Zhang Yang is enjoying and suffering at the same time, the life of a landlord in these years is not easy!

Thinking back that Lu Rui coveted his body, how did he say it?Zhang Yang thought back carefully, at the beginning he said that he was a young monk who saw through the world, and there were no such romantic things in his head for the time being, so Lu Rui should not worry.But what happened to the bright moon around me now?Zhang Yang wanted to wipe his forehead and lament, didn't he slap his own mouth!Zhang Yang felt ashamed for a moment, but he never thought that he would be a dishonest person, and secretly glanced at Lu Rui's face.

At this time, although the little girl Lurui was still gently kneading Zhang Yang's feet, her expression definitely had nothing to do with gentleness.Gritting his teeth, grinding his teeth vigorously, yes, Zhang Yang could even see a hint of ferocity in it, which shocked Zhang Yang so much!

In Zhang Yang's heart, Lu Rui has always been a very gentle and weak little girl. When I saw her by the lake, I felt sorry for this little girl!

Seeing her expression at this moment, Zhang Yang decided that it would be better not to say anything. If he spoke at this time, Zhang Yang could guarantee that all the grievances of the two women would be directed at him. Regarding his behavior, Zhang Yang did not think it was a retreat, Instead, he chose wisely to protect himself, that's all!

This is a contest between two women, Zhang Yang is powerless!

Lu Rui actually did it on purpose!Insisting on washing Zhang Yang's feet, in front of Mingyue, is to emphasize her position, she is not willing to be an invisible person!In fact, she was aggrieved, she was the one who met Zhang Yang first, she was the one who expressed her heart first, but the result made her sad and helpless, Mingyue took the lead and abducted the young master. This time she lost.

But it doesn't matter, she still has a chance, doesn't she?

Looking up at Zhang Yang, the young master is not unintentional towards him, if not, he would not be so entangled now, just drive himself out!After getting along with Zhang Yang for a long time, Lu Rui also knows his little thoughts, which is called Mensao in the words of later generations!In other words, it can also be called having a wicked heart but no lust!The young master is not a Xiaohe who is pure-hearted and ascetic!

Lurui turned to Mingyue, who was trying to show her hostility towards her, and smiled at the corner of her mouth. Now it's just you who are taking the vanguard, but it's still unknown who will win the battle!

Young master, she is not alone!

Lu Rui took a deep breath, for the young master, she is bound to win!She is already a big girl, she knows the important things in her life, she knows who is worthy of her entrustment, for Zhang Yang, from gratitude to trust to admiration, they have experienced too much together, and their heart has long been tied to him, so, Just fall like this!Fall into the arms of the son!

The sun was rising high, Zhang Yang stretched his arms outstretched comfortably, and the bright moon was no longer waiting by his side. Last night, he sent both women away, and he did it impartially. It was really fair. Extreme!

In fact, Zhang Yang was afraid that when he was with Mingyue, he couldn't help but do something unsuitable for children!I have just returned to Chang'an, no one will get tired after a long journey. Although Zhang Yang is in good spirits, Mingyue is a girl, and it is difficult to bear this kind of fatigue. , but he still held back!

Men should be like this, they can't let the lower body ruin the lower body!Mingyue needs to cultivate well!

Back in Chang'an, Zhang Yang has many things to do, but today, what he wants to do is to visit his master Daoyue!

For this cheap master, Zhang Yang is now full of gratitude in his heart. If it weren't for the qigong method he gave himself, which increased his physical fitness and force value by an unknown amount, he might not be able to persist at all.

In the entanglement with the blood alliance, Zhang Yang's actions largely depend on his own force. When he is strong, he will be more courageous, have confidence, and have less worries about doing things.


In the courtyard where the master of Puguang Temple is located, Zhang Yang saluted Daoyue respectfully. He thought that when he first traveled to Datang, he regarded Daoyue as a god stick in his heart, and he also sneered at his strictness. Looking at Daoyue who was looking at the immortal in front of him, there was a very kind feeling, which made Zhang Shiyang instantly feel like he felt the past and present.

"came back"?

Daoyue just glanced at him, seemingly unintentionally glanced at himself, but frowned instantly.

what happened?

Zhang Yang was a little nervous, but he was really afraid of Daoyue's gaze. When he first met, Zhang Yang had the feeling of being seen through by this cheap master. In front of him, Zhang Yang didn't dare to make any mistakes.

But what did he see now?

Zhang Yang tried his best to flatten his clothes, looked around himself, and found nothing inappropriate, and looked at Daoyue innocently with his eyes open.

Master, you old man, don't scare the disciple, okay, this little disciple is jumping like a plop!


