed, Feng Yu hurried over to support her and stop her movement: "You seem to be seriously injured. Although it has been cured now, you should take care of it again... Hua Wuqing said that your ankle bones are broken Come on, you've been hurt for a hundred days, so don't move around."

Feng Yu smiled helplessly, and poked the little rice cake's fleshy belly: "Look, you've been disgusted again..." Then he turned to Shang Kewei and smiled coquettishly: "Kewei, wait a minute, I Wash your hands and bring you the food..."

Shang Kewei couldn't help showing a trace of envy in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Did you save me?" While talking, he was about to get up and get out of bed, but suddenly found that the bandage on his foot had been removed down.

A meal was finished in a very warm and happy atmosphere.

No matter what kind of moth she wants to do, as long as she puts it under his nose, she won't be able to get out of it.

Clenching her big palm, she slammed her head out with force, and then ignored Shang Kewei, who was cut by the stone on his face due to the momentum. The dagger in his hand was stained with blood, and plunged into it again. Another good ankle.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to push Lord Snake King: "Respected Lord Snake King, you go out to eat parents are still waiting for you..."

Seeing Shang Kewei so peacefully, Cang Weiyu's eyes flickered with impatience.Once, he held her in the palm of his hand, fearing that the dark side of this world would tarnish her in the slightest.But now, he wanted to push her into this boundless darkness with his own hands, how could he not struggle with conflicts in his heart.

After tidying up the dishes, Feng Yu was taken into the bedroom by Lord Snake King, and he went to use some embarrassing methods to be taught by Lord Snake King how to treat a king of the demon world with respect.

To say that I have no morals, so I want to get involved with her! ! !

"It's fine." Feng Yu said casually.She pointed to the bathroom. "Where to wash your hands, the handle on the top, just twist it lightly, and there will be water."

Feng Yu also let out a long sigh of relief, looking at her small room and living room, she couldn't help feeling: "It's a pity, if my house is bigger, I can let Kewei live with us...she is alone Living outside is always a bit uneasy."

"Hey." Shang Kewei followed Feng Yu, washing his hands before eating?This human world is really strange. It was the first time she knew such a rule. In the demon world, they used spiritual power to remove the filth on their bodies, but her spiritual power has been sealed, and now she is like a mortal. Maybe it is not bad to be a mortal. .

When he said the last three words, his tone was suddenly cold and cruel, and a bloodthirsty breath came towards him. The dagger in Cang Weiyu's hand stabbed into Shang Kewei's ankle with a slight force.

Seeing that Shang Kewei stayed on the bed according to her words, she breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and looked at Shang Kewei flickeringly with two black and white eyes: "I don't have that much ability, it's the flower Wuqing saved you. Hua Wuqing said that you are an eagle demon, is that true? Can you fly? You are so beautiful...Are all monsters so beautiful?"

"Ah..." Shang Kewei's throat became hoarse and unpleasant because of what happened just now, and he was a little weak even from screaming due to excessive physical exhaustion.Cold sweat dripped down her smooth forehead, and her face was instantly pale and almost transparent: "No, please, don't do this..."

Our great Lord Snake King is not ashamed, but proud, and nodded his head very naturally: "This king is quite similar to you in one thing. Jiecao has passed away many years ago, and he is indeed dead at this time. ..."

The queen mother's whole body was covered with bloody scars, and the words "bitch, human" were scratched out with a dagger on her chest and abdomen.The queen mother is a person who is afraid of being pricked by a needle... How much pain must have occurred to her when she was tortured... Although the queen mother has always been crazy, Cang Weiyu knows that she really loves him.

"Master Snake King..." Feng Yu carefully glanced at Hua Wuqing's expression, then silently approached, looked up and down and said: "Stop making trouble, even if the sun comes out from the west today, you don't have to use tricks... ...I've never seen it when I grew always show me..."

The entire secret room suddenly fell silent, and Shang Kewei's somewhat rough voice of panting due to loss of strength became extraordinarily obvious and ear-piercing. "Pa", a sudden sound of dripping water broke the silence, following the sound, a small puddle of water had accumulated on the ground under the face covered by Shang Ke's Weiwu hair, and tears were still dripping down .

At this moment, Lord Snake King, who had been watching the comedy unmoved, suddenly turned his head, with no expression on his cold face, he just said coldly: "My company, there is still a lack of A secretary. Food and board are included, but the salary is not high."

But now, it's the snake king who doesn't care about worldly affairs, who offers to help? ? ?

She didn't know who was going to frame her, let alone who the real murderer was.With the help of the good girl in her boudoir, she can only try her best to cross the gate of the plane and come to the human world.

