It is not easy to be a monk in the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 212: Poaching Flesh and Flesh

These people had all expressed their support before, but Young Master Zhang just vaguely mentioned the course of action after Puguang Temple, and he didn't expect to be opposed by a little monk.

Zhang Yang sneered, it seemed that the fire of the new official that he was forced to extinguish had found an object to burn.

Looking at the law that jumped out, the seat was at the back, almost to the door.This shows that he has no rights in this Puguang Temple.

Although Buddhism has been advocating the concept that all people are born equal, in the eyes of the Buddha, the attitude towards the world is the same, but this is just a lie to the layman, to deceive those simple-minded or even stupid people .

For Zhang Yang, this statement can only make him sneer!

born equal?What a big joke!

Not to mention that when Buddhists judge the piety of believers, they often judge based on the amount of incense they donate. This alone makes the Buddhists slap their own mouths!This is completely eye-catching!

What's more, looking at the positions of these people in front of him, a hint of sarcasm appeared in Zhang Yang's eyes. Isn't this a manifestation of Zhongtu's dignity?

So, looking at this kid called Law in such a corner, he is obviously a little guy, playing the role of cannon fodder.And after him, who is he and why is he like this? Looking at the group of master monks who uphold the belief that silence is golden, he shook his head in a nonchalant manner.

It seems that I am too merciful!

That's right, given Zhang Yang's age, a boy who is only 16 years old still looks very immature among this group of people!Even in this pure place of Buddhism, people still retain the concepts of people in the secular world. Of course, this is inevitable!Most of these masters are also locally produced, and the perspective and direction of the concepts and ideas in their minds will not change in the slightest as they become a family.

Zhang Yang licked the corner of his mouth, as if he had tasted the smell of blood, the corner of his mouth hung evilly, like Shura!

Shura was reborn from the ashes, lifted his long front upside down, and walked thousands of miles into the moonlight alone!

Now that he has become the master of the Puguang Temple, why should he hesitate to make publicity!

It seems that Li Shimin's evil face is seen in front of him. If he surpasses his imagination and evaluation, I don't know how wonderful the expression of His Majesty the Emperor will be!Zhang Yang is looking forward to it!

After all, Zhang Yang has never been an indecisive character!There is still some cognition and publicity that should be interrupted and continued to be disrupted.

Now in the entire Buddhism, the concept of the monks is very consistent. In their eyes, there is no difference between their own behavior and self-digging. It is inevitable that they will not be understood or even excluded!

Moreover, this is still in the Puguang Temple that Master Fazhao has been running for a long time. With their performance, Zhang Yang can also guess the attitude of the entire Buddhist sect!After all, Zhang Yang clearly stated the 'three prohibitions' in Da Zongchi Temple at that time, and Zhang Yang was actually very satisfied with the reaction to this statement!

This is a gesture, a gesture of standing on the side of the people!Even Li Shimin couldn't question his standing on the issue of Buddhism, and this was tantamount to giving Zhang Yang a gold medal to avoid death!

A gold medal for avoiding death that even a title like a gold medal little monk can't match!

No matter how Comrade Lao Li deals with Buddhism in the future, whether he forgives, accepts or kills, Zhang Yang can rely on this statement to remain invincible!

Now that my own life is guaranteed, why not make a fuss?

Now, Zhang Yang is thinking about making things big. Only in this way can Puguang Temple win a place among these temples in Chang'an. Only when the issue of reform can be taken seriously, instead of being opposed and persecuted by the whole eunuch like Da Zongchi Temple, almost dyed this statement a bright red!

Therefore, now Zhang Yang has no worries at all!

But the problem of Buddhism has been accumulated for a long time. It is not a day's cold to freeze three feet. In troubled times, heavy codes are used. Only by using strong means can the problem be solved!Now, it is useless to publicize the benevolence of an impossible woman while reciting scriptures and chanting articles in an attempt to thank them, the moths of the country. In this world, who else can have Buddhist monks who can recite scriptures better?What's more, their job is to thank others for their kindness. If they use these methods on themselves, they can only use an ax in front of Lu Ban's door and a knife in front of Guan Gong, which is completely humiliating themselves!

"Hehe, what's the great opinion of this master? Tell me, it's also good for everyone to brainstorm. This little master has set a good example. Everyone quietly listen to his guidance!"

Zhang Yang's tone is very sincere and his attitude is very humble. He just lowered his posture like this, which perfectly restored the teaching of Confucius, "Threesomes must have my teacher". Different opinions, Zhang Yang is not the kind of person who can't tolerate others saying no!But, after saying no, hehe...

First Young Master Zhang smiled kindly and kindly, looking at the young monk legal standing who was getting more and more nervous, Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, feeling very comfortable.

