Chapter 150 Five: Angry Birds

Wu Qingcheng walked in front, the red skirt swayed as she walked, a faint fragrance came from the air, Zhang Yang twitched his nose slightly, and the buttocks writhing regularly in front of him looked very attractive at this time.

Even though he used the Purifying Mantra and the Lesser Desire Mantra, he had announced all the mantras he could think of that could calm people down, but there were still none. Although he didn't want to admit it, the passionate voice of Peng Bai still had an impact on him.

Holding the torch high in his hand, he showed the way for the two of them, but Zhang Yang's walking posture was a bit awkward at this time, his legs were spread wide, his body was leaning forward, but his buttocks were pouted, trying to put himself in an 's' shape, watching It is very funny like a rampant crab.

However, Zhang Yang now has a bitter face. People in these blood alliances don’t wear robes. It's not convenient at all!

Yes, in Zhang Yang's view, such clothes are completely causing trouble for himself, and every little change is exposed to the eyes of everyone. Zhang Yang, who is arrogantly standing up in his trousers and wants to sing a song of life in full bloom, already wants to talk about it. Yes, this has always been his pride, but now, he made himself embarrassed, Zhang Yang looked at the night sky speechlessly.

Zhang Yang's every move was in Sun Jichang's eyes, judging from Wu Qingcheng's attitude towards him, it was definitely not as simple as she said, and he only noticed the change in his face because his face was dirty.

After serving the lord for more than ten years, he has never met any kind of person. The change in expression when the two meet each other cannot be fooled. The piercing eyes he has cultivated for so many years are not used to prove that he is a waste of time!

But as the saying goes, old and cunning, after living for so many years, Sun Jichang still knows when to close one eye and pretend to be deaf and dumb. Since Wu Qingcheng didn't point it out, he obviously didn't want to let himself know the identity of this kid, so he must have color , the days around the lord, let him learn to observe words and emotions!

Seeing his strange walking posture, Sun Jichang felt very complicated, which was ridiculous and a little bit envious!Boy, what a age!

Zhang Yang hurriedly covered his lower body with one hand, he had already seen that this guy was abnormal, his voice was sharp, his face was white, and his movements were a little twitchy, this kind of situation made Zhang Yang think of someone!

It was Li Shimin's personal eunuch, Prince Wang De!

Zhang Yang said that he absolutely did not make random guesses. He did not mean to attack personally. He just looked at it with his professional eyes and found that he had serious kidney deficiency. Moreover, the most important point was that Zhang Yang secretly glanced at the position below Sun Jichang's abdomen. In this atmosphere where normal people have to react a bit, he is very quiet there!

Also, Zhang Yang was right about the jealous little eyes he looked at himself!

Of course, this does not rule out that Sun Jichang is an impotence patient, but is this any different from a eunuch?Zhang Yang thought coquettishly, Angry Birds is the benchmark for men!

Approaching this tent, the voice inside came out more clearly. Even Zhang Yang, a man who has heard the voices in countless island country love action movies in later generations, has experience, but he is still a little speechless. This is much more lively than before!

Could it be that now is the moment for them to explode?

Wu Qingcheng's frown was so frown that a fly could be crushed to death. Of course, at this time, there is no creature like a fly that can sacrifice his life to prove that Zhang Yang's imagination is incomparably correct!

"You, go in and let the heads here come out and talk!"

After all, Wu Qingcheng is a girl's house, one can imagine how filthy the scene inside is, how could it be possible to rush in like this!

Sun Jichang pointed to the wretched man who was following them, and asked him to go inside, talk to the boss inside, and tidy up the inside. If the little aunt rushed in on a whim, it would not be a scene full of naked clothes .

The wretched man bowed, and then ran in quickly. At this time, the voice inside was still very loud!

After a long time, the voice gradually weakened, only the woman's wailing could be heard, and occasionally a man's cursing could be heard!

A man who was not dressed neatly and had baggy trousers ran out in a panic. When he saw Sun Jichang, he trembled all over his body!

"Butler Sun, why are you here?"

The complexion on his face was flushed, obviously the aftertaste of a conquest that had just been experienced.There are still fine beads of sweat on his forehead, whether it is due to nervousness or just exercising.

Looking at Sun Jichang felt a little guilty, his eyes kept dodging!

Seeing his appearance, Sun Jichang snorted coldly, "Who are you!"

"The little one is He Dazhuang, the captain of the Blood Alliance!"

The man raised his eyelids, looked at Sun Jichang's displeased expression, and replied cautiously!

The elite members of the blood alliance are divided into ten small teams, each team has 500 people, and each team has a small captain, and He Dazhuang is the leader of these ten small captains, known as the big captain!