In the darkness, Shang Kewei clenched her teeth tightly, her face as pale as paper was covered with tears.

She didn't understand why such a situation happened... But Cang Weiyu tortured her day and night like crazy, and she finally escaped after exhausting all kinds of hardships.

Then, like a cat playing after catching a mouse, when Shang Kewei climbed to the edge that his arm could reach, he stretched out his long arm, grabbed her ankle, and pulled her back. Looking at the rough The gravel ground scratched her delicate skin again, the expression on her face remained motionless, and she continued to watch her crawl hard.

Unexpectedly, Cang Weiyu didn't stop her, just squatted on the spot, watching her struggling to crawl forward, with an expression on her face like she was watching a show.He watched her exert all her strength to stay away from him and the four big men, and he watched her slowly crawling in cold sweat.

"Have you finally admitted it?" Cang Weiyu suddenly laughed sinisterly with a shock in his heart, and suddenly moved forward with his big hand, grabbed Shang Kewei's hair, and lifted it up, revealing the tearful, covered face. The bloodstained and dirty little face: "I'm sorry, can I solve the problem? My king wants you, life would be better than death!"

"No... let's take a step and see..." Shang Kewei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You also know that my spiritual power is sealed all over, just like ordinary people. And I don't know anything, so I have to figure out a way first Only by supporting myself can I make other plans..."

Little Nian Gao, who was extremely sensitive to danger, suddenly trembled all over, and quickly covered his head with its long tail.

Not to mention whether she is qualified for the post of secretary.For this kind of office job, if she couldn't produce her education certificate and identity certificate, no company, no matter how small, would want her.

Originally, it was just a casual emotion, but Lord Snake King couldn't help but touched his nose guiltily, and said for the first time: "At any rate, she is also a monster, even if her spiritual power is sealed, she will not be so weak that something will happen casually." , what are you so busy eating radishes..."

Shang Kewei lowered her head, her long black hair hanging down, covering her expression.Her body collapsed softly on the rough stone ground, Bai Xi's delicate skin formed a sharp contrast with the sharp and ugly stones.She crouched there quietly, only her legs were trembling slightly because of the hamstrings being picked out, and the blood from the wound was flowing happily.

Shang Kewei's hands and feet were pinned down, unable to move, and his heart was full of despair and fear.Looking at Cang Weiyu's indifferent face through the grinning faces of the four big men, she finally couldn't help being out of breath, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted in the dark.

"Hua Wuqing, don't bully Kewei!" Feng Yu jumped to his feet, angrily accusing Lord Snake King of not being compassionate enough: "She just woke up, why don't you know how to cherish beauty??!!!"

"Shang Kewei, you should feel honored to be employed by this king." Seeing Shang Kewei vomited and limp on the ground, Cang Weiyu stretched out his big palm and squeezed her tightly. Chin, with a cold killing intent on his face: "You are so dirty, you are not worthy of serving this king. So, this king has prepared a big meal for you."

Shang Kewei lay on the ground, finally starting to despair.She suddenly discovered that Cang Weiyu really had no pity for her anymore.He really, really let these four big men spoil her.

No matter why this little demon approached Fengyu, whether he was chased by his enemies and accidentally crossed the plane, or was instructed by someone to deliberately approach Fengyu to achieve some unknown secret, it doesn't matter.

As he said that, he pinched his thigh with his little hand, and he was about to wake up, saving himself from getting home late, and Hua Wuqing was going to babble again.

What's more, I can't blabberingly proclaim that Shang Kewei is a eagle demon...

Feng Yu couldn't help but look out of the window, did the sun really rise from the east today...

It is really difficult for such Shang Kewei to survive in human society.


She couldn't help raising her head, and looked at Feng Yu again, no.There is no demonic energy... and no spiritual power, what's going on?She couldn't help but tentatively asked, "Did you heal my injury?"

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Yu packed up his things and prepared to go home with Master Snake King.

The group took their seats.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about..." Huang Jing couldn't help laughing, and stretched out her index finger to poke Feng Yu's head.

This woman, how dare this woman hurt his queen mother so much? !This world has treated him too harshly. In this world, only the Queen Mother loves him so deeply.Even, only she loves him.However, she, Shang Kewei, actually wants to take away the only warmth left in the world for him!

And Feng Yu didn't know that he had been missed by the stingy Lord Snake King, so he continued to comfort Shang Kewei endlessly.

Could it be that the sun is really coming out from the west today?Feng Yu glanced out of the window subconsciously, no, no, the sun rises from the east.

