It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 103: Chasing chickens and insects

Now the ranks of locusts have grown unprecedentedly. You can see so many locusts not far from the residential areas on the outskirts of the city. They are singing triumphant songs all the way, leaving no grass behind!

He didn't mention Zhang Yang and Li Chengqian's anger at all, jumping up and down, chasing and fighting, it was very lively.

"Coo, coo, coo."

When Zhang Yang was thinking about how to get rid of these locusts, a rooster crowed in the distance. Zhang Yang glanced and found that the hen was happily eating the locusts on the ground, one mouth at a time, with extreme precision and frequency The speed and efficiency made Zhang Yang look sideways.

Suddenly, an idea formed in his mind and never dissipated.

"Brother Gao Ming, maybe we already have a solution to this pest plague!"

Zhang Yang really couldn't stand Li Chengqian's appearance. The majestic Tang prince turned into a pitiful little boy and became suspicious of himself. This shocking reversal made him feel very uncomfortable. It is better to let him return to normal, so a With this hazy thought, Zhang Yang immediately spoke out, otherwise, he really doubted whether Li Chengqian would fall into self-denial from now on.


Li Chengqian turned his head in disbelief, and just stared at Zhang Yang in a daze. He seemed to have hallucinations just now. He said that he had a way to solve this locust disaster, but how is this possible?

It's not that he doesn't want to believe Zhang Yang, but that he really can't believe it!In the past thousands of years, large and small locust plagues occurred in almost every dynasty. People dealt with such disasters only to find ways to reduce losses and minimize the losses suffered by them. There is a way to get rid of him once and for all.

For a moment, Li Chengqian was in a trance.

Zhang Yang was really speechless to Li Chengqian's reaction. Is he so untrustworthy? Why is he looking at him like a madman?

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes helplessly, and he could only attribute it to the fact that he was not at the same level as himself, and couldn't understand his foresight and insight!

"What did you say, you have a solution?"

It took Li Chengqian a long time to recover his voice, and he asked eagerly. Looking at Zhang Yang was like looking at a piece of fat, and he was the dying dog. Of course, this metaphor is very inappropriate, but in Li Chengqian Zhang Yang is definitely a piece of cake in his eyes!

Zhang Yang sighed, he should be puzzled by this kind of person who reacts a little slower than others, shouldn't he, not to mention that the other party has an arrogant father, if he didn't flatter him, he would say that my father is Li Er!I can't help myself 1

So Zhang Yang magnanimously forgave classmate Li for his slow thinking, and told him his thoughts over and over again. During the period, it was unimaginable that classmate Li's face changed, Zhang Yang said that he didn't see it!

"You can really do it this way?"

Li said that he was very skeptical, because he had never heard of such a thing for thousands of years.

In fact, Zhang Yang's idea is very simple. The inspiration came from the chicken that was desperately eating locusts. When he saw the chicken, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. What an effective method this is!

Imagine how thrilling it is to see thousands of chickens flocking in this field, so what's so scary about these nasty locusts, they're chicken feed!Not only has the plague of locusts been eliminated, but the number of chickens has increased, so it can be counted as an industry.

However, Li Chengqian was not as optimistic as Zhang Yang. It was a good idea to use chickens to eliminate locusts, but where did they get so many chickens?

As for Zhang Yang's method of mass producing chicken cubs, he didn't believe it at all, just using hot water to hatch chicks?Let's dream!

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and didn't talk to people with short-sightedness!He didn't know that the people of later generations even came out with genetically modified animals early, and artificially hatching chickens is no problem at all!

Hens are not required to incubate chicks, as long as the temperature is right, they can be mass-produced!If you can only use hens to hatch nest after nest, and Zhang Yang curls his lips, then the KFC of future generations will definitely have to close down!

However, there was no electrical equipment at this time, and the temperature could not be automatically adjusted to the temperature required for egg incubation, so we had to find other things to replace it. In this ancient era, only the temperature of hot water was easier to control.

The first thing Zhang Yang thought of was a hot water heating incubator, which is composed of a box body, an egg tray, and a thermos bottle.The box body is made of one large and one small cartons stacked together, and thermal insulation materials such as sawdust, straw, etc. are filled between the two boxes.Place 3 to 4 bottles filled with hot water horizontally in the box as a heat source, cover the bottles with a wet towel, and stack 4 to 6 small square wooden strips on each side to adjust the position of the egg tray and the thermos bottle on it. distance, so that the temperature in the egg tray is stable at a certain value, and the egg tray is covered with some towels to keep it warm.

When the water is just heated, the water temperature is high, often exceeding 40c. At this time, some coverings on the egg tray should be placed on the thermos to insulate the heat, so as not to make the temperature in the egg tray too high.After about 1 hour, because the water temperature dropped a lot, the cover should be removed from the thermos bottle and returned to the egg tray, and the number of wooden sticks should be gradually reduced, so that the egg tray slowly approached the thermos bottle to keep the temperature in the tray stable.The hot water in the thermos bottle is changed every 4 to 6 hours, which can be done when turning eggs and adjusting the position of the egg tray.In this way, there is a high possibility that in the eyes of Li Chengqian, mass-produced chicken cubs cannot become reality.

The reason why Zhang Yang knew so clearly was because when he was a child, he saw the neighbor's grandmother lay a few eggs on her body all day long, saying that she was hatching chickens.Zhang Yang was very curious and thought this was a novelty. After a while, the chicks really hatched.

Zhang Yang, who is eager to learn, has checked a lot of information for this, and knows that as long as the temperature is controlled between 35 degrees and [-] degrees, there will be a high hatching rate. Zhang Yang also knows some methods on how to artificially hatch chickens. Thinking of it now comes in handy in Datang!It seems that I am really the savior of this world, no wonder I have traveled here, it turns out that I am the young master who will be entrusted by the heavens!

Ignoring Li Chengqian's doubts, Zhang Yang immediately decided to go back and make preparations. Although he knew the method, it was just Zhao Kuo's theory of war on paper. Everything needed to be done after the experiment!

Li Chengqian shook his head. Although Zhang Yang's statement was outrageous, he still decided to cooperate. Although he didn't believe it in his heart, there was an eventuality. If it really happened, it would save the people from fire and water, no less than a battle. Victory!

Looking up at the sky, it was still clear and cloudless, Li Chengqian's heart suddenly widened, it seemed that he was not even as good as that kid Zhang Yang, no matter how reliable his method was, but at least he had struggled and worked hard for it, even in the end There is no regret if you fail, after all, manpower is sometimes poor!

However, I shouldn't sink like this anymore, how could I be hit by such difficulties in front of me?

Following Zhang Yang's footsteps, the dark clouds gradually dissipated on Li Chengqian's face, and his confidence and fighting spirit reappeared!

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