It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 107: Li Shimin's Shock

Lizheng Palace, the bedroom of Empress Changsun.

It was late, the night began to fall, the stars were shining everywhere, the evening wind blew people's faces, gently stroking like a mischievous child, Li Shimin came to Empress Changsun again after finishing his political affairs, Empress Changsun was in a very bad mood for the past month Wonderful, as a wife controlist, Li Shimin gave up a piece of flowers and plants in the harem, and devoted himself to accompanying the queen, hoping that she would become cheerful.

Ever since Li Chengqian rushed to Jiangnan, Empress Changsun has been worried all night about the situation in Jiangnan. She knows very well that although she is in the harem and cannot interfere in politics, Li Shimin will still tell her about anything. Of course, she has a choice. On the one hand, however, this has already driven the mother of a nation into a frenzy.

As the first son of Empress Changsun, Li Chengqian is really favored by her. This time, it is the first time for him to leave Beijing and deal with political affairs for the first time. However, to complete this task, he needs to pay a lot Efforts are also dangerous.

Empress Changsun wanted to recruit Li Chengqian back more than once, but she is the mother of a country after all, and she can't just think about her own feelings like Shengdou Xiaomin. Datang needs a capable and responsible prince!Reason overcame sensibility, and she knew that she could do nothing, so she could only silently hope for her child's safe return in her heart.

As the son of an emperor, although he was surrounded by glory from birth, he also bears the same weight of responsibility, especially Li Chengqian is still the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the prince of a country, his status does not allow him to shrink back, he must ask his father The emperor, submit a satisfactory answer to the court officials and all the people in the world. Only in this way will his status as the crown prince be stable, and there will be no scenes of brothers fighting against each other.

But understanding is understanding, this does not eliminate a mother's worries about her child who is single, the thread in the hands of a loving mother, and the clothes on the wanderer.Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.In the final analysis, without the queen's aura, she is just an ordinary mother.

Of course Li Shimin could feel Empress Changsun's mood. Although he didn't have a clear understanding, he still clearly felt her depression.The biggest change is that in the past month, although he has come to the Lizheng Hall to report every day, he has always kept a safe distance. If Li Shimin knew a little story between a man and a woman that was passed down in later generations, then he would definitely sigh from the bottom of his heart To put it bluntly, it's not as good as a beast!

"Report to the emperor, a memorial has just been sent from the governor's office in Suzhou."

Prince Wang De walked quickly, his voice was very loud, Li Shimin quickly sat up straight, like a gentleman, but Empress Changsun wanted to smear a layer of rouge on her face, she looked very charming, and her hair was a little disheveled.

Wang De bowed his head silently. As an eunuch at this time, he was blind and saw nothing.

Holding a memorial in both hands, it was sent over just now, and the signature is the mark of the Suzhou Governor's Mansion, but Wang De is very clear about who is acting as the governor, and he also knows that this matter must not be delayed and reported quickly. That's why I disturbed Li Shimin and Empress Changsun when they were living in a small world of two.I deliberately walked around to make a louder sound, and sure enough, I did the right thing.

Li Shimin took the memorial, without opening it, he knew that the person who wrote it was Li Chengqian himself.

Since leaving Chang'an for Suzhou, this is the first time that Li Chengqian has personally written a memorial. In the past, it was written by someone else or sent back directly from a dark thread. This time, Chengqian sent a memorial so formally. To be honest, Li Shimin Still very nervous.

The reason why he let Li Chengqian solve Jiangnan's affairs alone was that the disaster situation in Jiangnan was not particularly serious at that time. Although there were riots by the victims, there were very few people. Only then did he use this matter to train Li Chengqian with confidence.

However, even if he is the emperor of the world, he still can't foresee the changes in the event. Jiangnan suddenly fell into crisis, and the famine expanded rapidly. What's more worrying is that the plague of locusts appeared!

That is a plague of locusts. It is definitely not as easy as the plague. It is a group of robbers who leave no grass anywhere!

Now, there is only one Li Chengqian there, and the rescue of the imperial court has been stranded because of this sudden change. Now it is not only a problem in Suzhou, but also rescue in other places in Jiangnan Road. How to distribute materials and how to carry out disaster relief? As previously agreed, it is impossible for Suzhou to rely on the relief of the court in a short time.

Thinking of this situation, Li Shimin frowned for a while, holding the memorial presented by Li Chengqian in his hand, he was very embarrassed.

As early as Wang De said that it was the booklet presented by Suzhou, Empress Changsun had already stood up excitedly, but seeing Li Shimin's delay in opening it, she snorted dissatisfiedly.

Li Shimin was a little embarrassed, so he quickly opened the memorial and looked at it carefully. At first, he frowned, then relaxed, and finally his face was full of smiles.

Empress Changsun is really curious about what is written in it, which can make the king of a country show so many expressions. Color-changing character, what happened today?

"Guanyin servant girl, look!"

Li Shimin was amused when he saw Empress Changsun eagerly touching her face. His queen still looks like a girl, which is great!He hurriedly handed the memorial in his hand to Empress Changsun.

This memorial was written by Li Chengqian himself, and Empress Changsun could recognize it at a glance. In this memorial, Li Chengqian first described the difficulties they encountered. After eating food, locusts flooded, and the entire Jiangnan Road was in dire straits. Li Chengqian also explained the emergence of the blood alliance in detail, and talked about their experience of suppressing thieves.Seeing this, Empress Changsun, like Li Shimin, was worried about Li Chengqian's situation.

Then looking down, I saw Li Chengqian talking about how he calmed down people's hearts, how he let the rich people in the city take out their own food, Empress Changsun smiled, this child really knows how to find a way, those people must be very depressed, But she didn't care much about it. She only saw the child's ability, and she was very surprised to be able to make the most correct judgment in the shortest time. That was her son!Empress Changsun has a sense of pride in my family at this moment.

"The most unexpected thing for me is that this kid Chengqian can think of such a way to eliminate the locust plague. It really shocks me!"

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