"Hmph! If the lady hadn't insisted on coming here, I wouldn't know how this place has become, and how it is different from the Goulan Chu Pavilion!"

"Yes, butler Sun's lesson is that the younger one should rectify it now!"

He Dazhuang bowed back and glanced at the woman who was said to be his young lady, He Dazhuang was amazed for a while, this girl looked like a fairy, almost sucked his soul away!He had never seen this woman in the blood alliance before, but seeing that even Butler Sun called her Miss, it was obvious that her status was not low.

Shaking his head, He Dazhuang cleared his mind. The identity of this woman is beyond his imagination. He still has to be more realistic. There are many women in this tent. Which one does he not have? Tried it!

Seeing Sun Jichang's constipated expression, He Dazhuang was overjoyed, and in his heart he despised this big man who surprised him, aren't you embarrassed, you haven't tasted the taste of a woman in your life, have you? !The dead eunuch just doesn't wink, which disturbs the man's temperament!

After waiting outside for a long time and not seeing He Dazhuang come out to report what was going on, Wu Qingcheng was obviously a little impatient.

She is not a patient person at all, she is in a hurry, and she was full of anger in her heart, but now she is left out in the cold, and the anger in her heart has reached its peak, so she will rush in desperately to kill those hateful guys. Repair it hard!

He moved his legs, but was pulled by Sun Jichang. Just as he was about to argue, a few people holding torches approached quickly in the distance, and a group of people were moving towards this side.

Zhang Yang turned his head suddenly, the fire was extinguished, and Liu Lao's indescribable face was reflected, followed by Li Yi and others.

Hehe, everyone is here now!

Zhang Yang sneered in his heart, wondering how these big figures in the blood alliance viewed what happened here, or was this their claim or acquiescence?

In this way, regardless of what the common people do, the organization that rapes women arbitrarily wants to overthrow Li Er himself as the throne, don't be ridiculous!

How can an organization that has lost the hearts of the people win the hearts of the people and the world?It's just a joke!

Wu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes stared at the person coldly, and when she stared at him, Elder Liu's face became a little ugly, dark and frightening, and Li Yi on the other side was startled, but seeing her indifferent attitude , Thinking about where they are now, a face is full of embarrassment.

"Sister Dust!"

Opening his mouth, Li Yi still yelled this sentence in a low voice!

Wu Qingcheng was a little annoyed at this time, what did these people think of the blood alliance, and how was it different from those romantic venues?

"Old Liu, don't you have anything to say?"

Wu Qingcheng ignored Li Yi's expectant and guilty face, and said coldly to Mr. Liu, his tone was very rude, like a queen treating her servant.

Seeing her acting like this, someone immediately expressed their dissatisfaction.

"You yellow-haired girl, how can you talk to Mr. Liu like this, if you don't see you as a girl, I, Lao Lei, would have taught you the rules a long time ago!"

Lao Lei couldn't help jumping out first, he didn't have any thoughts of pity for Wu Qingcheng, a reckless man, in his eyes, besides the young master, Liu Lao was the highest person in the blood alliance!

As for who this cold-faced girl is, he doesn't know it! But just because she talks to Mr. Liu like this is enough to make him angry. Doesn't this mean that he doesn't take the blood alliance seriously?

In other words, didn't he see Lao Lei in his eyes, didn't he see himself standing with the young master Liu Lao?Still so arrogant!

After finishing speaking, Lao Lei quickly walked up to Mr. Liu, with a smile on his face, looking at Mr. Liu expectantly like a child who has done a good deed and is waiting for his parents to praise him.

However, why is Mr. Liu's complexion so ugly?

That's right, even his old Lei couldn't bear the arrogance of this little girl, so Old Liu must be even more annoyed!

However, if he was not mistaken, why did everyone look at him so strangely?

Did he do something wrong again?

With a pair of bull's eyes open, Lao Lei looked at the crowd in confusion. What's going on?

Everyone was really speechless about his dull head, didn't they see that Mr. Liu didn't speak?And looking at Elder Liu's face, although he was full of displeasure, he didn't mean to hold the girl!

You must know that Mr. Liu is not a kind person. Who in the blood alliance has not seen his methods. Now that he can hold back his anger, it seems that this girl is not an ordinary person.

Also, looking at the young master's aggrieved eyes, this girl even dares to give the young master a cold look. Isn't Lao Lei just asking for discomfort by doing this?Everyone looked at him with sympathy, and Zhang Yang gloated even more, this guy is so happy!

"Hehe, Mr. Sun didn't expect that the world would change so quickly. Now even a dog can bark in front of someone. Blood alliance, it's really good, very good!"

There was a cold light in Sun Jichang's eyes, at this moment Zhang Yang felt as if he was standing in a cellar and his whole body was chilling...

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