Seeing the scrutinizing and curious Fengyu surrounding him, the Lord Snake King suddenly felt helpless, and said angrily: "Will you spend all that material and manpower for what your king deserves? Look at your own big, flat-looking man." Ping Yuan, I don't know how to have that self-confidence..."

"Kewei, what are your plans?" Feng Yu chatted with Shang Kewei while packing her clothes.

Shang Kewei's eyes widened, full of disbelief and fear.Even after that, would he still refuse to let her go?Frightened, she tried her best to support the ground with her hands, and endured the severe pain in her ankles. Shang Kewei tried her best to drag her weak body on the ground with her already weak hands.

Shang Kewei's eyes darkened, and the expression on her face froze for a moment, "It's just some skin trauma." There was a bitter smile on her face, and she left that terrible man, but... just opened her eyes. Eyes, or Cang Weiyu's almost ferocious face dangled in front of her eyes.

Just passed out in the grass.She didn't even wake up after moving her home, so she'll be fine after a while?Is Lord Snake King really powerful?If you go out to be a doctor, you will earn a lot of money! ! !

"Yes, king." The four burly men replied respectfully.However, when she turned around, she looked at Shang Kewei, who was lying on the ground like a stranded mermaid, who was as beautiful and weak as a stranded mermaid, but her face showed hunger, thirst and urgency like a hungry wolf.

Cruelly picking out her tendons again, Cang Weiyu had a cold disdain on his face.No longer looking at Shang Kewei, he stood up, took a clean white handkerchief and wiped the blood on his palm, his movements were elegant and cold: "Go, she is yours now. Let me take good care of her."

When Hua Wuqing turned her head to the TV, Shang Kewei let out a long sigh of relief, and began to look at the things in the house, all of which were strange items that had never been seen in the demon world.

Feng Yu smiled: "I'm just here to ask you, my name is Feng Yu. Hua Wuqing is the Snake King..." curled his lips: "I accidentally moved him home from Tianshan Mountain, and he fell for him..."

Speaking of which, the time she was in a coma turned out to be the only peaceful sleep she ever had.

Not without reconciliation, not without resentment.

Naturally, to Huang Jing and Feng Zhiqi, Feng Yu and Snake King said that Shang Kewei just fainted in the suburbs, was bumped into by them by chance, and brought back because he had no documents.After all, Lord Snake King knows magic tricks, no one can tell about this...

Huang Jing looked at Shang Kewei, her eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Miss Shang is awake? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

She always saves what he likes to eat when he comes back.When he was young, he was squeezed out by other princes and not favored by his father, even a little eunuch could bully him.But she, even when he went out to practice and didn't come back for a long time, she would put his favorite snacks covered with mold and wait for him to come back.She even forgot who she was, but she still remembered his birthday.

Cang Weiyu couldn't help shaking in his heart, and stretched out his hand with a complicated expression, wanting to wipe away her tears.However, the big hand stopped in front of Shang Kewei, just a little bit, and could lift her black hair, hold up her blood-stained face, and wipe away her tears.

"Yeah, there's nothing serious about it... Aunt Huang, Uncle Feng, I'm sorry to bother you..." Shang Kewei smiled busyly, but when Huang Jing handed over the meal, she sat down politely nodded.

"Really?" Hearing this, Shang Kewei's eyes couldn't help but light up.

After repeating this many times, Shang Kewei finally stopped trying.She was so tired that she had no strength, her physical strength had reached its limit, and the pain was so painful that she couldn't continue.In the distance she crawled, all the stones were stained with her blood, densely spread on the ground, forming a short blood path.

With a ferocious smile on his face and a bloodthirsty aura all over his body, Cang Weiyu looked at Shang Kewei whose facial expression was distorted by the pain, and said in a gloomy and terrifying voice: "Does it hurt? Is it sad? That's good... only Only when you are in pain and sadness can this king feel less pain and sadness in his heart."


Then suddenly with a bitter smile, Shang Kewei said lightly: "I could fly...but my spiritual power has been sealed and I can't fly anymore...I am now like a mortal. By the way, girl, what do you say Hua Wuqing...does it refer to the Snake King? Is he also in the human world?"

Speaking of it, the main reason is determined by the Feng family's excellent genetics, Feng Yu's nature...beauties, don't die! ! !

That day in the secret room, he severely humiliated her, and even asked her to use her mouth... to serve him with her mouth...

While talking, he stretched out his hand to pull Shang Kewei, and while pulling her to bed, he gave Lord Snake King a look: "Kewei, don't be afraid of him, he is a rogue snake. Take a rest, I will serve you food later."