Looking at Young Master Zhang's expression like looking at Little Red Riding Hood's wolf grandmother, Law's face was obviously a little nervous, and listening to Zhang Yang's words, Law's heart couldn't help tightening.

'Great opinion' and 'guidance', these terms make the face of the law red, which means that his position is the lowest, the abbot and the abbot are all here, and all the hall masters are here, if it is not because of that incident How could I say different opinions at this time and this place!

He still has this self-knowledge!

Given his legal status in Puguang Temple, what kind of advice and guidance can he talk about among these people?What's the difference between doing that and hitting him in the face?Even if you are a monk, even if you have been edified in this Buddhist temple for some time, but in terms of Buddhist theory and understanding, no matter in any area, you are the bottom of these people!

Therefore, the law was miserably bullied by Zhang Yang, his face was very white, he was speechless to the people in the entire Buddhist hall, and he didn't know how to express his thoughts at all.But one pair of eyes flicked to one place from time to time.

Regarding his small actions, Zhang Yang saw it in his heart and smiled in his heart. He had prepared for a long time, just to deal with the reactions of all parties, but now, Young Master Zhang, who was sure of winning, looked at the monks leisurely, and occasionally watched some small plots in his spare time It can also increase the fun of life!

Life is so colorful, Zhang Dashao said that he is very happy in it, this kind of challenge is just an opportunity for him to flex his muscles!Born in the Tang Dynasty, and traveled as a monk, at this moment when Buddhism and courts are full of crises, only I can turn the tide. This feeling is like becoming a savior, reaching out and pointing the country!

First Young Master Zhang enjoyed the pleasure of being in control of the overall situation. Looking at the result of the change with his own participation, and imagining Li Shimin's aggrieved expression, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yang has never been a person who is easy to compromise. At this time, he always wants to regain his position in other areas. Even though the person who is setting up obstacles for himself now is Li Er Er, a man who makes his status so high that no one can resist, Zhang Yang still Don't forget your motto 'I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees, a man dies standing up, and a dead man turns upside down! '

Although the idea is a bit naive, bold and risky, it is precisely because of this obsession in his heart that Zhang Yang can guarantee his enterprising spirit, and in order to achieve his goal, he will persevere and work harder!

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate for the abbot to say that!"

As expected, in fact, even if he didn't stand up, everyone in the room knew it well. The child of the law is too simple like a blank sheet of paper, and the thoughts in his heart have already been revealed to everyone.The one who kept glancing at him was either Fa Yan or someone else!

Fa Yan, the original owner of the Discipline Academy of Puguang Temple, has the same dharma name as him, and Fa Yan also has a solemn face, which fully reflects the style of the Discipline Academy, the chief target of Puguang Temple's discipline inspection. It was Qingjun, among the bald monks, he was considered the second most handsome, and the number one was undoubtedly Young Master Zhang!

But this seemingly dignified and decent person is making do with a small character like the law to set up obstacles for his work. As for how Zhang Yang can conclude that the law is the person behind the scenes and not just pleading, his eyes Looking at Fa Yan, Zhang Yang smiled coldly!

Fa Yan, as a monk, Fa Yan's attire is really out of line!

At this moment, even Zhang Yang was a little envious. Looking at Fa Yan's attire, although it was made of extremely low-key fabrics, but he had been in contact with too many dignitaries and dignitaries, Zhang Yang still had his eyesight. And the fabric of the tribute is not bad.

Moreover, the flickering pattern and the embroidery on it are Suzhou craftsmanship.At this time, Su Embroidery had the top-level embroidery skills, and in this era that was completely relying on handwork, there was a serious gap between the output and demand of Su Embroidery, and the unequal relationship between supply and demand made the price of Su Embroidery very expensive.

But now, this material, this Suzhou embroidery, appeared on a monk's body. This deserves people's attention.

Not only these, relying on Zhang Yang's nose that was comparable to a dog, but he could smell a faint fragrance very clearly, and this smell happened to be very familiar to Zhang Yang.


Produced from the marine life sperm whale, it is picked up by fishermen floating on the sea, because of its unique fragrance, it is sought after by people, and its fragrance has the effect of calming the nerves.

However, in this era, people do not know the origin of this thing, so imaginative people gave it a very magical explanation, that is, these things are secreted by the saliva of the dragon, although this kind The statement is very vague and has no scientific basis, but when all the explanations are powerless, people accept this incredible explanation.

From its name, you can see the preciousness of this spice, ambergris, can things related to dragons be mediocre?In addition, its output is really unpredictable, all of which add to its value.

Then, at this time, Fa Yan's objection has a basis, and Zhang Yang's move is tantamount to digging out his flesh and blood!

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