Daoyue didn't say anything, just sighed helplessly, Zhang Yang could hear some helplessness, some disappointment, and a touch of relief, as if he was no longer entangled with something.


Zhang Yang looked at Daoyue carefully, he still didn't understand what happened to his master, why he looked at him so strangely.

"Hey! That's all, everyone has their own fate, and the master forced it! Bian Ji, you smell bloody all over your body, it really doesn't conform to the Buddhist rules. You must know that everyone is equal, and you can't make killings! The master is here I should be expelled from the teacher's school, but it is understandable to miss you, and those people are indeed sinful, and it is not bad to be reborn as soon as possible. My Buddha is merciful and saves all sentient beings. I will definitely let them have a good reincarnation! So Master decided to give you a chance!"


Zhang Yang really didn't expect Daoyue to say such a thing to him. Zhang Yang didn't feel any regrets about his transformation into a killer. What about the smell of blood all over his body?At those times, either he or the other party died, Zhang Yang chose the latter without hesitation.

He doesn't have such a broad mind, and he doesn't have the selfless spirit of dedication. He is very selfish and has a small heart. He only pretends to be his family, friends, and others. What does he have to do with himself?

Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, don't care about the frost on others' tiles!

It's not about making a show of indifference, but if you can't even protect your family, relatives and friends, it's really a joke to use extra kindness to sympathize with those sinners!

As for Daoyue's thoughts, Zhang Yang can also understand it. Different positions have different perspectives on things.

Daoyue is a standard monk. In his heart, he upholds the principle that human nature is inherently good. Even if he encounters the most sinful person, his first reaction will always be to persuade him, put down the butcher knife, and immediately Become a Buddha!

Zhang Yang thought that he would never be like him.Zhang Yang admits that he is a bit petty.Could this be the reason why Daoyue once thought of expelling himself from the sect?

Fortunately, he didn't put this thought into action.Zhang Yang patted his chest to express his gratitude.Now he is farther and farther away from the simple profession of monk.He can't go back again, but he sincerely regards Daoyue as his master or even his father.

Thinking back to the time when I acted impulsively, and directly counted the sins of the main temple and even the entire Buddhist sect with a piece of paper, and directly put myself on the opposite side of the entire Buddhist sect, at that time, he was really alone and helpless. Come out and show your support.It also offended the presiding abbot Shikong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang is really grateful. Now that he has returned to Chang'an, he has made up his mind a long time ago. He must do his best to repay the kindness of the master. Now, even if he is covered with blood, but the master Still willing to accept him, so good!

"Master Master"!

Yun Yin ran in in a hurry, saw Zhang Yang, grinned wide, showing a full mouthful of white teeth.

"Senior brother is back, I just couldn't believe it when I heard it!"

Yun Yin stretched out his hand to touch his bare forehead, smiling very honestly.Seeing his senior brother again, Zhang Yang was also very happy and kind. The first person he saw when he came to Datang was Yun Yin.

I think I heard a lot of news from this senior brother at the beginning.

Zhang Yang stepped forward and gave Yun Yin a bear hug.

Yun Yin was obviously not used to Zhang Yang's way of expressing his feelings, his face was flushed, but he still hugged Zhang Yang very hard.

Yun Yin actually admires and envies him as a junior brother, after all, he is a young man.Still looking forward to the outside world.But he can only knock wooden fish in this temple to recite scriptures.

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this before. The masters and brothers all lived like this, and he was used to it.

However, now he actually no longer has the peace of mind he used to have.He was also deeply distressed, but there was no way he still thought about the outside world.

Now, seeing Zhang Yang coming back, he couldn't wait to come back, just to hear what the world he said looked like.Seeing Yun Yin's appearance, Zhang Yang felt a little headache, did he abduct a good young man inadvertently?

However, seeing Yun Yin's attentive appearance, the words of refusal were on his lips but he couldn't say anything!

Hearing the whole process of Zhang Yang's narration, Yun Yin was really excited. He never knew that life could be so exciting, and there were so many things to do besides knocking wooden fish and chanting scriptures!Although the incident was thrilling, Yun Yin seemed to be a very nervous guy, he didn't care about it at all, his attention was completely attracted by the scene described by Zhang Yang.

Daoyue's complexion was very bad, and he looked at Zhang Yang very unkindly. In fact, he preferred Zhang Yang. Anyone would like someone with a high level of understanding. In this regard, even he who is called a high-spirited monk It cannot be avoided, between Yunyin and Bianji, his heart is more inclined to Bianji, and he even thought about entrusting his mantle to him after his death.

Now it seems that what he entrusted is not human...

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