Huang Jing's eyes lit up instantly, and Shang Kewei's appearance was extremely good, and this smile made people's heart beat like spring returning to the earth.

Shang Kewei's wounds became more and more painful due to the rough kneading of the big man. She couldn't help but struggled to get rid of the big man's control, but the weak resistance seemed to the big man to be as ridiculous and small as a mayfly shaking a tree. With just a slight force, Shang Kewei was dragged over involuntarily.

"You have no money and no color, why did this king lie to you?" Lord Snake King raised his eyebrows disdainfully: "If you want, you can join the job after the [-]th holiday."

Aww, master, help.Xiao Nian Gao immediately withered, and hastily covered her head with her big tail, shrinking her round body into a ball as much as possible to reduce her sense of existence.

Pain was transmitted along the nerves in the ankle.But Shang Kewei felt that the pain in his heart far exceeded the pain in his body.It was her fault, it was all her fault.If she had gone a little earlier, if she could have walked faster on the road, then maybe... maybe the queen mother would not have died, maybe she would not have suffered so much.

At this time, Shang Kewei suddenly spoke, her voice was calm, but with deep sorrow and guilt: "Wei Yu, it's all my fault, you should blame me. I... I'm sorry... "

"Have you crawled enough?" As if he was tired of playing, Cang Weiyu took out a sharp dagger from nowhere, and the blade slowly slashed across Shang Kewei's ankle: "Whoever wants to escape from this king Palm, avoid this king's punishment, Shang Kewei, this king tells you, don't even think about it."

However, I can't tell what's going on, Feng Yu can't restrain his affection for Shang Kewei, as if he has known each other for decades, and wishes to help her wholeheartedly.

It's not that he didn't remind the master, he is still young, he can't speak, and he can't protect the master... Ooooh, I'm sorry, master...

"Feng Yu, no need, I'll eat it in the body is much better." Shang Kewei hurriedly got out of bed, showing Feng Yu that her injury had healed.

Although Lord Snake King seems to be very familiar with many modern high-techs since he came here... But when Shang Kewei saw these things, he always felt very strange.

"Xiaoyu, it's time to eat..." Huang Jing shouted in the restaurant at the top of her voice.

Shang Kewei couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, and then nodded slightly: "I'm an eagle monster. There are ugly monsters too... Although they can be transformed into magic, most of them still travel according to their original appearance. Naturally, they will There are ugly and beautiful..."

Feng Yu's fingers brushed over the fat little meat ball in his arms, with a smile on his face: "Okay, then let's go to the restaurant for dinner..."

Lord Snake King paused for a moment, and said to Feng Yu in a cold voice: "Wash up before eating, don't show off with a fox." After speaking, he threw a very disgusted look at Xiao Nian Gao again, and then left out.

"..." Hua Wuqing! ! !Feng Yu gritted his teeth, looked bitterly at the extremely obvious disgust in the eyes of Lord Snake King on Bingshan's face, and accused, "You deliberately stimulated me with your small breasts."

A big man reached out his hand impatiently, and pinched Shang Kewei's injured ankle. The sticky blood in his hand made the big man's eyes shine with excitement, and the big hand unceremoniously touched her naked, The oil on the exposed upper body kept flowing away, feeling the delicate and smooth amazing skin.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Feng Yu said with an expression of "You're pretending too fake", imitating the Snake King, and said with disgust: "Please don't insult my IQ."

Shang Kewei immediately cheered softly, only feeling that the pressure in his heart dropped suddenly.

Day and night, these horrific memories haunted her, playing in her mind constantly, lingering.

When the two of them went to the bathroom to wash their hands together, they passed the living room, and Hua, who was sitting on the sofa, glanced over with ruthless and cold eyes.

In fact, Lord Snake King naturally has his own considerations.

However, as long as he thought that if he stayed here all the time, he would be insulted by these four big men, Shang Kewei gritted his teeth fiercely, put his hands on the ground hard, and crawled forward.

Shang Kewei looked at the man in front of him who suddenly became very strange, and the fear in his heart continued to soar.It turned out that he didn't bother to "use" her body at all, so should he give her to these four men to enjoy?

Feng Yu gritted his teeth: "Hey, Lord Snake King, have you done an autopsy on my integrity? How do I feel that my integrity is still alive in the world?"

Lord Snake King was so good-tempered this time that he didn't argue with the rumors, he waved his hand and said perfunctorily: "Well, your integrity is not dead yet. But I guess you rarely remember to take it with you when you go out. Anyway, this king has never seen you. over it..."

"Master Snake King!!!" Feng Yu finally couldn't help it, and raised his voice a little bit: "You old man, can you quickly pick up your morals!!!!"

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